[66], On 24 December 2015, Zaw Lin and Wai Phyo were found guilty of murdering Witheridge and Miller by the three judges, and were sentenced to death. The prosecution says a DNA match between samples found on Miss Witheridge's body and the two defendants is central to its case. I am a legal practitioner in Perth, Western Australia who has been following events on Koh Tao very closely since the time of the murders of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller on 15 September 2014. Koh Tao murders 1 language Sairee Beach The Koh Tao murders involved the death of two British tourists in Thailand in 2014. Koh Tao Murders: Is Koh Tao Safe in 2023? - Traveltomtom.net With crystal-clear waters, perfect sandy beaches, palm trees and great nightlife. (Washington D.C., February 27, 2023) - The Specialized Criminal Court (SCC) in Riyadh, used to prosecute "terrorism" cases in Saudi Arabia, has charged six former prominent SCC judges and four former judges of the High Court, the country's supreme court, with "high treason" - a crime punishable by death in Saudi Arabia - in its first secret hearing of the case on February 16, 2023, said . 92 Visitor. It was said the pair went swimming on the same beach earlier that night, and when they got out of the water they found their clothes had disappeared. We had one day on Koh Tao, it was really hard.". And on Koh Tao there are around 5,000 Burmese conspicuous by the golden streaks of thanaka paste, a traditional sunscreen and beauty product, garnishing their cheeks who build hotels, sweep. [1][51] According to an observer, the sittings lasted over ten hours each day. To inquire about a licence to reproduce material, visit our Syndication site. While police ruled out foul play, Nick's family, who say officers did not investigate a single witness, believe he was murdered. joanromans.com Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa While his death was ruled as suicide cops could not explain why his hands are tied behind his back. Again when Christina Annesley died police didnt interview the last person she was seen with while she was alive. Although both of his hands were tied behind the back, the police said he could have done this himself as the rope was tied to one hand and a loop was made so the other hand could be inserted. Koh Tao murders: 'Asian man' seen on CCTV sought for q uestioning Probe into murder of two Britons on Koh Tao Manhunt on Koh Tao after tourists found brutally murdere d on beach British tourists murdered, stripped on Koh Tao beach Topics: Bangkok, Features Join the Coconuts conversation with a comment. She was said to have died of natural causes after mixing antibiotics she was taking for a chest infection with alcohol. David Miller 2014; Koh Tao ''Turtle Island'' or Ko Tao is an island in Thailand and is part of the Chumphon Archipelago on the western shore of the Gulf of Thailand. Khao San Lomprayah - 2100 arrives Koh Tao 0845 > check prices for Bangkok to Koha Tao night bus and ferry and book now. Controversially, Surat Thani governor Auaychai Innak dismissed as untrue some foreign news reports which claimed reptiles had eaten half of Dallemagne's body. Hannah Witheridge 2014; Picture: Viral Press/Australscope Mr Sachathamakul's wife, Anshoo. Two of the victims were dismembered and disposed of in plastic bags. Koh Tao Cabana - UPDATED Prices, Reviews & Photos (Thailand) - Villa UK reporter Suzanne Buchanan has thoroughly investigated the cases alongside the deaths of Belgian Elise Dellemange, Swiss Hans Peter Suter and French Dimitri Povse -who also were also found dead under mysterious circumstances. koh tao murders crime scene photos - Sozyaz.com Best Contents 2023 - 2022 The island of Koh Tao, off the coast of Thailand, is often described as a paradise. Police major general, Surachate Hakparn, said in an interview that the police have cracked down on crime syndicates on Koh Tao since the backpackers double killing. As the Witheridge family prepares for Hannahs funeral, her parents, Sue and Tony Witheridge, released this statement: Time makes the pain of this horrendous tragedy no easier to bear. [15], Zaw Lin and Wai Phyo retracted their statements following a visit from a consular lawyer for Myanmar and said they had made their statements under duress, after they had allegedly been beaten, left naked in a freezing room, and threatened with electrocution and an extrajudicial killing. Thai authorities claimed he was drunk and fell, but his family believes he was murdered.. On 15 September, the bodies of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller were found on Sairee Beach on the island of Koh Tao, between 4 and 5am, a few hours after their deaths. Upon arriving at the scene, police officers and rescue workers discovered the bodies of Mr Rakeshwar . An inquest had been held in 2014 as his death was being treated as suspicious. My YouTube channel is called KOH TAO MURDERS DEATH ISLAND. [31] They focused on foreign nationals, with a spokesperson for the police claiming "Thais wouldn't do this". They claim they did not receive an autopsy report and say his body was sent against their wishes to the same Bangkok hospital that carried out botched reports on the bodies of two Brits murdered on the same island in 2014. Shared On: 28th Dec, 2022. [1][4][24] Witheridge's body indicated she had been raped. British Bricklayer Luke Miller, 26, was found at the bottom of a swimming pool at the Sunset Bar at Sairee Beach on January 6, 2016. "At first, we accepted what the Thai authorities had said because we knew no different. It doesn't necessarily mean they are transgender, or that they are doing drag, they just live as women. Elise went 1.5 miles (2.5km) through the jungle to Tanote Bay and took a room at the Poseidon Resort where she booked another ticket for Bangkok leaving on April 24. [30] Thailand's National Human Rights Commission said "the circumstances surrounding the arrest of the two Myanmar workers were dubious, leading to impressions the suspects were not aware of their rights and that justice had not been done". DNA was collected from these three areas and sent to a police forensics lab for analysis. Sun 23 Nov 2014 10.54 EST. Exclusive location in the Kitirua Conservancy. This service is provided on