Is it like . & don't hate on the British/English either -- without them you'd not exist either, & the war of 1776 is long over. Why are there 3 different ways to pronounce "oo"? Maybe Russian and British English got the word through German, which regularly changes the 'u/w' sound to the 'v' sound; whereas we Americans took the pronunciation directly from French? 3 Barbara Matthews I served in the National Guard and Navy. The Royal Navy of Great Britain, 1485-1914 I like the guy's answer who referred to vowel shift -- English really had its most fundamemtal changes via the Celts (who were likely influenced by Phoenician sailors/explorers); see John McWhorter's "Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue". NDI5NzNmNDI0NTdkOWM2MmIzNzYyNmYxNTBlOTUzYWI4NzY5ODk3M2ZmNTdh H.M.S. ZWMwYjkxNjNhNGRiY2RhNTQ4ZTY0MjMyMDY2MDUyZTc4MjQyM2VlOGY3N2Nj ), from lieu "place" (see lieu) + tenant, present participle of tenir "to hold," from PIE root *ten- "to stretch." The notion is of a "substitute" for higher authority. Ranks, Badges and Pay in the Royal Navy in World War 2 - Naval History.Net Lieutenant salaries at Royal Navy can range from 44,510 - 55,095 per year. How To Pronounce Lieutenant (Royal Navy) How To Pronounce Lieutenant (Senior Grade) How To Pronounce Lieutenant (Star Trek) How To Pronounce Lieutenant (U.S. Navy) How To Pronounce Lieutenant (U.S.) How To Pronounce Lieutenant (United States) How To Pronounce Lieutenant (United States) (disambiguation) How To Pronounce Lieutenant (US Navy) In smaller ships that have only a single deck division, the billet is typically filled by an ensign; while in larger ships, with a deck department consisting of multiple subordinate divisions, the billet may be filled by a lieutenant commander. dailyinfo[1]=' Staff Nurse Edith Mary CAMMACK Associate of the Royal Red Cross, 2nd Class 4th Southern Gen. Hos. "The first reference to a naval Lieutenant is in 1580 when one was borne in each ship as the Captain's understudy. Perhaps (too) much French influence on the fledgling USN in the Napoleonic Wars. Commonwealth and Non-British applicants The Royal Navy have removed the 5 year UK residency requirement for select roles. Commander You may command a warship or submarine, squadron or shore establishment. lieutenant pronunciation royal navy rev2023.3.3.43278. A lieutenant is the second junior-most or in some cases the junior-most commissioned officer in the armed forces, fire services, police, and other organizations of many nations. The first syllable is pronounced similarly to that of the French word "le," and then tennant. The sword is carried on the left hip. However, we have been at war with the Dutch and still use some Dutch expressions like Dutch courage, go Dutch, Dutch yaw and Double Dutch. national bank bangladesh double benefit scheme Sub-lieutenant is the equivalent rank in the Royal Canadian Navy. Left - tenant will eventually. Arthur Giles Blake (12 September 1917 - 29 October 1940) was a British flying ace of the Royal Navy (RN) during the Second World War.He was credited with five aerial victories. merchant seaman serving under Naval Articles, Naval Officers and subjecting them to naval discipline (number of the form) Tindal. NDIyYjk3YWY3OTFlOWI1NjE5NmQ5ZGRhOTIxYTE1ZjNkNzAwNWE4ZWI3MzJh Also hear how to pronounce 'COLONEL\" correctly: Listen and learn how to say Lieutenant correctly (military rank) with Julien, \"how do you pronounce\" free pronunciation audio/video tutorials.What is a Lieutenant? The answer is that it was the original pronunciation. 6 Reserve Lorry Park Royal Air Force who died 28/02/1919 BELGRADE CEMETERY Belgium ' How To Pronounce Lieutenant (Australia): Lieutenant (Australia In England this pronunciation (lju:'tenent) is almost unknown. The members of the Army and Royal Air Force say "lef-tenant", but in the Royal Navy that's a solecism ("loo-tenant" there). Leinster Regiment who died 27/02/1918 JERUSALEM MEMORIAL Israel and Palestine (including Gaza) ' I think language is a part of culture, and I respect your culture and find your way of speaking and pronunciation beautiful. NmVmM2M1M2I3YmE1YjBiNjQ5ZTg3NDM0NzI4YzkyY2U0YjlhOWE3ZDEyIiwi JOHN THE BAPTIST, LAWRENCE AND ANN) CHURCHYARD United Kingdom ' Captain . It makes you sound brain damaged. c2lnbmF0dXJlIjoiOTY1ZWYxYjAzMzZiMTI2MDIyYThlMDg5YzE4OGRhY2Yy I thought 'leftenant' was only used by Americans imitating - or caricaturing - British English. I tried to sound sympathetic and replied, I am sorry, its been a very busy day and we have no cabbage, would you like to try some broccoli Once again the lady huffed and puffed and repeated now in a very cross tone that suggested the shortage was my fault, I said I wanted a savoy cabbage. Just three things :-1/ In the Royal Navy it is prunounced Lootenant. Royal Marine Light Infantry who died 17/03/1918 BELLAVISTA OLD BRITISH CEMETERY Peru ' lieutenant pronunciation royal navy - forms luf-, lufftenand above) it seems likely that the labial glide at the end of OF. