This person is externalizing their pain into rage and projecting it outwards at the world. We currently feel that this is the best explanation of the facts. Its as if she took the grief of a whole town under her breast and pledged to suffer for them all, Jesus-like. And at the end, Carter says, He may even be in this room right now, (he was in fact) and then looks in the complete opposite direction of Mr. X. He got turned in because two brothers for some reason were saying that he was BG. I tend to suspect the latter of the two rather than the former. Thats a full 18 hours. Even if somehow she didnt know about some surrounding neighbors, couldnt LE just show her (or FSG or the bickering couple in the park etc,) a pic of Mr. X and get verification that way? LE thinks he stashed his phone at the CPS building during the murders. Or wet sneaker. Get real. LE themselves have admitted that they have one smudged fingerprint. If it was an adult male, that changes things considerably. I do not want to see this man or his family harassed in any way. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. They were folded on her chest. Investigators think the bodies of slain Delphi girls, Abby Williams and Libby German, were staged and moved at the crime scene, court documents obtained by The Murder Sheet podcast revealed; the show's founders joined Nancy Grace and her expert guests on Wednesday's "Crime Stories" to discuss the case. Twice they were wrong. 21:06 GMT 30 Oct 2022 If he is a poser, which is the worst of the worst, and he has a transport company, that gives him carte blanche to move around in committing more crimes of this nature in different parts of the country as he travels. The affidavit states that Indiana State Police and the FBI carried out a search warrant on 25 February 2017 - less than two weeks after Abby and Libby were murdered at Mr Klines home in Peru after tracking down the user of the anthony_shots profile to the property. This has helped me a lot. Exactly how the girls died remains unknown to the public, and the state their bodies were discovered in also remains shrouded in mystery. We have your fingerprints on the counter.. He was also scared to join her group because I was in there and he was afraid of me. If he had those objects found at the crime scene in his truck, he could have easily carried them down to the crime scene and used them to stage it with the objects. I happen to think he probably did it, but what do I know? I must have the wrong name for your POI? 2/13, 2:13, 2-13. Indiana Cold Cases is similar and so is True Crime Jesus. Numbers 1-4 were told to a retired detective who works with one of our team members us by an LE source close to the investigation. Kelsi German: Sister of Libby. He was searching for the girls. A newly unsealed affidavit claims investigators analyzed the bullet and determined it had been cycled through Allen 's gun. The LE source didnt work on the case. One problem was we went down the rabbit hole chasing the wrong guy for a couple of years. I dont see a motive for Mr. X either, and he did live right there. Thing is, we cant figure out if it is a crumpled piece of paper, dried leaves, a stuffed toy, or a doll. So it looks like Mr. X is using to cutting up dead and possibly living animals with large knives. He died in 2020 and the case remains unsolved to this day. But all theories must be judged against their competitors (Occams). However, there are some good posters, especially on r/LibbyandAbby. His full name is Richard Matthew Allen. Allen, who is also known as Ricky Allen and Rick Allen, is 50 years old and lives in Delphi, about five minutes from the murder scene. The fact that I believe LE has been busy trying to cover up the mistakes they made early on leads me to believe that they inadvertently helped BG get away with this horrendous crime and continue to do so by withholding almost every piece of information possible from the public, while at the same time begging for that one tip they need to make an arrest. Yes, they did record audio of themselves torturing those girls. Could it that the killers were middle aged men, DP and not sure yet, maybe FSG but both dressed exact same so people would be confused? We have almost no information about the cause of death or what the crime scene looked like. However, I do not know how to contact you Sir. We do not have a copy of that gag order, but we were told that one had been issued by the courts. Crime scene photos leaked? Thats a GoPro on BGs waist and he filmed his crime. The Indiana State Police on Friday made progress in the 2017 cold case, commonly known as the Delphi murders. The accusation is that she knows something or knows way too much and is covering for someone, presumably the killer. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. Yes, this man is the prime suspect at the moment, but that doesnt mean a whole lot. Theyre generally unusable. Anyway, where you at with this case now? The judicial system likes to make sure that they get it right, if only to protect the due process rights of the accused. There are many people who confuse him with PB in comments and videos. Im not saying anymore in an attempt to protect LEs directive. Allen was taken into custody and booked into the Carroll County Jail in connection with the horrific crime. Delphi murders: Crime Scene| Press Conference Update| Bodies Posed Got it? "In a small town, in a place where there's a small amount of traffic on this abandoned railroad bridge your suspect pool is fairly small," Garrett said, so police likely concentrated their investigation on Delphi and the surrounding communities. He prefers whiskey, its his drink of choice and hes off without it. 'I kill 8-year-old April Marie Tinsley. 