The Himalayan area of Kashmir is an intermontane valley shaped by the stream Jhelum (antiquated name Vitasta), a feeder of the waterway Indus. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. it was brilliantly prepared for the work. The kings of Kashmir described in the Rjatarangi can be roughly grouped into dynasties as in the table below. Feature Flags: { Expelled several irreligious Brahmins who used to eat garlic (non-. Check ' ' translations into Persian. Answer. Arthashastra , one of the first in the history of Malayalam literature. What are three different irrational numbers between the rational numbers 5 by 7 and 9 by 11? 2011 Duke University Press During his reign, the Mlechchhas (possibly, According to historical evidence, Mihirakula's predecessor was. The earliest reference to the Kambojas is around the 5th century BCE. [6], No kings mentioned in this book have been traced in any other historical source. Compared to translations in other languages, Raman Menons craft is remarkable for its lucidity and elegance. Rajatarangini was composed by Kalhana, scion of a noble family of Kashmir. The minister was persecuted, and ultimately imprisoned because of rumors that he would succeed the king. In the early years of his reign, the actual power was held by Sussala. Because of the rising Buddhist influence, people stopped following the Shaivite, Gonanda III founded a new dynasty. Users can access their older comments by logging into their accounts on Vuukle. Running into almost 8000 stanzas that are inconsistently disseminated among eight books or areas, the Kalhana Rajatarangini is a record of the illustrious administrations that administered the realm of Kashmir from its putative starting points to the writers own time. Learn about the life of Vallabhacharya, a great saint and philosopher. View all Google Scholar citations Hari Parbat is visible in the background. Built a new city called Damodarasuda, and a dam called Guddasetu. Verse 13. It covers the whole range of history in the Kashmir district from the earliest times to the date of its synthesis. Notes in parentheses refer to a book ("Taranga") and verse. The Hindi translation of Pandeya Ram Tej is another well-acclaimed book. Waged a war against the Tantrins with help of their rivals (known as Ekanga), but was defeated and killed. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Rajatarangini, (Sanskrit: River of Kings) historical chronicle of early India, written in Sanskrit verse by the Kashmiri Brahman Kalhana in 1148, that is justifiably considered to be the best and most authentic work of its kind. Rajatarangini/Original languages In that officials, Abul Fazi translated Ramayana into Persian. But oddly enough, no translation of the work into Malayalam had been attempted all this time until Raman Menon, a scholar and author of numerous books in Malayalam including an extensive commentary of Son of Lalitapida and his concubine Jayadevi. What was the name of Persian translation of Rajatarangini? It is by late Vidwan T.K. Rajatarangini in Scholarship The most widely known Rajatarangini (River of Kings) - and the one on which the English translations discussed here are based - is a Sanskrit narrative by Kalhana Pandit dating to 1148-49 AD.1 It is written in verse in the Sanskrit kavya style and divided into eight cantos (or tarangas ), which number close to 8,000 . He was a devout Shaivite, and his reign was marked by peace. He looked into an assortment of epigraphic sources connecting with illustrious tributes, development of sanctuaries, and land awards; he concentrated on coins, fantastic remaining parts, family records, and nearby practices. His son Kshemagupta married Didda, daughter of Simharaja of Lohara. Sample translated sentence: Heill on sen thden puhdas asema Jehovan edess. He was followed by his two sons who became kings in succession. In 1380 C.E. What was the name of Persian translation of Rajatarangini? Rajatharangini promises to arouse a great deal of interest among readers. Barring a successful invasion of Ladakh, Sikandar did not annex any new territory. What is the best compliment to give to a girl? [3] The work consists of 7826 verses, which are divided between eight books called tarangas ("waves"). Each issue contains four to five feature articles on topics [17], Shihabud-din was also a great administrator who governed his kingdom with firmness and justice. Researchers who showed up at this portrayal of the Rajatarangini as the first work of history, the last referenced drawing out the basic release of the Rajatarangini and its full English interpretation, which is perused right up til the present time. Who wrote the Rajatarangini class 4th English? We have migrated to a new commenting platform. In those authorities, Abul Fazl interpreted Ramayana into Persian. He was a vyavahari (perhaps merchant) who along with others who owned villages like him had set up little kingdoms during the last days of Karkotas. Kashmira Kerala paryanthaamganatantrenashasssitam, Rakshayantujanaasarve, ekachhatramimaammaheem (From Kashmir to Kerala extending and governed by democracy, may all the people protect this lands sovereign unity). In 1540, the Sultanate was briefly interrupted when Mirza Muhammad Haidar Dughlat, a Chagatai Turco-Mongol military general attacked and occupied Kashmir. [9][10][11], According to Wink, Shah Mir may have been an Afghan or a Qaruna Turk, or even a Tibetan. This page was last modified on 1 January 2016, at 03:52. How do people make money on survival on Mars? Request Permissions. Sanskrit [a] He thinks it more likely that he was a descendant of Turkish or Persian immigrants to Swat, who