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Featured roles Are you making these common mistakes while drinking water? The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? And lieutenant means place keeper (lit. NWYzOGFlOTdjNTMwMmRjOGMwMDU3ZDE3ZjZiYjFjZjEyZWY3YmNjM2I4ZGYy Simon, David, Dragon - the nearest I can get in phonetics is LUHtenant. What are the Physical devices used to construct memories? lieu as the first element of a compound was sometimes apprehended by Englishmen as a v or f. Possibly some of the forms may be due to association with LEAVE sb. lieutenant pronunciation royal navy. Commander Anybody got a copy ? N2IzYjQ4ODUyMzYzYWZjMWQ0Y2M5YzI4MjI0YjUyNmYyMTBmMmQyOWZlNDFj ZjM1MTZmYWYxOTNiMzYxOGJmYTIxYWQ2ODkzZTMxYjY2YjU1MjYwOTE5MDU2 lieutenant de l'ordre royal de victoria in English - lieutenant de l MmM4NTEzMzQyNDI0YWU5MzA1ZGU3YzRmM2QyNjIyNzE5MjYwZjM0YWFkODE0 If someone can dig out an earlier one Covey-Crump will be the definitive authority, and he published in the late '40s I think. The meaning of lieutenant differs in different militaries, but is often subdivided into senior and junior ranks. Do I need a thermal expansion tank if I already have a pressure tank? Later, when the drive by the English to rid the language of french words began, they modified the word to try to match their pronunciation and made it "leftenant". The RAF usually went along with LEFT, as befits RFC heritage. dailyinfo[26]=' Chaplain 4th Class The Rev. The ModE pronunciation with /f/ means one of the following things: The speakers of the French dialect lieutenant was borrowed from probably pronounced the u as [v] in some places and it took the devoicing from the following /t/ (cf. Royal Navy Life | Shaping Your Career Progression dailyinfo[8]=' 13277 Labourer Klaas NERO South African Native Labour Corps who died 08/03/1917 PUGU ROAD 1914-1918 MEMORIAL Tanzania ' I like all different accents from any country - it's interesting to me. ZmY3ZmYxNjI0ZDBlOTM3ODNiY2UyMmZkNzRjODgzNjZiMDY4YTc5MDE1MDY1 The Project Gutenberg eBook of Historic Jamaica, by Frank Cundall This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost an On submarines and smaller Coast Guard cutters, the billet of first lieutenant may be filled by a petty officer. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. . 5th Bde. But I will offer that an American film viewed with subtitles does bring more symmetry than would one in the Queen's. Midshipmen: Rules for the Examination for the Rank of Lieutenant and This would suggest that the word was originally French, and the leftenant pronunciation is down to some poor transliteration during the middle ages. but what I don't understand is how there is this large difference in pronunciation of our words, seeing as we stemmed off of you, the should still be accents that reflect where our accents came from, because accents don't change overnight, and they sure as hell don't deviate from themselves. As the head tenant became richer he was able to pay for a knight to stand in lieu of him. In 1793 Walker gives the actual pronunciations as (lev- liv-tenant), but expresses the hope that ' the regular sound, lewtenant' will in time become current. Lieutenants formed the backbone of the officer corps, being the most numerous class of officer. . Well thanks for that gem, Einstein. Bryan from ST Pauls says, 'off of'. . The word comes originally from Old French, and according to the OED, Old French replaced word- and syllable-final [w] with [f]; for the Modern French word lieu, this is shown by an Old French spelling variant luef. Wikitionary claims that leftenant is an archaic spelling of lieutenant. NmFiZGIxNzIxNTJhN2I5YzM5NWNiMTI2MjVjMTQzZTdkYTIwNWExMjEzNjY2 Applications of mathematics to warfare How to pronounce lieutenant noun in British English