8) He drives an older model Ford Ranger type of truck. Updated: 17:37 ET, Nov 29 2022 A BULLET found near the bodies of murdered teens Libby German and Abigail Williams tied suspect Richard Allen to the horrific killings, according to new court documents. However, he was one of the searchers who found the bodies, and he was also known to have searched the area in the dark the previous evening. Delphi Murders Update May 29, 2021: Police Now Suspect That BG Also He has long been presumed to be their killer. Within a ditch along a country road on her way home from school shortly after her murder. When I was young I would take off till late evening, and it was ok. See below for which rumors we believe are proven and which are unverified. The case for Mr. X is as solid as ever. Long, 22 pages. 3) This man is a *heavy* smoker and a functioning alcoholic. He had his keys with him, so why didnt he move his truck when they asked him to instead of lying and saying he couldnt because he had lost his keys? Thats probably your answer. I dont know what these names mean. We have 250 members in our group. You came over here after sitting over of that hate Reddit, LibbyandAbby where youve been hating on me. How did BG get across that knee-high stream in the middle of winter without nearly getting hypothermia and needing a change of clothes? Ill leave it up to you to believe what you want to believe. No, he didnt kill his own granddaughter. Our error rate at the moment is probably under 50% and quite possibly lower, even much lower. No, at least not in this case. Also note that LE are now acting like they think the young catfish did the crime, not the older BG. In the years since Libby German and Abby Williams were murdered, there have been no arrests. We now have search party members who saw the crime scene; official case documents; the testimony of Leigh Kerr, a man who claims to have seen official case documents; accurate crime scene photos; and the best LE sources we have ever had. Im a real nice guy, I treat my commenters well, and Im basically this mild-mannered, unassuming, intellectual, professor type. Id rather not look into the NHI* (no humans involved) cases in the ghetto where one group of scumbags shoots up some other group of scumbags. It was dark. We dont know who his roommate was in Delphi and then again in Evansdale, and we also dont know what sort of work they had both been moved over there for. These are mostly hate sites. The family knew something was wrong. See the photo Weve got a secret? We think the secret is that one girl is pregnant. There is a main suspect who has been the main suspect for a very long time. The man who owns the document is not happy with us going public with these docs. He has pleaded not guilty to the charges. Allen was arrested on Friday in connection to the murders - the first big break in the case. It was my understanding that a local news channel had posted 1 crime scene photo to their Facebook page, and that it was of clothing in the creek. I guess Im not sure when he graduated. The boots appear to be Indiana Packers boots. When investigators got that device, they found that many files had been deleted and social media apps uninstalled. They're stills from the helicopter footage during the search. He has since been moved to a state facility for his own safety. I cant see where this is! Alex Oliveira For Dailymail.Com, $49m to live four blocks from THAT drug market? However, I do not believe it was sexually motivated, but believe theres potential for multiple motives. Logistical occupations, Construction workers etc who travel have free reign. Every podcast is all about them! Probably at least 6 weeks pregnant if the rumors are true. What is this guy, another Zodiac? It would have to be a day or two before people would think to look. I read 1 of them is still in grief counseling for it- so im pretty sure she doesnt wanna talk about it. I dont know if he actually used the binoculars to spot them. This March marks the 30 th anniversary of the murder of 21 year-old Penn State student, Dana Bailey. On March 5 th ,1987 Shirley Bailey went to visit her . Aside from the sketches released, authorities have indicated that the killer left behind physical evidence. Hello, i live in cedar rapids , ia. 5) He parked near the cemetery, but not at the cemetery. Summer months. Heavily redacted court documents say that state police and the FBI encountered Kline in 2017 while conducting a search warrant in Peru, Indiana. He did commit the crime because the younger sketch is just BG in catfish form, his other younger personality that he used to snare victims. It finally started to sink in to these geniuses when the case was made look one of the eye witnesses who contributed to the 1st BG sketch is a lady who lives right behind Ron Logan, dont you think if the Killer was Ron that she would say, simply yeah the guy I saw that day lives right behind me? Not that anyone who has half a brain needs to be convinced Ron Logan is not the killer lol. I live in Pennsylvania and have been interested in this case since the time it happened. Of course, we know now that they were killed but as far as LE was concerned, that very night, those girls were alive and may have been in desperate need of assistance. Dolls were hanging from trees at the crime scene. Thats good enough for us to be probative. But alas, he raped one lass too many, and the law closed in on him holed up in his home, which now resembled Dodge City. Delphi Murders: Who Is Kegan Kline, Man Arrested During - Peoplemag And if not, where were they were found? Who says those videos are from him? Specific mention is made that the girls were abducted at exactly 2:13 PM. Ive never heard about all these details this is crazy. Why say you have crime scene photos if you're