had intermarried with local indigenous peoples. Rajatarangini 's first translation into a foreign language was as long ago as in the first decade of the 13th century, by Haidar Malik into Persian. The king imprisoned Toramana, when the latter stuck royal coins in his own name. [dubious discuss] In fact, his translator Aurel Stein expressed the view that his was the only true Sanskrit history. Cultural Life during the Sultanate Period - History Discussion This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Haksar captured the mystique of Indias coordinates in this couplet: section. His short reign was marked by a succession struggle with his half-brother Vajraditya II. Accordingly, translation was no longer confined solitary to an isolated linguistic context and the socio-cultural aspects of translation were emphasized. The famous story of Nala and Damayanti was also rendered into Persian by Faizi and was . The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". He stopped the killing of cows by means . He is most remembered for his Advaita Vedantist text, the Dasbodh. But his traditional conceptual framework, using uncritical assumptions and a belief in the role of the poet as an exponent of moral maxims, makes the idealizing content in his narrative, particularly for the early period, rather dominant. And 40 years after his passing, the translation has now been brought into publication thanks to the zealous efforts of a few lovers of classical literature. Zain-ul-Abidin is also called as Akbar of Kashmir and Shahjahan of Kashmir on account of religion and development respectively. He was also called the Lalitaditya of Medieval Kashmir as he erected many mosques and monasteries. He established a university in Naushehra and a Darul Tarjuma. Kalhana in his opening Taranga of Rajatarangini presents his views on how history ought to be written. . Son of Lalitapida and Jayadevi, made the king by his maternal uncle Utpalaka. He was known by his subjects as Bod Shah or Budshah (lit. According to Jonaraja, Shah Mir was the descendant of Partha (Arjuna) of Mahabharata fame. Concerning past occasions, Kalhana wrote that the material was genuinely picky. The translators of Rajatarangini framed the text as more than a solitary example of Indian historical writing; rather, they engaged with it on multiple levels, drawing out, debating, and rethinking the definitions of literature and history and the relative significance of and relationship between them in capturing the identity of the nation and its regions. The first translation of a portion of the Rajatarangini was carried out in Persian, at the behest of Sultan Zain-ul-Abidin (1421-1472) A.D of Kashmir. Little is known about him except from what he tells us about himself in the opening verses of his book. in the broad and interdisciplinary area of "theory and history of cultural production," The Rajatarangini is an epic poem (mahakavya) in Sanskrit running into nearly 8000 verses that are spread over eight books or sections. In the legacy of Sanskrit, Kashmir and Kerala can be said to have a unique fellowship of literary creativity, with icons like Bilhana and Somadeva in Kashmir and Shankara and Narayana Bhattathiri in Kerala. Another television serial based on this work has been completed by National Award winning director, Jyoti Sarup. Postmodernism is the literary period, the beat generation aligned with. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Son of Ajitapida. ): "This [king], who did not speak the language of the gods but used vulgar speech fit for drunkards, showed that he was descended from a family of spirit-distillers". He allowed the Hindus to build their temples and follow the personal law according to the Dharmashastras. After his family, Godhara of another family ruled (I.95). puhdas in Persian - Finnish-Persian Dictionary | Glosbe Jonaraja became a Kashmiri antiquarian and Sanskrit writer. [27], He was the seventh ruler of the Shah Mir Dynasty, and reigned between 1413 and 1420. Deposed his half-brother to become the king, but died after a week. In that officials, Abdul Fazi translated Ramayana into Persian. But with a small army, he fought and defeated the whole army of Kashgar. Rajatarangini was translated into Persian by Zain-ul-Abidin order. The Rajataringini provides the earliest source on Kashmir that can be labeled as a "historical" text on this region. Translation of " " into Persian . Who translated Mahabharata and Rajatarangini into Persian? and interdisciplinary publications, both books and journals. [5] Some of the kings and dynasties can be identified with inscriptions and the histories of the empires that periodically included the Kashmir valley, but for long periods the Rajatarangini is the only source. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Uchchala's brother; ascended throne with Gargachandra's support, Harsha's grandson, who had escaped Uchchala's revolt. Raman Menon, an erudite scholar in both Sanskrit and Malayalam during his time. There are four English translations of Rjatarangi by: A television series based on Rajatarangini named Meeras was begun in 1986 in Doordarshan Srinagar. He tried to abduct a Nga woman, who was the wife of a Brahmin. He lies buried in the Gorstan e Shahi in Srinagar. Little is known about the author Kalhana (c. 12th century CE), apart from what is written in the book. How much stuff can you bring on deployment? Who translated Rajatarangini in Persian language? Kalhana () (c. 12th century CE), a Kashmiri Brahmin, was the author of Rajatarangini, and is regarded as Kashmir's first historian. Ramdas was a devotee of Hanuman and Rama. In subsequent