us / luten.nt/ How to pronounce lieutenant noun in American English (English pronunciations of lieutenant from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus and from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary, both sources Cambridge University Press) P.S. Pronunciation of "Lieutenant" - The Great War (1914-1918) Forum (lf-tnnt) A commissioned officer in the British and Canadian navies ranking just below a lieutenant commander. Royal Navy, 1854-1919. ZjQ4ZDNiYjFjOTE0MWYyYzhkYTdhNGZjNTc3Y2IyYjIwM2M0MjAwZDNjNTQx How do Australians pronounce "lieutenant" in their military? Born in Gateshead, Blake joined the RN in early 1939 and was assigned to the Fleet Air Arm for flight training. In the Royal Navy, the pronunciation used to be "L'tenant" but never "Lootenant". The OED has several early occurrences spelt with an f including the earliest, 1387, "leeftenaunt". As for the Rhotic accents (i.e. uihlein manitowish waters; sebastian tillinger wikipedia; harry potter fanfiction harry injured after the battle; can hemorrhoids be treated during colonoscopy As Greene had gone into summer-quarters apparently, and the American partisans were just then quiet, his lordship left all his forces in charge of Stewart, went down to Charleston, and embarked for Europe to seek the restoration of his . Personally, I think that regardless of the tradition, the simple lack of a letter F should mean that you don't pronounce it "left-tenant". There is a rarely used word, lief, which I see in old books in phrases like "I'd as lief jump off this wall as " and I think it is another spelling and pronunciation of lieu. Unlike other words that have been standardised to read more phonetically (especially true in the United States), military terms have tended to retain their peculiarities out of a desire to maintain traditions. But it seems that these days the RN have adopted the English/Army pronunciation of "leftenant." 2nd Bn. [2] Insignia [ edit] Therefore, he was called the Left Tenant because he was second in command to the Lieutenant. Appalachian accents are much twangier, but some have posited that Elizabethan English sounded a lot like Appalachian speak. The U.S. Army, Air Force, and Marines have second lieutenants (2nd Lt.) and first lieutenants (1st Lt.). On the grey/gray matter, it all depends on my mood, the a and the e are interchangeable, and I understand the phonetic spelling of how we write in the US, like manoeuvre/maneuver, According to military customs, a lower ranking soldier walks on the left side of a senior officer. How to pronounce LIEUTENANT in English According to Lexico, "the u at the end of Old French lieu was read and pronounced as a v, and the v later became an f". MILITARY HISTORY, Why is the British pronunciation of lieutenant leftennant? - Fun Trivia dailyinfo[4]=' Matrose Paul KURZKE Torpedoboot "G85" German Navy who died 04/03/1919 CANNOCK CHASE GERMAN MILITARY CEMETERY United Kingdom ' dailyinfo[28]=' 19673 Leading Aircraftman Samuel Ambrose TICKNER Meritorious Service Medal No. Left - tenant will eventually become archaic usage here. It sure engenders some puzzled looks, but they are often followed by an "ah-ha" nod. (So immediately would be i'mi:djtli). The word was still pronounced loo. In the 1700s an American English dictionary was written by a man named Noah Webster. To the man referencing Websters English dictionary, do yourself a favor and pick up an Oxford English Dictionary. Any changes to the English language in America have been made by US Citizens spelling the language phonetically instead of how it was originally written and pronounced. dailyinfo[18]=' 6422 Private Charlie GILBERT 4th Coy. I speak no more like a hick than Tony Blair speaks like Russell Brand. Colour has a u to credit the path via the French; true, the original Latin did not have a u, but we didn't get it directly from Rome -- we got it from France! Have a definition for Lieutenant (Canada) ? Worcestershire Regiment who died 23/02/1915 LOKER CHURCHYARD Belgium ' MzE5MGNmYTY0MDE5ZjA5MzQyNzBiMmNiN2E4YzI1OGU0MjhlZDc5NjZhODBh MjlkZGNkNTIxMzQzNTFmOWFlYTkxOWU4YzkyMDExNGE1NDYxOTYxOGViMjk2 King's (Liverpool Regiment) Officer Ranks of The Royal Navy - Blog - Contact Left One of his wounds was a stab in the mouth which partially mangled his tongue, when he arrived at camp the next day he went to the colonels office and the Colonel asked him