(3) After Kenedy's body was in the ceremonial casket, Greer and Kellerman asked for and got some time of privacy with everyone else out of the room. When I resent another copy via United Parcel package service, he got it. Forty years has passed since that fatal day and I feel it it time for me to share more fully with the readers what I learned from that 3 hour interview. When the 2nd broadcast went out at midnight, only viewers in San Luis Obispo county got to see it. Reviews There are no reviews yet. and the exit area blasted out the top of his head. His statement was that President said "'my God, I'm hit,' and then reaches around and grabs his back." (statement made to press but not to Warren Commission) He was challenged by Newcomb on the phone and he then said "I must have smelled it coming down from the book depository" P rior to 1963, peacetime Presidents of the United States travelled freely through American cities. the 1970s, Lifton had argued that the bright reddish-white wound which seems to http://educate-yourself.org/cn/everythingrichmanstrick14jan15.shtml#top, Bill Cooper Identifies JFK Gatekeepers and Shills (May 23, 1989) From this re-enactment, Secret Service investigators concluded that the three shots were fired within frames 210 - 313 of the Zapruder film, a time period of 5.6 seconds. What a coincidence. Could it could also have been gunfire being returned from within the car? More stability and new processing result in a boost in clarity for this clip from the Zapruder film. (2) A Secret Service agent was also asking where the rear entrance to the hospital was. For Abraham Zapruder, who made the movie, Frame 313 became a recurring nightmare.The film would play out in his dreams until the horrific head shot that killed the president snapped him awake. Frame 313 of Zapruder film is extremely graphic. Technical issues aside, its still shocking to watch this video, which is the most infamous home movie ever created. A millisecond following Kennedy's head burst shot, Greer begins to withdraw the gun towards his left side. Again, a attempt at damage control. A publisher from Germany even called me long distance for 45 minutes to pursuade me to have Fred submit the manuscript to him; at least it would have a printing in German. As you will learn from the story below, This windshield had a scar on the outside in a slightly different area than the original hole and was smooth on the inside. These are the witnesses whose statement to Mr. Newcomb and sometimes the Warren commission included the words "in the car.". (Link). I feel that knowing the government would use a Secret Service agent to kill JFK casts doubt He leaves right away and is later seen in the basement of the Dallas Police Department hoping to "secure two of his employees." Subscribe for daily news, interviews, science, technology, politics, health, entertainment, and business updates, as well as exclusive videos from TIMEs Person of the Year, TIME 100 and more created by TIMEs acclaimed writers, producers and editors. SKU: MSD-8253. And it was Kellerman who placed the pristine bullet on the stretcher that matches the Manlicher Carcano rifle planted in the snipers nest on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depostitory. show the front of JFKs head being blasted open by a shot: Researchers like Stewart var sc_project=2085797; The bullet did not exit out the back of his head which it would have had he been shot from the front. These are the little known facts that explain why the coffin had to be empty and why Secret Service agents had to pull their guns to prevent the Dallas Coroner from opening it: A secret service agent was running around the hospital asking for a "basket, casket or a bag - anything to put a body in.". Most JFK researchers have seen Zapruder frame 313 where it shows a headshot to JFK's right temple area from an Assassin. Most Americans didn't see. http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/january2007/150107ciaman.htm. Frame 313. Evidence of Zapruder Film Alteration May 2018.pdf - Academia.edu Theres also a slow-motion version on this video, where each of the films frames were expanded to four interpolated frames. Earlier, when the Dallas Coronor sought to open the casket to do an autopsy in Dallas, it was Roy Kellerman who pulled a gun on him to stop him. Headline from my Op-Ed piece that appeared in the Telegram-Tribune 4-18-92. Mr. Newcomb felt his book made the case for the limousine driver shooting JFK so well that he