years, through his tact and ability Shah Mir rose to prominence and became one of the most important personalities of his time. Toromanu is clearly the Huna king of that name, but his father Mihirakula is given a date 700 years earlier. His Dvity Rjataragin can be a continuation of Kalhanas Rjataragin and brings the annal of the rulers of Kashmir proper right down to the hour of the creators supporter Zain-ul-Abidin. What literary period is the beat generation aligned with? A town named Shihabud-dinpura aka Shadipur was founded by him. Answer: It is court chronicle that deals with the history of rulers of Kashmir. Jogesh Chandra Dutt in the late 19th century. Rajatarangini, which consists of 7,826 verses, is divided into eight books. Kalhana was an educated and sophisticated Sanskrit scholar, well-connected in the highest political circles. It was written in Sanskrit by Kashmiri historian Kalhana in the 12th century CE. 'Great King')[29] and ruled from 1418 to 1470. Rajatarangini - Wikipedia The Rajatarangini is a Sanskrit account of the various monarchies of Kashmir, prior to the advent of Islam. [5] The total reign of the following kings is mentioned as 1266 years. For 56 years, The Journal of Asian Studies has been It was written in Sanskrit by Kashmiri historian Kalhana in the 12th century CE. He died after hearing about the false news of Sandhimati's death. Regarding the events of the past, Kalhanas search for material was truly fastidious. It was translated into Persian by the orders of the later Muslim ruler Zain-ul-Abidin. Note: Muhammad Shah had five separate reigns from 1484 to 1537.[34]. Although the earlier books are inaccurate in their chronology, they still provide an invaluable source of information about early Kashmir and its neighbors in the north western parts of the Indian subcontinent, and are widely referenced by later historians and ethnographers. [12] These kings ruled Kashmir for 192years. According to Kalhana, Ashoka reigned before 1182 BCE, and was a member of the dynasty founded by Godhara. There are four English translations of Rjatarangi by: Ranjit Sitaram Pandit The kings of Kashmir described in the Rajatarangini are given below. Who wrote Rajatarangini What does it tell us about? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. (Arjuna) of Mahabharata fame. for primarily professional audiences (e.g., in law or medicine). Son of Partha. It is a very good painting of the beyond with splendid recorded understanding. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The Shah Mir Sultanate and other South Asian polities, circa 1400 CE. In his old age, the childless king ordered killing of Sandhimati to prevent any chance of him becoming a king. This Vikramaditya is not same as the, Shared the administration with his queen. Jonaraja in his Dvitiya Rajatara? He called back the Hindus who had left Kashmir during his father reign and allowed building of temples. It is a Sanskrit file of the diverse look of Islam. Wife of Damodara. [Studia Indologica Universitatis Halensis 7], SlajeWalter", "The COININDIA Coin Galleries: Sultans of Kashmir", Baharistan-i-Shahi: A Chronicle of Mediaeval Kashmir,, Tomb of the Mother of Zain-ul-Abidin in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, This page was last edited on 23 February 2023, at 23:00. Zain-ul-Abidin worked hard to establish a fair rule in Kashmir. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Raman Menons translation attempts to preserve the essential characteristics of the original by adopting the Manipravalam diction. Then Lalitaditiya meets the Bhauttas in Baltistan in western Tibet north of Kashmir, then the Dardas in Karakoram/Himalaya, the Valukambudhi and then he encounters Strirajya, the Uttarakurus and the Pragjyotisha respectively (IV.165-175). Hiranya died childless. Zain ul Abidin, a 15th century ruler of Kashmir, appointed scribes to translate the Mahabharata and Kalhana's Rajatarangini into Persian with the aim that these translations would give an insight into Hindu philosophy and culture to the rest of the world. Next Sultan of Kashmir was Haji Khan, who succeeded his father Zain-ul-Abidin and took the title of Haidar Khan.[30]. Kalhana describes the rules of Toramana and, After the Huna, Meghavahana of the Gonandiya family was brought back from. Murdered his father, and starved his half-brothers to death. Son of Hiranyakula. After a couple of generations a Vijaya from another family took the throne (II.62). Researchers who showed up at this portrayal of the Rajatarangini as the first work of history, the last referenced drawing out the basic release of the Rajatarangini and its full English interpretation, which is perused right up til the present time. Explanation: In 1574 Akbar started a Maktab Khana or a house of translation works in Fatehpur Sikri. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Zain-ul-Abidin was the eighth sultan of Kashmir. Notes in parentheses refer to a book ("Taranga") and verse. Verse 7. Some of the architectural projects commissioned by the dynasty in Kashmir include: Tomb of the Mother of Zain-ul-Abidin in Srinagar. According to Jogesh Chander Dutt's calculation, this year corresponds to 2448 BCE. It covers the whole range of history in the Kashmir district from the earliest times to its synthesis. issues of East, South, and Southeast Asia, as well as a large book review Rajatarangini, (Sanskrit: River of Kings) historical chronicle of early India, written in Sanskrit verse by the Kashmiri Brahman Kalhana in 1148, that is justifiably considered to be the best and most authentic work of its kind.
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