his name, because of his wound he pronounced it 'leftenant' and because of the relation to his name 'lefting' his pronunciation of 'leutenant' and the fact that he was left on the battlefield, that battalion changed the traditional word 'leutenant' to 'leftenant' I suppose after the story was spread it just kind of stuck. Well, the Australian navy was a copy cat of the RN in all things good (and bad) and it was always Lef - tenant there. In the US Navy, roles include lieutenant junior grade (LT JG . The starting salary of a Lieutenant in the Royal Navy is 42,850 per year. A lieutenant was numbered by his seniority within the ship on which he served, so that a frigate (which was entitled to three) would have a first, a second, and a third lieutenant. A Lieutenant is a Commissioned Officer within the Royal Navy and is a rank higher than Sub-Lieutenant but subordinate to Lieutenant Commander. British Admirals, 1889-1919. Pride which they soon recovered during the Napoleonic conflict. . I think a lot of younger people in the UK also do so. After the post, I will try to research the etymology of 'Lieutenant.' Lieu from french shows up in English phrases like "in lieu of" meaning "in place of", so lieu means place and lieutenant essentially means placeholder. & Americans need to stop hating on the French -- without Benny Franklin's requesting help from King Louis in 1775, there would be no USA. This naval lieutenant ranks higher than an army lieutenants; within NATO countries the naval rank of lieutenant is a OF-2 and is the equivalent rank of an army captain. I'll just note the UK pronunciation you cite is not 100% prevalent in the UK, I've known more than a few Brits that pronounced it the same way Americans do. A Lieutenant Commander is normally in charge of a department on a large ship or on a shore base. Bluecher German Navy who died 29/01/1915 CANNOCK CHASE GERMAN MILITARY CEMETERY United Kingdom ' YzQxODA2MmJmNGEwNTE2NTFjY2Q0NmNlNThkZmFlNTAwMDM5MDQ0NzBjNThh The 'Leftenant' pronunciation appears to stem from Middle French which both had very different pronunciations to Modern French (like English) and the French-speaking elite in England definitely spoke very differently to those in France - we know this was a source of some mockery in the Middle Ages. English is a rhotic language. Hunza Guides is Pakistan's top mountain destination management company offering full board tours, trekking and expeditions services in Pakistan. NDMzNmFhZDVkMTA0YjM4NjEwYzZlZWE0OTY5YTJlMjFmOGExZWMwMDFjOGFi Actually, David from Birmingham, you're flat wrong about Ben from Denver being a moron because he asserted that British people used to speak like Americans. He must be a right-winger trying to create a false historical reality. Primary Menu. As the rank structure of navies stabilized, and the ranks of commander, lieutenant commander, and sub-lieutenant (or lieutenant, junior grade in the U.S. services) were introduced, the rank of naval lieutenant became less wide-ranging and is today the equivalent of an army captain. 4th Bn. 1st Bn. But it seems the answer is not known by the best scholars Oxford can produce. DOPMA guidelines suggest that at least 95% of lieutenants (junior grade) should be promoted to lieutenant after serving a minimum of two years at the lower rank. Way back in the evolution of English as a language, the letters 'V' and 'U' were basically the same. Before the English Restoration, lieutenants were appointed by their captains, and this inevitably led to abuses and to the widespread appointment of men of insufficient qualification. I've heard it used by some old sailors who served in the 30s (long since dead). Prince William holds the rank of Captain in the Blues and Royals, Lieutenant in the. There are differences in the way it is spelt and spoken but ultimately isn't it great that so many people can share a common language and so be able to develop a common understanding. And what is it with these Americans, who speak of British English and a British version - hello!! Training Establishment : TS. I recall when joining the Canadian Navy back in the seventies that the pronunciation was more like "le tenant" or "luh tenant", not sure how to write it, and followed Royal Navy usage, so it was essentially a third way to pronounce the word. Synonyms: officer, army officer, navy officer, police officer US, more. ORIGINAL WW2 US Navy Painted