They believed that the entrance to the underworld itself lay somewhere in among these peaks, and that powerful spirits roamed the withered landscape. Most stories go like this, the family of a man called Miguel Peralta struck gold by accident they were just passing by and started drilling the mine. Youve come to the ideal place. A must see if you are by the Superstition Mountains. But the map to the Peralta mine was said to be missing. Blair suggested that this Waltz could be the same Waltz who later came to be regarded as the legendary Dutchman, and that he Americanized the spelling of his family name. While popular with campers, hikers, and adventure seekers, these mountains are also known for their exceedingly hot summers, freezing winters, harsh winds, unpredictable storms, treacherous terrain, and mysterious happenings. They would be uncovered in the 1940s, but whether there is any truth to this story is anyones guess. Erwin gave the data to his father Adolph. A month later the rest of the body was found about three-quarters of a mile away, with severely broken legs, and it was supposed that he had fallen and then after his grievous injuries died of starvation and the elements. Kinos Mission San Xavier del Bac near Tucson unlike other missions in California was both massive and opulent, and still stands today. Ruth did not return as scheduled, and no trace of him could be found after a brief search. The record high temperature is 128 degrees. But they're even better known for something else: the legendary Lost Dutchman's Mine, a much-ballyhooed secret stash of wealth sought by daring adventurers known as "Dutch hunters." Others that it was the ghost of the Peraltas. Since Ruth's death, there have been several other deaths or disappearances in the Superstition Mountains. Superstition Mountain at night. Over the decades, this tale was gradually absorbed into the Lost Dutchman's story. Granger wrote that "fact and fiction blend in the tales",[3] but that there are three main elements to the story: In 1977, Granger identified 62 variants of the Lost Dutchman's story some of the variations are minor, but others are substantial, casting the story in a very different light from the other versions. (Chris J / Flickr). However, Blair argued that there is a strong likelihood that there never was a second man named Weiser, but rather that a single person named Waltz was, over the years, turned into two men as the legend of the Dutchman's mine evolved. [32] Since Ruths death, there have been numerous other deaths or disappearances in the Superstition Mountains. All Rights Reserved. 27.07 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Flames of Prophecy, 29.07 - MU Podcast - Contract with the Goddess, 27.06 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Secret Vaults of Time, 29.06 - MU Podcast - Italian Disco Abductions, The Mystery of New York's Renegade Subway Psychic, Forget About What We Know About Roswell: It's What's Missing About the Case That We Need to Look For, Archeologists Discover Another Secret Corridor Inside the Great Pyramid of Giza, A Boat-Swallowing Sea Monster of Norse Legends Still Lives Today, Ghosts, Fairies, and a Spectral Hag on Canada's Most Haunted Island, More on the Matter of the Most Dangerous Creature of the Mind: The Slenderman, Unmarked Black Helicopter Above Chicago Sparks Conspiracy Theories, "What's the Creepiest Thing You've Ever Seen or Heard?" DARK MOUNTAIN (2013) "In March of 2011, three filmmakers disappeared in the Superstition Mountains of Arizona while documenting their search for the Lost Dutchman mine. Other storytellers claim that the Peralta Family escaped with gold, but another family died in the massacre. Richman, Irwin. The story differs but heres the most common take, mind you there are over 100 different versions of the Story. Be sure to have a hat and water because it gets hot when youre walking around the grounds. They even had the old rock crusher up and working. As a sort of reward for this generosity, he was apparently one day asked to put on a blindfold, after which he was told he would be led to the mythical lost cavern of gold. The Lost Dutchmans Mine is featured in Season 1, Episode 21 of the television series Unsolved Mysteries. The episode first aired on April 12, 1989. Many people have dismissed them as a hoax. A found footage thriller inspired on actual events, DARK MOUNTAIN is directed by Tara Anase and written by Tamara Blaich and Tara Anase. The haunted state? There are still those who obsessively search for it and try to decode its secrets, but no one has ever really quite managed to find it, to the point that many skeptics question whether it ever really existed at all. Anyway, the great west after Grant decided to Manifest Destiny and promote those great plains maybe theyll forget all that Civil War squabble if they start to settle into lands without so much emotional baggage tended to promote El Dorado like tales. [1], The Lost Dutchman's is perhaps the most famous lost mine in American history. In his 1945 book about the Lost Dutchman's mine. The soldiers have stalked back to town, fistfuls of gold but their sanity shot, only to die a day later or in one case, murdered while rambling on and on about the, Adolph Ruth is really the amateur explorer and treasure hunter that made the mines into a national phenomenon. Take a stroll along the Native Plant Trail or hike the . According to their folklore, the mountain guards an ancient storehouse of precious metals and treasures, and anyone who ventures forth to get the treasure is likely to die. Adolph Ruth is really the amateur explorer and treasure hunter that made the mines into a national phenomenon. [26], Blair