He Gives Back "I did his yard the other day," the mulch guy said between loads . . 24, 2001) -- Torpedoman Mate 3rd Class Matt Bissonnette member from Navy Seal Team 5, San Diego, Calif., scans the area as they practice a beach . Sign Up for our (infrequent) Newsletter (Click Here), On HubPages: drarthuride.hubpages.com The Intercept: Navy SEAL Kept Trophy Photo of Osama bin Laden - Gawker Crashing Someone's Balcony WebCam in Frankfurt, Germany, Matt Crashed the Sunset Beach, CA Surfcam, Matt is available for recording sessions, live performance and remote recording from his personal recording studio. Group Leader Matt Bissonnette (Ekstrabladet.dk). ADS did not respond to a request for comment. Marine General James Hoss Cartwright and Obama. "It should be on the book.". Contributed photo. Bissonnettes racism and egocentricism are far more a factor. .embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } The law notes that any service member who discloses classified or sensitive information can be prosecuted in a court of law, even if he is retired from the military (read here and here). Even the question of who has seen the photos, beyond the SEALs and the White House, remains unanswered. Usama bin Laden, it is true, sent many men to their deaths in keeping with the letter of the law of the Koran, but the truth is not within the Koran on this assassination that is more in keeping with the policies of Henry Kissinger under Nixon when he ordered the assassination of the legally elected and popular Salvador Allende of Chile (video). [6] A DoD investigation revealed that Bissonnette and six other SEALs had served as consultants on the video game, Medal of Honor: Warfighter, at Bissonnette's urging. A rival book, No Easy Op (an e-bookavailable from www,Amazon.com), claims that there was bad blood between Bissonnette and other SEALs (read hereand here). (Other reporters, including this one, named him after that.). The curse of Noah (against his grandson Canaan) was used by the Hittites, Slavs, and other people. They dont call it SEAL Team 6-Year-Old for nothing, Bissonnette said bitterly of the rejection by a man who up until then had given him top performance reviews and tried to persuade him not to leave the Navy after the Bin Laden raid in 2011. One of the reasons U.S. Navy SEALs were able to so skillfully execute the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound last year was a CIA training facility in North Carolina that mirrored the architecture . Rob O'Neill branded a LIAR by fellow SEAL Team Six members 0. Who Loves the Sun: Directed by Matt Bissonnette. More important than the murder of bin Laden, Bissonnette exposes himself as a traitor to all peoplenot only citizens of the USA. Sep 11, 2017. 8. 763, 62 L.Ed.2d 704) decided February 19, 1980. Decorated Navy SEAL moonlighting as a porn star Bissonnette (L) and Maurer (R), co-authors. Research into various articles, communications with the Pentagon and other sources shows Bissonnette to be hot headed and bad blood with a vengenace against all. The opening credits of the . Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Service. During their search of his hard drive, investigators subsequently found emails and records dealing with Bissonnettes work as a consultant while he was on active duty at SEAL Team 6. Element Group, a company Bissonnette helped set up in Virginia Beach about five years ago, is among the companies NCIS is said to be investigating. Curling season draws to exciting close | Sports | leadvilleherald.com 82 Matt Bissonnette Premium High Res Photos - Getty Images Former teammate Matt Bissonnette published the initial first-person account about the raid, "No Easy Day," using the pen name Mark Owen and . And O'Neill himself also pushed back on this version of events when I asked. Matthew Cole[emailprotected]theintercept.com@matthewacole. No Easy Day, the . It every book sung praises of every thing printed there would be no objectivity, and if you read other books (such as the Kindle book No Easy Op you will see that Bissonnette failed to heed the military code, that Usama bin Ladenfor whom I had no time and who should have been tried at the World Court for crimes against humanity and executed) you will see that the responsibility of factual reporting and actual history does not worship at the altar of mythology as one person or group would want history and reality grotestquely changed. Copyright 2023 The Washington Times, LLC. His recurring illusions of grandeur and quest for personal power and fame has cost numerous lives and the mental anguish of many. Justice Department drops second criminal investigation into Navy SEAL And thats