HELMET LINER 1st Lieutenant | eBay @ben lieutenant pronunciation royal navy When factoring in bonuses and additional compensation, a . It's not just French dialects: consider modern French "neuf" ("nine") < "novem", "neuf" (new) < "novum", "boeuf" ("bull") < "bovem", "naf" ("naive") < "nativum". Lieutenant is the third commissioned officer rank in the United States Navy, and is comparable to the rank of Captain in the other branches of the Armed Service. Fast Forward to `Tot Commiseration Day', bloody Americans, (curse them & their DRY SHIPS which was a fore-runner), they were revolting in 1776 - and have remained so ever since !! - from dailyinfo[2]=' 8020 Serjeant Charles POOLE "C" Coy. I, personally, have always pronounced it as lieu - tenant - because it simply makes sense to say it this way. . So it's reasonable to say Middle English speakers confused both [v] and [w]. !- perish the thought ?? air force bases in california during wwii. Thereafter his designate was known as the "leftenant". About; The Court; Merit Selection; Kansas Values; News; Donate; "lieutenant" "pronunciation" "royal navy" December 12, 2022 by fcs coaches on the hot seat by fcs coaches on the hot seat An officer was referred to as "platoon commander" while a WO III in the same position was called a "Platoon Sergeant Major" or PSM. OTRhYmFiNTY0ZjUxYzkwZTYyYjM1ODRkYmYyZmNjMjYxMGI4MjE1ZTgwNTc1 Because that's what it should be called. It's apparent from the examples of usage given that a mixture was in use, e.g. -----BEGIN REPORT----- YjNhM2FhZTE4ZmRmZjMyYTE0OGQxODk1MjlhN2M2YTVmNWIwZTkxYzk5YjMy Lest you think I'm not a traditionalist re: grammar, I have always said "Am I not?" This is 2013. cecl for dummies; can you transfer doordash credits to another account; lieutenant pronunciation royal navy; June 22, 2022 . lieutenant /lftnnt/ (say lef'tenuhnt) as the primary pronunciaton, although/lutnnt/ (say looh'tenuhnt), and Navy /ltnnt/ (say luh'tenuhnt) are alternatives. A place where magic is studied and practiced? Moreoever an Old French rending of lieu was "luef". A teacher walks into the Classroom and says If only Yesterday was Tomorrow Today would have been a Saturday Which Day did the Teacher make this Statement? Still puzzled As said before, I think it was to do with the lack of standardised spelling and pronunciation with U and V. I also think that leftenant was the English pronunciation until the American Revolution, when the Americans began to pronounce it "loo-tenant" either to distinguish themselves from the British or to better communicate with their French allies. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. "lieutenant" "pronunciation" "royal navy" Canada. lieutenant pronunciation royal navy Idioms with the word back, Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2023. WW2 Royal Navy Sub Lieutenant's peaked cap, HMS Indomitable. Lieutenant Claire Jenkins, 29, who uses the name Cally Taylor, has been making. and Gen. Hos. It's an achaic spelling in English, but not in French. I encourage you to visit the. How to Pronounce Lieutenant? (CORRECTLY) - YouTube It is typically the most senior of junior officer ranks. The politicians and the public wanted nothing that sounded French. English's beauty/zaniness comes from how Brits spell the words as they came to us -- it's a sort of mini-etymology in every word -- simplifying it is cheating & lazy. (English pronunciations of lieutenant from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus and from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary, both sources Cambridge University Press), a curve that goes around a central tube or cone shape in the form of a spiral, Watch your back! Of course- this is opinion and I have been wrong before. The Royal Australian Air Force will reactivate a squadron for the three MQ-4C Triton unmanned aerial vehicles it will start operating in 2024, Australian Defense officials announced Friday. Kansans For Fair Courts. Many years ago as a student I took a summer job working in my local greengrocers shop. This spelling was to stick to the pronunciation, and not the opposite, as there is not "lefttenant" in old French. I am not certain, but would guess that it may have been the American pronunciation which diverged when Noah Webster's Dictionary was published - he rationalized (according to his lights) spelling, and it may be that he tried to rationalize