Atmakaraka is the head of the native's life and is given most of the powers. Mars here becomes persistent and resourceful. They are driven by passion and have an intrinsic need to innovate, absorb and transform themselves in order to grow and be mastered. The lesson of mars as your Atmakaraka is to use your energy and willpower for good and develop strength of character. The Mars in the 8th House man attracts fortune. It represents our spouse in Janam Kundali. They are driven by passion and have an intrinsic need to innovate, absorb and transform themselves in order to grow and be mastered. With Jupiter Aatmakaraka we have to learn lessons about mentioned areas of life. -Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra: Nature and Form of the Grahas, 24, After taking a little trip, I got off-track with my Atmakaraka descriptions. Atmakaraka Planet is the planet that holds the highest degree in your birth chart. She is intensely passionate and can come across as controlling when, in reality, she just wants things to be equal and fair. The Mars person may feel cheated as their will or desires are dashed by the opposing influences of their partners Venus placement and can result in them turning aggressive and at times not being able to handle this frustration like they should unless they are willing to look at it and resolve it. Do not copy any data from this website Darakaraka In Vedic Astrology Your Spouses Secrets. As you grow older and mature a you learn how to work with them. He has a hard time getting close to people but still enjoys his relationships. 4 beds, 1 bath, 1152 sq. Darakaraka in 4th house:- This position of darakaraka will bestowhappiness and prosperity in the lives of natives and their spouses. Darakaraka in 10th house:- Darakaraka in the 10th house denotes career-oriented successful spouses who will be in a comfortable position in their occupation with decent earnings with social prestige. ("naturalWidth"in a&&"naturalHeight"in a))return{};for(var d=0;a=c[d];++d){var e=a.getAttribute("data-pagespeed-url-hash");e&&(! In astrology, Mars is the planet of action. 8th House in Vedic Astrology 8th Lord in Different Houses will results in Hindu Astrology the danger to life up to the age of 8 years is called BALARISTA YOGA. When person engage themselves in legal marriage, they understand love. The planet act as King in the horoscope and all other planets must work for him. When the stakes are high, you easily utilize your strengths. What excites her most are challenges with a lot at stake. People who have planets I the eighth house are often drawn to the occult This house is known as the gate of the underworld in astrology. Mars is described as being cruel, but what this really means is that Mars is so direct, efficient, and wants to stay on task, that they can seem uncaring. Darakaraka, will bestow the nature and characteristics, and features of the husband or wife. Darakaraka in 8th house:-Spouse will get troubled by physical and mental agony in life and will have an interest in tantra, mantra, and in occult science. Planets here are hidden from you. They can bring about radical changes in the way society runs and lead them to be a more abiding and lawful citizens. All other Karaka needs to get approval of the atmakaraka. To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! Below I am giving you a short definition of them: How To Find Or Calculate Darakaraka In Vedic Astrology: The DaraKaraka is the planet in any individual chart that holds the lowest degree out of all planets ( from Sun to Saturn).. Mars in 8th made me attractive and attracted sexually. With Mars in the 8th house for Aquarius, the native gets the benefits of the longevity of life and gains of inheritance. Intrestingly even i want to know AK deb in navamsa lagna, Discover Tomato Varieties: While Galactic Magic Seeds is No Longer Available, There's Still Plenty of Variety for Your Garden, Galactic Magic Seeds was a website that offered tomato seeds from various breeders, including Rebel Starfighter Prime. Respect the husband/spouse, father and children as these can attract much auspicious good fortune for Jupiter AK people and help expand your awareness and enlightenment. One of the most effective ways to protect your garden from pests is to use natural predators. The natives dont think much but just carry out orders. These natives need to learn the difference between true love and lust. People who have a strong Mars or important placements in Aries reflect these qualities, too. He or she needs to learn to overcome the ego and proud attitude and bossy behavior and should become humble to gain fame, followers and mass popularity with success and money. Native with Mars in the 8th house for Cancer is mentally anxious. These problems may be hard to solve. Learning to be soft, playful, happy, chirpy, and spontaneous is helpful. Mars in astrology represents courage, energy, passion, and aggression. 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