not intending to share them? Allen is a married pharmaceutical technician. Its not free though. Empiricism is a thing. They also acknowledge that SSA, or same sex attraction is a logical process for a lot of men. I will kill again,' one note found in 1990 read. Another one of the videos had what Im assuming is a LinkedIn profile of some sort spliced into the slide show for a brief moment. Delphi Murders if bodies were staged or posed what does that say about the killer Found an interesting article regarding the act of stating and posing bodies. According to the warrant, Logan said he was in Lafayette on the day of the murders, visiting an aquarium. Until then, the enemies will keep attacking. The creator of the bogus online profile had already been identified as Kegan Anthony Kline, a 27-year-old man with addresses in Kokomo and Peru, close to Delphi. Killer May Have 'Moved and Staged' Delphi Murder Victims' Bodies and Done Something to 'Memorialize the Crime Scene': Warrants. The stories vary from one of the girls still alive crying for help while the other lays dead next to her, the killer moving the bodies into disturbing poses or the killer violating one of the girls who was still alive and the body of the first girl that was killed. I dont know if the bridge was within eyeshot of the spot where the girls were found. *The cops refer to cases of scumbag on scumbag shootings as No humans involved or public service killings. Not say that innocent people are killed and hurt in these cases and in some cases the target themselves is completely innocent. 3 Everyone was crowding around to look at the crime he had committed. I think what you meant to say is that the Supreme Court ruled that if the police lie to a suspect during an interrogation, his eventual admission of guilt can be considered by the jury. Guilty until proven innocent! Delphi, Indiana, police have been notoriously tight-lipped about the killings of 14-year-old Libby German and 13-year-old Abby Williams since the first news conference after the girls were found dead in February 2017. It is now learned that he was arrested on two counts of murder, however, officials said the case is far from complete.. The girls' bloodied bodies were found about a half mile from the bridge. Delphi Murders - Bodys Posed - LifeUnited We wrote an article a while back pointing out that we felt Holder was innocent, and that set off a spate of hate mail and threats from him and his son, which we found odd. Richard 'Ricky' Allen, Delphi Murders Suspect: 5 Fast Facts | This is at a time when he and his alibi place him out of town in a nearby city. Knives were also found at Allen's home, according to the affidavit. I just donated via PayPal. Anyway, even if there was PIV sex, the victim would have died soon after the sex and the tiniest speck of a fetus, the size of a pencil dot on a sheet of paper, along with it. Blood, Sex Staging, Fiber Evidence: Chilling New Details in Murder of Yes I thought the suspect had been recorded walking on the raailroad tracks on one of the girls phones. Delphi double murder update: Murder Sheet podcast reveals published We believe this because this is what we were told. Today we will Discuss about Delphi murders: Crime Scene| Press Conference Update| Bodies Posed. I cant tell you how many searches I participated in when I was in uniform for kids this age. There is a difference between a scene that is staged and a scene that is posed, McCollum said. The dolls may have been placed there before the crime. Also, I dont know what to make of this. They say they want to preserve the integrity of the investigation. Can you spell out the name? The shocking new details about the murders that have rocked the community of Delphi, Indiana, for more than five years came to light in a search warrant obtained by podcast The Murder Sheet and shared with The Independent. Mr Kline was charged with 30 felonies in 2020 over the case. Children: Two daughters, one ~22, another ~30. But it's just speculation at this point, because nothing has been confirmed. July 22, 2017 truthtellersweb. She was being potentially catfished by this person, who, of course, looked nothing like and was nothing like what he portrayed online.. He was 18 in 1984, so we figured he graduated that year, but maybe he graduated in 1986 when he was 20. If so, why? Do have any knowledge the workers from Indiana who were transferred over there in 2011-2012, which plant they came from Indiana and which plant they came to work on in Evansdale? Ive seen some FB exchanges from BP where like you say, she appears to be defending Mr X or at least in denial that he could be a suspect. But we have said many of the same things, which may be confirmation of my visions in a way. However, these are all unconfirmed rumors. By that I mean that he probably has offended many times but being transient affords one the luxury of not getting caught. Can you believe that I said that on Facebook, and some retarded ass computer flagged it and banned me for a while for insulting another user? So Mr. X did not ask him to search for his keys, he was officially asking to search for the girls according to ol Ronny boy. Girls in the pedohebephilic age range (8-14 years old) were brazenly abducted two at once from trails in busy parks in rural Midwestern towns in the middle of daytime with many people around. Corn fields? Hes afraid hes going to be framed with these murders, a reasonable fear. This what first aroused LE suspicions of Mr. X. Chilling photo uploaded to Facebook a year after Delphi murders shows arrested man's daughter, 28, pose in SAME spot where victims took final snaps . Its an understandable reaction, but theyre not pleasant to be around. For information on these documents, see the special section