wrote that "the national wire services picked up the story [of Ruth's death] and ran it for more than it was worth", possibly seeing the mysterious story as a welcome reprieve from the bleak news that was otherwise typical of the Great Depression. The hellhole supposedly also sends out tremendous winds, and these cause the infamous dust storms of the region. The newcomers, thus, became the Pennsylvania Dutch. He would take this secret location practically to his grave, but as he lie dying from a bout of pneumonia in 1891 he allegedly told all, laying out the secret location of the lost and cursed Apache treasure, giving detailed but cryptic instructions on how to navigate the rough terrain to the entrance, as well as scrawling out a crude map to it all as he lay on his deathbed. According to Blair, the story may have its roots in the efforts of three U.S. soldiers to locate gold in an area of New Mexico, based on an allegedly true story related to them by Dr. Thorne of New Mexico; see above. Much of the truth has laid obscured in old Spanish, Jesuit and Catholic Church documentation, including maps, expedition journals, and diaries and in many cases with those buried in long ago lost and forgotten graves. I really enjoyed it here. Weiser was the mans best friend and confidant. Ruth vanished while hunting for the mine in the summer of 1931. Willing died in 1874 before there had been a thorough investigation of the documents or opportunity to cross examine him on the stand as was later done with Reavis. The story of the Lost Dutchmans Mine would go on to become a persistent legend and obsession for many would-be treasure hunters over the years. His skull with two holes in it identified as bullet holes was recovered about six months after he vanished, and the story made national news, thus sparking widespread interest in the Lost Dutchman's mine.[22]. In 2012 his vehicle, wallet, cellphone, and backpack were located but there had been no sign of the missing man. Instead, he went missing and his skull was found 6 months later with two large circular holes. Check it out! "Dutchman" was a common American term for a German ("Dutch" being the English cognate to the German demonym "Deutsch", and not a reference to the Dutch people). There are numerous hiking trails that hikers can access from multiple points, one of the more well-known ones being the Peralta Trailhead. (St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona Territory [Ariz.]) 18851903, September 8, 1892, Image 2", Dunning, B. Ruths response? This is only speculation, what I do know is that, people who have dismissed the information on the stones, no matter who carved the stones, those non believers have been badly mistaken. Then his body would finally be found wedged into a remote and inaccessible crevice, with the official cause of death a mystery. In January 2011, three sets of remains assumed to be those of the lost men were retrieved. Their bodies were never found, but their camera was." He died on October 25, 1891, after having been nursed by an acquaintance named Julia Thomas (she was usually described as a quadroon). For more macabre tales check out our Top Ten list of haunted spots in Phoenix. Members of the Apache tribe were said to have a truly valuable gold mine located in the Superstition Mountains. 9 a.m. 4 p.m. Summer Hours If you get it hurt you better have your own team. He pursued mining and prospecting, but seems to have had little luck with either. It is here were you will reach areas that are barely penetrable, this is where most trails stop abruptly for safety reasons. From the Press Release In most variants of the story, the family of a man called Miguel Peralta discovered the mine and began mining the gold there, only to be attacked or massacred by Apaches in about 1850 in the supposed Peralta massacre. Im talking Smaug levels of the shiny stuff. To this end he lived for years among their ranks, learning their ways and tending to their sick and wounded. [4], Robert Blair wrote "[t]here have been at least four legendary Lost Dutchman's gold mines in the American West, including the famed Superstition mine of Jacob Waltz". The stories differ from here onward. This is your spot. The Lost Dutchman's Mine has gone on to become a pop cultural legend, written of in countless books and appearing on numerous TV shows. Don Miguel Peralta was the head of a powerful and wealthy Mexican family from Sonora, and they were either ranchers or operated mines or did both. The photographic evidence taken at the site along with a selection of maps combined with historical documentation together, links the most generally accepted and related informational evidence too present day boots on the ground reality. The University of Arizona is the oldest college in the state, existing before Arizona achieved statehood. Thorne fills every pocket, flap of clothing, and fleshy orifice with the nuggets. Dark Mountain is beautifully directed and filmed, it really took me by surprise. There have been countless such deaths and disappearances in the region over the years, many of them with missing heads or gunshot wounds to the head. This tale involves two German men, Jacob Waltz and Jacob Weiser. However, the Peralta Mine eventually became unprofitable and after the money was gone Miguel Peralta turned to fraud. Two prominent landmarks here are the Weavers Needle and the Miners Needle. Several trails lead from the park into the Superstition Mountain Wilderness and surrounding Tonto National Forest. SUPERSTITION MOUNTAINS GHOST, LOST MINES, MURDER AND MAYHEM, Geronimo was oftentimes sometimes discussed in the story. The museum itself is clean and well organized for