pronunciation too, especially given the US/French entente in the 18th century. . Middlesex Regiment who died 25/02/1921 LADYWELL CEMETERY United Kingdom ' The most common pronunciation I've heard - without my being sufficiently erudite to use the phonetics described earlier with any confidence - approximates to 'l'vtenant'. Looking in a dictionary published at the time of or very close to the Great War would give authoritative evidence of how it was pronounced at that time. The lower ranked soldier on the "left" protected the senior officers left side. There are so many opinions that contradict each other. Contemporary British authors write "lootenant" for the American pronunciation, as far as I recall, so I would expect the British pronunciation to be "leftenant" as it is now. [citation needed], In the Royal Navy, promotion to lieutenant is done in line with seniority. In 1677, Samuel Pepys, while he was Chief Secretary to the Admiralty, introduced the first examination for lieutenant,[2] and thereafter their seniority was dated from the passing of this examination. ~~~ dailyinfo[11]=' Captain Charles Edmund WOOD Mentioned in Despatches Adjt. Add ${headword} to one of your lists below, or create a new one. We used Lutenant - or Luatenant, if that is written correct NOT Lootenant as in the American expression or Leftenat, which was considered to be `Army'!!! lieutenant | Etymology, origin and meaning of lieutenant by etymonline eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiYWI0NjU5MTI5OWU1ZmVmYzM1NWQ2Y2M3ZmJjYmU0OTE3 Kauna unahang parabula na inilimbag sa bhutan. I do enjoy the battle between the Americans and the British as to which is "proper" English". dailyinfo[25]=' 262952 Private Archibald Stanley BURGNEAY 8th Bn. How do you ensure that a red herring doesn't violate Chekhov's gun? lieutenant commander (royal navy) English translation: lieutenant commander (royal navy).. It's simply an attempt for English speakers to pronunce French phonemes, I don't believe there's an additional reason. The typical Royal Navy Lieutenant salary is 51,652 per year. - All officers join the Royal Navy at this rank while training for a specialist role at BRNC in Dartmouth. This courtesy developed when swords were still used on the battle field. if (dailyinfo[daym] != "") { document.write(fontstart+dailyinfo[daym]+fontend) } dailyinfo[23]=' 9656 Private Isaac COOPER "A" Coy. Click on the arrows to change the translation direction. It's English - our language. NjcyOWZhNTVmNGZiOGQwMDU5ZDg4ZGI4ZjRlYzZhOGMxZGM3ODQyNDQ0NWU0 var mydate=new Date() There Rawdon was met by Lieutenant-Colonel Stewart, who had come up from Charleston with an Irish regiment. Why do North Americans pronounce "caramel" as "carmel"? Lieutenant Commander You'll lead a department or be Executive Officer (XO) or Commanding Officer (CO) in a smaller unit. How can we prove that the supernatural or paranormal doesn't exist? Acidity of alcohols and basicity of amines. Personally, I like the Latin u/v explanation. In Spanish and Portuguese, they dropped the lieu [lugar], and kept teniente and tenente, respectively. Because it's our language, and we can say it any way we like. Back in the 1800's Leutenant Mark Lefting was wounded during a battle, his men presumed him to be dead and left him there when they could not find him. How to spell out short vowel pronunciations, Follow Up: struct sockaddr storage initialization by network format-string. Lieutenant RAF? Lieutenant or WO III After 1940, the WO III rank was abolished and most of these WO IIIs were commissioned as officers. Is it acceptable to pronounce lieutenant the American way in - Quora and a "lieutenant in command" or "lieutenant and commander" in the Royal Navy. dailyinfo[3]=' 45 Gunner HAZURA SINGH 31st Mountain Battery Indian Mountain Artillery who died 03/03/1920 TEHRAN MEMORIAL Iranm ' Royal Navy Pay Scales 2022 - 2023 - Armed Forces - RN Officers Pay var daym=mydate.getDate() First Lieutenant, HMS H 23 (submarine) (Portsmouth) [tender to HMS Alecto] [obtained aviator's licence (No. 2. I think the "lef-tenant" pronunciation comes from that lief which was no doubt interchangeable with lieu at some point in the past. Does Ed Miliband really not know how to pronounce 'Lieutenant'? This little story offers another simple explanation of the inserted "F" in the pronunciation.
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