why he said he wrote the new book, to share hard lessons learned on the battlefield, this time with the Pentagons permissionand to prove that he would have done it this way the first time, had he known better. He is supported by Bissonnette and other retired military who want Obamacare ended, a promise Romney and Ryan make repeatedly (read here and here). Former Navy SEAL Settles With Authorities Over Bin Laden Raid Book Conservative Muslims worldwide called for his death in the same manner that Christian terrorists such as Anders Behring Breivik (Norway) who savagely murdered 76 Norwegianthe majority of whom were teenagers, ScottLively (California) Abiding Truth Ministries that has no Biblical basis and calls for mass genocidewho bought an on-line JD (Doctor of Law) and studied theology on the internet, racist Congressional Representatives Steven King (R-Iowa, watch video), Peter King (R-New York), Todd Akin (R-Missouri), Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota)and others (such as the perpetually inaccurate and heated fabrications of the internet newsletter Act! Thats when Element Group shut down.. In the past the US Supreme Court has ruled in favor of the Pentagon when an unauthorized book by a military member was published even without exposing confidential or classified information as was the case with retired CIA agent Frank Snepp published a book (Decent. While combing the hard-drive, however, investigators discovered records concerning business deals Mr. Bissonnette had arranged while on active duty that were not covered by the non-prosecution agreement, which subsequently led to NCIS widening its investigation, The Intercept reported. Bissonnette later acknowledged in interviews that he violated military rules that required him to allow the Defense Department to review his manuscript prior to publication. on about your day, ask yourself: How likely is it that the story you just read would have been produced by a different news outlet if The Intercept hadnt done it? The CBS "60 Minutes" interview with Bissonnette includes a number of a new details, those of which were not mentioned in "No Easy Day," the newly released book he wrote and released under the pseudonym Mark Owen. The lawyer, Kevin Podlaski, did not respond to a message requesting comment. 'They Don't Call It SEAL Team 6-Year-Old for Nothing': Commandos Clash Player Michael Clemente saves a shot from Canada Player Matt Bissonnette at the 2018 Ice Hockey Classic between USA and Canada at Qudos Bank Arena on. Bissonnette claims in his book that an unnamed DEVGRU teammate actually fired the shots that killed Bin Laden, not O'Neill who claims that the unnamed teammate fired and missed. Join the Navy Discord server here The modern Jews have no legal right to Israel as it was an artifical state created by stealing Palestinian land after World War II had ended and the Allies realized that they waited too long to act against Hitler. Matt Bissonnette SEAL Book Could Have Royalties Seized by Pentagon. Bissonnettes action constituted an illegal military coup against the USA in his desire to punish other SEALs and work outside of the official military channels. Molly Parker is possibly single at the moment but previously, she was married to the director, writer, and producer Matt Bissonnette. O'Neill is not the only one who has come under fire. Matt Bissonnette (author) - Wikipedia Luskin said the former SEAL proved his good faith by volunteering to stop promoting No Easy Day after the initial 60 Minutes interviewlike the second one Sunday to promote No Heroand by setting aside the book royalties pending resolution of the legal case. He speaks with wistful bitterness of how in the aftermath of No Easy Days publication, he reached out to that SEAL Team 6 commander who fashioned the fake headstone to explain that hed never intended to put out anything that would endanger his teammates. According to two retired SEAL Team 6 operators, Bissonnettes name has been added to a rock kept at the Virginia Beach SEAL Team 6 base. Matt Bissonnette Named As Navy SEAL Behind Bin Laden Raid Tell-All Its a mistake for which both emotionally and financially he has and will pay very dearly, he added, though the lawyer believes he will be able to wrap up a settlement on both potential civil and criminal charges by years end. Investigators received a copy of the retired SEALs hard-drive after his attorney arranged a deal in which Mr. Bissonnette would not be prosecuted for unlawfully possessing classified material in exchange for voluntarily giving up the data, the two sources said on condition of anonymity.
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