the small space it is currently occupying and boasts loads in local history. We are a non-profit corporation under Section 501 (c) 3, organized to collect and preserve the history and legends of Arizonas Superstition Mountains, and to support research, education and publications involving the region. Out in the remote badlands of the U.S. state of Arizona, just to the east of the Phoenix metropolitan area lies a sun scorched, dried up, arid moonscape of twisted peaks and sprawling expanse of badlands called the Superstition Mountains, at one time called the Sierra de la Espuma . For the next 20 years, he falls in and out of consciousness, whenever he wakes its just garbled speak and horrific tales; hes enveloped in kaleidoscopic delirium Something, a doctor once told his family, having chewed at his sanity and left nothing but brittle bones. He dies, screaming from a nightmare in 1891. There were also strange stories among the Apache of a magnificent, hidden cavern full of gold, said to be a vast treasure long buried within the mountains and protected by spirits, troll-like beasts called Tuar-Tums, and even their Thunder God himself. Ruths son Erwin C. Ruth heard of the Peralta mine from a man called Pedro Gonzales. The family is later attacked and butchered in the so-calledPeralta massacre. The blindfold is taken off, the shine of the yellow stuff rattles Thornes mind, the chieftain speaks, Take as much gold ore as you can carry.. Erwin passed the information to his father Adolph, who had a long-standing interest in lost mines and amateur exploration. Take a cinematic tour to the Superstition Mountains, home of the Lost Dutchman Mine. STSTW Media strives to deliver accurate information through careful research. Over the next few weeks we will provide some images and photos taken at or very near the site. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Get-rich-quick schemes are as American as the Fourth of July. On our may trip in 2016 one day it reached 108 degrees, that same day up on the mountain, climbing on a surface of Granite and sandstone ours guys Trek watches read what they were breathing at an actual 119 degrees. Bands of roaming cannibals are said to hunt the area and the curse of the Lost Mine to many isnt a tall tale but a stark reality. Walking along tyre tracks saying they are in the middle of nowhere at a treasure location. In fact, after five years including thousands of hours of research and then four expeditions starting in 2015, The Lost Dutchman Gold Mine has been found by Arcana Exploration and Discovery. According to these legends, this treasure was almost never seen by mortal eyes, at least not by anyone who lived to tell about it, but there are some tales of outsiders stumbling across it. His campsite and vehicle were recovered shortly afterward. Lost Dutchman State Park is located near the Superstition Mountains in central Phoenix, about 40 miles from Phoenix. Mine records show that one possibly two Peralta family members with possible links connecting them to the 1848 massacre, also worked at the Vulture mine during the same time period as Waltz. [10] Trouble came after Willing learned that the deed was entirely bogus. Everything is well-maintained, and the staff are without exception friendly and helpful. Jacob Waltz took to returning to the mountains only when he needed the gold. People from the town below certain that only death and demons travel acrossSuperstition Mountain at night. We arrived at Shaun's house at 7:30 am in St. George Utah. After moving to the area, Ruth lingered numerous days at the ranch of Tex Barkely to outfit his expedition. In 1847-1848 during the time of the Hidalgo Treaty when Mexico sold the territory to the United Sates the Peraltas, knowing they would lose access to their mines made one last trip bringing hundreds of miners from Sonora to mine as much as they could, but were attacked by Apaches. In 1977, 292 acres (118ha) abutting the Tonto National Forest were set aside as the Lost Dutchman State Park. In an act of kindness, Throne treats an ailing Apache chieftain. An alternate view which better fits the lost mine legend is that he periodically appeared with large amounts of gold, The Sterling Legend by Estee Conatser reports that a Jacob Walzer sold $250,000 in gold to the U.S. Mint during the 1880s and had $1500 when he died in 1891. Visitors are treated to a working display of historic large scale model trains and learn about the prominent role they took in the settlement of the West. Ruth ignored Barkelys help and set out for a two-week stint into cliffs. Famed Apache warrior, Most stories go like this, the family of a man called Miguel Peralta struck gold by accident they were just passing by and started drilling the mine. Waltz was buried in Phoenix at what is now called the Pioneer and Military Memorial Park. A note in a bottle found floating down the Salt River said that he needed help on account of his leg and that he had found the Lost Dutchmans gold mine. About this campaign You may also be interested in Gogopicks Funding The MOST PROFESSIONAL Smart Toothpaste Dispenser Wednesday Sunday This is trails end; this is the domain of the Dutch Hunters. Director Earl Bellamy Writer Sam Peckinpah (teleplay and story) Stars Dale Robertson John Litel Myron Healey The large wooden structure overlooking the museum is a 100-year-old Cossak 20-stamp ore mill, a state-of-the-art piece of mining equipment that was used around the turn of the century in the West. Combine these with the legends of the indigenous Pima Indians and the mountains live up to their name. The Apaches told him he could grab as much of the gold as he could carry on his person, which he did before being led back out, never knowing the precise location, although he did mention a sharp peak of rock, which is thought to have perhaps been Weavers Needle, a popular landmark in the area. The park offers 134 campsites, each with a picnic table, barbeque grill, and fire pit, and 68 equipped with electric hook-ups and water. A beautiful site just below the western edge of the Superstition Mountains was found and obtained. 