sent copies of the book to the 1975 Congress and Senate because he felt he would be guilty of "obstruction of justtice" if he did not do so. with this: everyone who saw the modern computers to remove as much of the blur from Frame 313 as possible. Re:R. Andrew Kiel-you are " Spot On ". Hester, who arises to investigate at the 22 second point of the video, appears to think the fatal shot originated behind the pergola. And, since these code books have to pass through 17 hands before getting on board the bombers, it seems likely that this may be a conspiracy. Israeli Soldier's Story |Home |Fukushima Psyops| Agenda 21 | Treat Parasites | Swine Flu Hoax/Vaccine | Links |Jane Tripp Time Travel|Discussion 12:29 p.m. - Dallas Police Radio, Channel One, reserved for Presidential security goes dead for 4 minutes. Crossfire was provided both to ensure the death of the president and to confuse future researchers. Email: mathdoktor@hotmail.com was killed by a shot coming from in front of him and to his right (from the grassy Fred commented to me that publishers would not publish the book "because they are scared." [Photo enlargements and commentary from Ken Adachi]. I did my own photo blowup of that part of the photo and compared it to a known photo of Oswald taken after his arrest. To receive such a shot from behind he would have needed to be looking to the right with respect to the limousine and have his head tilted significantly to his left. This video shows a bit of additional footage seen in the space between the sprocket holes of the Zapruder film and gives you a better view of the motorcycle cops and the Secret Service car (and agents) immediately behind JFK's limo. The direction of the bullet reversed when he was at Bethesda Naval Hospital getting the "official autopsy. Dornberger's hiring of Michael Paine was his contribution to the JFK assasination cabal, because Michael, as an ONI operative, had the job of not only relocating Marina Oswald to the U.S., but to have his wife, Ruth Paine, secure a job for Oswald at the Texas School Book Depository for the deep cover. They stood next to the doctors trying to save JFK's life, telling them "what happened." Frame 313 of Zapruder Film. JFK Assassination - New Smoking Gun Version Of The Zapruder Film. 3. The Torbitt Document was partially the basis for the TV special produced by George Paige Associates entitled "JFK Conspiracy - Final Analysis." He is the shooter captured on the [Mary] Moorman polaroid firing a [loud] rifle that produced a puff of smoke so people would look at him [Badgeman], so a split second later, Greer was able to shoot Kennedy with less people watching him. The original Google link which I posted with this article had since become defunct. Jacqueline Kennedy's bodyguard reports in Vol. The Kennedy Assassination and Zapruder Film: Conspiracy - Medium Senator Spector just went on to the next question, never asking Miller any specifics. Seth/Jane Roberts | Power of Thought | Spiritualism | Hope | Healing Thought Forms | Vanquish Fear |Prevent Alien/Demon Attacks | Rockefeller File | War a Racket Shortly after these letters were published, a writer for the Globe, Paul Bannister, contacted me and interviewed me. For a detailed discussion of the two caskets and their different arrival times, follow this link: http://www.jfklancer.com/backes/horne/Backes2b.html. Zapruder film: New improvements. Warning: Graphic! Bill Cooper Exposes the JFK Assassination in 5 parts (each part will automatically continue with the next part), http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSHU4f4AU5I&list=PL46E124C58F908C65. Frame 313: The JFK Assassination Theories: With Tom Kane, John F. Kennedy, Jacqueline Kennedy, Walter Cronkite. Newcomb feels that this plot would have been over with at this point because the ceremonial coffin was empty at this point, so Kellerman acted in desperation. by Larry Jamison. zapruder photos on Flickr | Flickr Zapruder panorama only, with gridlines, compass bearings, and angles of depression Frames of the Zapruder film (2003, 2006) In 2003 I put together a reference set of all 486 frames of the extant Zapruder film. 12:31 p.m. - William Seymour, FBI Division 5 team shooter fires three shots from the sixth floor of the TSBD, hitting Kennedy once in the back. Craig was later shot to deathit was ruled suicide. The Zapruder film is telling us that the whole front-top of JFK's head gets blasted away! SA William Mclntyre, left running board, behind Hill. Murder From Within: U.S. Secret Service Limo Driver, Bill Greer, Shot Both JFK & Connally on Nov. 22, 1963 (Feb. 5, 2013) It was hosted by James Earl Jones. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8Siab5Zvyk&feature=related, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VR1f6WRRhd0. From my reading of the Torbitt Document, I will have to say that the conclusion of Carpenteria author Dean Operman in the New Times edition of December 11 is incorrect. A police officer. update [November 2003] After years of lawsuits, Zapruder finally forced the FBI to return his film, but what they gave him back was severely altered. Frame 313: The Darkest Timeline - Federation Post Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. But . As image enhancement technology becomes more sophisticated, well probably see even more detailed views of this macabre film in the years to come but for now, this stabilized and enhanced panoramic view is horrific enough. Two are still laying on the ground taking cover and looking in that direction. SA George Hickey, right rear seat (manning AR-15 (rifle) I created this flow chart based upon the Torbitt Document, which is a researchers tool written by a Dallas attorney under a pseudonym, William Torbitt, who got his info from two government agents who defected and had to remain anonymous to protect their lives. But even in the 1960s, 12:31:03 - "Hatman", who some researchers say is Ricky White's father, fires a rifle, striking JFK in the throat. Jean Hill saw what happened too. It is my opinion that a cover-up plan was hurriedly hatched on the fly that day. Dornberger hired Michael Piane, an engineering designer and with the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI). A woman named "Amy" who I know, had a uncle who was in the CIA and he told her as a child that it was Greer who shot Kennedy. The clip is only 26 seconds long, but it's amazing to see. agents William Greer and Roy Kellerman took charge of the Kennedy assassination cover-up from the moment they arrived at Parkland Hospital. My personal mail problems! TIME editor describes horror of seeing JFK shot in the Zapruder film Zapruder, Sitzman, and the jiggles of Z Frames 313 & 330 note - assassinations are always "allowed to happen."]. Malcom Perry, 2. Before publication, The Globe called me from Florida to make sure William Greer was dead. What really sells this piece is believable interviews with a leader in the Blakey commission, ex-CIA personnel and Parkland Hospital staff (Mr. McClelland offering his first-hand observation of an *exit* wound to at the *back* of . 2:32. It was well known that Gov. Greer's fatal shot to the head in Zapruder fram 313 causes Kennedy's skull to explode, Kellerman's hair was retouched and extended UPWARD as a "black box" to conceal Greer's hand wrapped around the handle of the .45. If we are to believe that is his head..then it is FLAT AS A BOARD! It was Roy Kellerman that placed the bullet on the stretcher that matched the ammunition used by the Manlicher Carcano rifle that was placed in the Oswald-patsie snipers nest. Still by still, Abraham Zapruder's home movie showed the world the assassination of President Kennedy, but the most infamous frame was kept from view.Subscribe to TIME http://po.st/SubscribeTIME In this unprecedented exploration of 100 photographs that shaped the human experience, TIME goes behind each spectacular image to reveal how and why it changed the course of history. to be blasted forwards. When Kellerman was asked why there was no bullet ijn the back wound he said "it probably worked its' way out when we were giving him cardiac massage. Fritz was interviewed by an investigator from Washington and his reply is now classified for 50 years. The actions of Greer and Kellerman at Parkland Hospital show that they were an active part of the cover-up team as well. Box and phone number on the ad form. The doctored film has Greer turning his head much faster than is physically possible, thus leading researchers to conclude that frames were cut from the original print. Could this be the second cover-up? Just as I reached it, there was another sound. [Update Jan. 14, 2013. I can clearly remember my disbelief that one person with a gun could completely change the course of history. (or both) have to be forgeries. SA Donald Lawton of 8 am-4 pm shift remained at Love Field with SA Warner and Rybka to set up security for the President's departure for Bergstrom AFB, Austin, Texas.
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