below where their nature and provenance is explained. Newly Released Details About The Delphi Murders Show How Police Came To High Robert, A .40-caliber unspent round was found less than 2 feet away from one of the girls' bodies, and that unspent round went through a gun that Allen owns, according to the probable cause affidavit. Theyre not that common. Were the best Delphi sleuthing group on the Net for years now. Say for instance LE arrested Mr. X and charged him with the double homicides of these two girls. Also, a copy of the police scanner is available showing that Mr. Xs wife is supposed to be coming to the site to retrieve Mr. Xs truck. What? Unverified and Probably Not True. Some of this confusion is probably natural, since the the whole B family has gone underground. There are cases like this all over the country. DAs require a very high standard of evidence to bring a homicide charge against someone. This will dispel some rumors. Most of these podcasts are silly speculation or talk about POIs who are all ruled out. His wife has taken to social media lately, pleading with people to stop harassing them and insisting he had nothing to do with this crime. Maybe he did, maybe he didnt. One of his many interesting hobbies was abducting and raping young women. My ideas, of course, are just speculative like those put forth by others. For more than five years, the families of the two girls have been searching for answers as to what happened and who was responsible for their murders. Im not sure if its better that way or not. Neither one can possibly be BG. What would be Mr X reason for leaving them there? Im not familiar with Indiana; Ive never been there. He does not work there at the moment. Im sure the guy does look at posts and stuff which is creepy as all hell. However, there was one little problem. The bodies were found posed by the killer, who is believed to have been between five and ten feet tall and 180 to 200 pounds. But no, that was not the case. If so, where and when? The probable cause affidavit did reveal that clothes belonging to the girls were found in a creek south of where their bodies were discovered. This KAK guy simply got messed up in sending sexual videos to underage teenage girls and collecting the same from them. However, shouldnt that same exact principle/logic apply to Mr. X? The reason why I didnt send the letter was because I was moving across country and strongly felt as though law enforcement would not take my views seriously. Charles Eldridge was arrested in Union City, Indiana, in 2019, after he arranged to meet somebody he thought was a teenage girl for sex. I wish I could delete this comment because it made no sense. Hey I wanted to see what you think on Kirts now with the time thats passed, and lot more evidence published out there (mainly the Open Secrets YouTube channel interviews with Kirts & CM)..& Ed Bounds YouTube channel Crime PursuitBoth have incredible detail with Kirts himself seriously all but admitting to being the Delphi suspect. Better to let your officers go home for a few hours so theyd be ready for work the next morning. There is a press conference on Monday at 10 a.m. We will say more. Horrible. Then come email me and I will send you a link to the private group and a password to get you in. I still have the pic. There's verbiage that suggests 1) Source has vendettas against specific individuals and groups; 2) Repeated disclaimers (thou doth protest too much). Anyhow on YT one of the titles says former cheerleader. Not that thats necessarily relevant to the case, just that one of your pics above makes more sense now lol. A post from the horrible r/LibbyandAbby slime hole on Reddit. Both of these people were probably ragers before, so its not like they did a U-turn. Maybe we need to clear him a 243rd time then just to make sure! Thats not very many. Welcome to the site! It was all over by 3:30. Then again, what if it wasnt? Five years later, Abigail Williams, 13, and Libby German, 14, were taken into custody Friday five years after Allen, 50, was found dead on a hiking trail in Delphi, Indiana, in February 2017. Four people are involved at least peripherally, BG and three others. Sure hes a greedy businessman, but I doubt if hes that greedy. But many questions still remain around the murders of Abby Williams, 13, and Libby German, 14. How do you know that LE has someone they believe is BG? We think they were working in a packing plant in the Delphi area and then were transferred to a sister plant in the Evansdale area. The motive was sexual. There was a knife sticking out of the log next to one girls head. Its a farce! To be fair, two other men were also searching Rons land that night and they didnt find anything either, so it looks like those girls were pretty hard to miss. Thats the price you pay to live in a free society. It's a strange case. Stay tuned. Many people from the Delphi area have gone over to went over to Evansdale to work on plants over there. Williams was a little quieter but open with her friends and hoping to go into . My understanding was that an FBI agent was visiting family in Delphi and assisted in the search when he heard about it (as it is a very small town, most people heard about the girls missing that night and the search the night they failed to return); FBI agent assists in search as essentially a volunteer, and when it becomes apparent by late night - early morning that there may be something more sinister than the girls simply getting lost, he assisted with request of local authorities (as is required unless it is w/in FBI jurisdiction, as this was not) with getting the FBI to the scene the next morning. Sexual age orientation: Pedohebephilia, nonexclusive, AOA 8-14.
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