2: Cashiers for questions about whats happening at the museum and local area January 1933 a Mining electrican named J.A. Blair insisted that the Peralta portion of the story is unreliable, writing: "The operation of a gold mine in the Superstitions by a Peralta family is a contrivance of 20th century writers". Dr. Thorne starts to investigate. Ruth disappeared while searching for the mine in the summer of 1931. VISIT Apache Junction, AZ 85119-8409, Phone options: As early as September 1, 1892, The Arizona Enterprise was reporting on the efforts of Thomas and several others to locate the lost mine whose location was told to her by Waltz. [13] In most versions of the tale, Jacob Waltz locates a rich gold mine in the Superstition Mountains (in many versions of the story, they rescue or help a member of the Peralta family and are rewarded by being told the location of the mine). Excellent place to learn a lot about the local history of the Superstition Mountains. Some places have long been thought to be simply no good. Blair contended that this story can be divided into "hawk" and "dove" versions, depending on whether the German(s) are said to behave violently or peacefully. Is this all just a spooky legend or id there something more to it? Yet it is also a place of fabled mysteries, talk of dark curses, strange disappearances and deaths, high strangeness, and a secret treasure that it allegedly holds close to it, reluctant to ever give it up. Arcana Exploration has been there on four separate trips the first in October of 2015. In June 1931, Ruth set out to find the lost Peralta mine. German? He further stated, after examining the two holes [in the skull], that it appeared that a shotgun or high-powered rifle had been fired through the head at almost point-blank range, making the small hole when the bullet entered and the large hole when it exited".[23]. Ruth ended his note with the phrase "Veni, vidi, vici. They didnt find it because its not in the superstitions Too bad i cant post pictures, because i know exactly where it is, Did you ever think the Dutchman might have used another mine location to through One of the most professional and serious-minded efforts was led by Oklahoma City private detective Glen Magill, who organized multiple expeditions in the late 1960s and early '70s, and claimed on at least two occasions to have identified the location of the mine, later to concede he was either mistaken or the locations were "played out," or bereft of gold. The gift store was absolutely fantastic and was filled with high-quality books about Arizona and southwest history, folklore, Native Americans, and the Wild West. Web. 2023, A&E Television Networks, LLC. Wasnt it Dutch? 5: Museum Administration and Membership matters, E-MAILVolunteering questions: [emailprotected]Site rentals: [emailprotected]Membership questions: [emailprotected]Retail and event issues: [emailprotected]Accounting issues: [emailprotected]Administrative and other issues: [emailprotected]FAX(480) 288-6524. Many believe there is a connection and that they sold their families mine to Waltz and his partner. Within the refuge are 14 trail heads that cover 190 miles. Many people took the landmark to be the Weavers Needle but had no luck finding any gold nuggets in its vicinity. Legend tells of the Lost Dutchmans gold mine hidden somewhere within the 160,000 acres of brutal Arizona desert known as the Superstition Mountains. The promise of a $200 million mother lode has lured thousands of treasure hunters and continues to claim the lives of those eager to decipher the legends clues and riddles. TheSuperstition Mountains, furthermore, are the abode of the Thunder God, and he causes the frequent regional thunderstorms. We have imaging taken, with Go-pros, Sony 7000s; Osmo stabilized film cameras and Dji Phantom and Bee-bop drones. Without doubt the most controversial but easily the most studied, researched and written about of all the historical documentation involving the Superstition Mountains, are the famous Peralta Stones. The Lost Dutchman Mine, Arizona - Legends of America The Lost Dutchman Mine, Arizona Superstition Mountain, Arizona by Kathy Weiser-Alexander One of the best treasure tales in the history of the American West is the Lost Dutchman Mine. The staff is extremely friendly and knowledgeable and I am looking forward to returning with my kids. Many of Ruth's personal effects were found at the scene, including a pistol (not missing any shells) and the metal pins used to mend his broken bones. Everyone else? [12] Thorne related his claims to three U.S. soldiers in about 1858. Our focus is on providing visitors with an experience of the Old West. Ahh, heres the chronological faux-pass. Let may say this; it is not important who engraved the stones, and if itwas Tomlinson and he being the maker or someone else being the engraver of the stones while historically interesting it is not the most important thing. Several trails lead from the park into the Superstition Mountain Wilderness and surrounding Tonto National Forest. Because of what we have discovered at the site, Arcana Exploration believes we have proof for the first time that there is a common link between Waltz and the Peraltas.
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