News Group Newspapers' Limited's Standard Terms and Conditions in accordance with our Privacy & Cookie Policy. The following month Russian Valentina Novozhyonova, 23,vanished from her hostel sparking a police search. [59] The defence struggled to find members of the public willing to testify at the trial, as many feared retribution,[1][60] hence their alibi was not considered convincing by the court. The murders on Koh Tao, a laid-back haven for divers, sullied Thailand's image in the tourism industry, which accounts for about 10 per cent of the country's economy. When Nick Pearson died the police didnt go to his room, they didnt interview anybody. Koh Tao, where Hannah Witheridge and David Miller were murdered, is steeped in paradoxes. We've all heard about the 2014 backpacker murders of two British tourists in Koh Tao, Thailand. The family claimed the circumstances surrounding his death and the local police's refusal to co-operate with them have led them to believe the death is "suspicious". Koh Tao Murders - Forensic Tales Unfortunately, the Thai defence lawyers did not call Ms Taupin to give evidence even though she was available. [87][88] The protests angered Thailand's prime minister, who believed the demonstrations were a plot "instigated" to hurt the government. [95] The mayor of the island, Chaiyan Turasakul, announced a new police station and staffed it with 40 full-time officers, compared to five previously. Thai police say the man on the left matches the one seen acting suspiciously on CCTV A Scottish man is being kept in protective custody in Thailand after a photo he took could identify the murderer. While police ruled out foul play, Nick's family, who say officers did not investigate a single witness, believe he was murdered. "What we're after are some answers- whether we are going to get them or not I don't know. [71], A lawyer for the men, Nakhon Chomphuchat, said "we will appeal as soon as we can, we have just got a copy of the court's verdict. Last pictures of Brit backpackers David Miller and Hannah Witheridge Why are the police not thoroughly investigating, why are they changing facts? In August 2020, Zaw Lin and Wai Phyo had their death sentences commuted to life in prison to commemorate King Vajiralongkorn's birthday and to show his "clemency". 679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. CTN News. As we continue with our plans for our beautiful Hannahs party, our thoughts are with David Millers family who are suffering the same indescribable agony. But "Turtle Island" has its dark side. Its just really shoddy investigation work- I personally think theres something going on on that island. Japan high court approves posthumous retrial of man over 1984 murder [42] In the trial, the prosecution said the phone was found smashed at the home of a friend of Zaw Lin's. The evidence in the form of this Unendorsed Report would have been ruled as inadmissible in US courts and other Western courts. Zaw Lin, front, and Wai Phyo (also known as Win Zaw Htun), rear, arrive at the court in Koh Samui, AOC under investigation for Met Gala dress, Mother who killed her five children euthanised, Bakhmut attacks still being repelled, says Ukraine, Zoom boss Greg Tomb fired without cause, Alex Murdaugh jailed for life for double murder, The children left behind in Cuba's exodus. Verdicts in the case are not expected until October. Police have, however, agreed to hand over the garden hoe which was the murder weapon, along with a shoe and a plastic bag. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/6729031/thailand-koh-tao-island-dad-dead-mystery/, https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-derbyshire-30546787, https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/09/17/sister-murdered-backpacker-hannah-witheridge-dies-falling-gravely/, https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-53797951, https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/1282946/police-clarify-koh-tao-death-cases, https://forum.thaivisa.com/topic/1047575-death-island-riddle%C2%A0-koh-tao-mystery-deepens-as-%E2%80%98healthy%E2%80%99-dad-becomes-tenth-westerner-to-die-in-suspicious-circumstances/, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4680394/Haunting-final-image-Koh-Tao-backpacker-Thai-hang-suicide.html, https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/thailands-death-island-tourist-33-13399601, https://www.chiangraitimes.com/crime-chiang-rai-thailand/body-of-moldavian-tourist-found-dead-in-sea-off-the-island-koh-tao-sent-to-bangkok-for-thorough-autopsy/, https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/general/443983/suter-hanspeter-body-found-on-beach-in-chumphon-thailand, Koh Tao Murders, Suspicious Deaths, Fatal Accidents Tribute to 20 Foreigners Tony Lotus & 1Survivor, Tagged: Koh Tao - Death Island in Paradise, Cases on the Death Island of Koh Tao, nick pearson koh tao death, The coroner concluded there was not enough evidence to say where or how he met his death. In pictures: Thailand beach murders Show all 12 It has also been claimed that vital DNA evidence linking the two suspects to the death of Miss Witheridge no longer exists - so cannot be retested.. The relevant standard in this case was ISO 17025. Luke Miller 2016; Photograph: Alamy. It is not known who released the photos from the crime scene. Yoshie Sazawa (Sharlyn) 2004; [15] Experts have considered the forensic investigation to have been incompetent, and to have possibly framed the suspects. https://time.com/3955081/thailand-koh-tao-murder-david-miller-hannah-witheridge-zaw-lin-wai-phyo-burma-myanmar/, https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/dark-side-koh-tao-seven-10708561, https://www.strangeoutdoors.com/true-crime-in-the-outdoors/tag/Cases+on+the+Death+Island+of+Koh+Tao, https://www.nist.gov/feature-stories/dna-mixtures-forensic-science-explainer. [72] The Supreme Court of Thailand upheld the sentence in August 2019, stating that the police handled the case correctly and the forensic evidence was "clear, credible, and detailed". [50], An 18-day trial began on 8 July 2015 in the Koh Samui Provincial Court. Mr Miller's body was discovered with severe head injuries several metres away, he said. 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