A large oak tree was lifted bodily and blown across it, crushing in the roof. Their household effects are destroyed. Please select one of the following: Nashville (KOHX) Local Standard Radar (low bandwidth), Hopkinsville, KY (KHPX) Local Standard Radar (low bandwidth), Hytop, AL (KHTX) Local Standard Radar (low bandwidth), Columbus, MS (KGWX) Local Standard Radar (low bandwidth), National Radar Standard Radar (low bandwidth), Southern Mississippi Valley Local Standard Radar (low bandwidth), Central Great Lakes Local Standard Radar (low bandwidth), Southeast Local Standard Radar (low bandwidth), State of Tennessee and Middle TN Daily Climate, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. - Dickson County was swept by a terrible storm last night, and as a result more than fifty houses lay wrecked today, and the damage to property will run far into the thousands of dollars. SHAMBURGER (2016): Although Grazulis states that a downburst caused the immense damage in Statesville, the severity of the damage across southeast Wilson County into DeKalb County - with three churches demolished, numerous homes and barns unroofed, and several injuries - strongly suggests this damage was from a strong tornado. On Lick Creek the house of Frank Hunter was badly wrecked and one member of his family blown for a short distance without serious injury. Its course was about a half mile wide and lay from Cross Roads into Scott Co., between the farms of William Cummings and Laban Riseden, just escaping both the homesteads, but tearing up all the timber in the neighborhood and bearing on southward below Rugby, carrying away the home of Young John Brewster and crushing in his shoulder and injuring his wife. 30. Mr. Marlin was badly injured, too, but he survived, along with an infant child, a 16-year old son, and two young daughters. W. S. McLaurine's baby were also killed. Prof. J. M. Coulson's residence destroyed and a number of other buildings greatly damaged. All NOAA, (The following newspaper article was transcribed from The Pulaski Citizen of May 6, 1909.). Damage: Ab Hays, of Nashville, who was visiting Joe Rosson's family, near Port Royal, was seriously hurt by timbers, and died this morning. FROM THE NASHVILLE AMERICAN, MAY 2 1909, PAGE 5, "FALLING TIMBER": WILDER, Tenn., May 1. The entire town of Statesville had severe downburst damage. Wires all down everywhere and communication with the country cut off. The old McGavock home is wrecked. Greatest damage and the most horrible loss of life occurred in the community between Bunker Hill and Bryson, but the destruction was by no means confined to one place. Homes were "obliterated" at "Bee Springs" and near "Millville." SHAMBURGER (2016): Based on the narrative by Grazulis and the reports in the Nashville American, the path of this tornado was adjusted to begin on the Humphreys County border around 9 miles west of Dickson, pass between Tennessee City and Dickson, go through Charlotte, and end between Charlotte and Bellsburg. Thousands of trees were downed and cattle were killed. This tornado appears to be the same tornado that struck Decaturville and Perryville in Decatur County, which crossed the Tennessee River before moving across central Perry County. For a strip more than two miles in width along the railroad between here and Tennessee City, and on through that portion of the county traversed by the storm, scarcely a tree is left standing, but all lie as flat as if rolled over by some immense road roller. The storm extended over many states inflicting damage on widely scattered communities from the Great Lakes to the Gulf. Mr. Brinkley's house was carried from its foundations, as was a newly completed house of J. The tornado destroyed homes on at least three farms and killed an elderly man and a child in separate homes. These are some notable tornadoes, tornado outbreaks, and tornado outbreak sequences that have occurred in North America. BEE SPRING, Tenn. (WKRN) On April 29th and 30th in 1909, Middle Tennessee suffered its deadliest tornado outbreak in history. 6 Feb. 2021. One brick home was completely demolished. The Bee Spring Church was destroyed and many graves in the cemetery are the resting places of those killed that fateful day. Besides the loss of property, which is now estimated at $100,000, seven known dead are reported, and injured. The clouds rolled like tremendous waves out of the southwest, and the thunder's crash was deafening, while the electric flashes played incessantly, lighting up the dark-canopied earth like a refulgent monster meteor. Tornadoes in the United States 1950-2019 These are some notable tornadoes, tornado outbreaks, and tornado outbreak sequences that have occurred in North America . At the same time and place, Mrs. Thad Reese, who was a sister of Mrs. Guffey, with her two children, lost their lives, making seven deaths at this one house. Miss Daisy Marshall received a few slight wounds. Only two houses were left standing. Damage: About 75 homes were damaged or destroyed at Centerville, and losses totaled over $100,000. Dickson was left to the right of the storm's pathway, and fortunately little damage was done here. Copyright 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. There were no additional fatalities from these tornadoes. RUGBY. The Tri-State Tornado occurred on March 18, 1925. In Charlotte ten houses were completely wrecked, and thirty in addition were damaged more or less. Coming into Robertson County the storm struck the barn of Mrs. Laban Warfield on the place occupied by Mr. Duff. GRAZULIS: Moved NE from just over the Alabama line, crossing extreme SE Giles County to 5 miles NW of Fayetteville. The home of Tobe Cunningham stands directly between the two churches and has withstood both storms without any especial damage. Hardest-hit areas were in and around Pulaski, Bryson and Fayetteville. GRAZULIS: Moved NE near "Sango," 8 miles ESE of Clarksville. Rutherford County was visited last night by one of the most destructive storms of many years. Please Contact Us. From Conway eastward to the county line, and even beyond through Lincoln County a wide path of destruction and desolation was swept through a prosperous and happy farming community. Reports from farmers are that crops will have to be planted over again. GRAZULIS: The entire town of Statesville had severe downburst damage. Contributions may be sent direct to Mr. Young or to the Citizen and we will forward to the relief committee. Part of a larger outbreak that started a few days earlier, the unrelenting barrage of . Current Hazards. The timbers in front of the hotel were laid waste, some of which fell on the hotel, doing considerable damage to the building. The missing are Mr. and Mrs. Bob Stevens, whose home was torn to pieces. At least 695 . Gibbons, of this place, was killed while eating. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. Contributions may be sent direct to Mr. Young or to the Citizen and we will forward to the relief committee. When the tornado outbreak was over, at least 62 people had been killed across Middle Tennessee, and over 200 more were left injured. A thorough reading of newspaper articles came up with a total of 17 deaths and 43 injuries, with 9 deaths and 32 injuries in Hickman County and 8 deaths and 11 injuries in Williamson County. Copyright 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. One of the strange things of it all is that both the Christian and Methodist churches at Trinity were blown down about ten years ago, and both rebuilt on the same foundation to be blown away again last night. The path length was estimated based on a beginning point in the Bushtown area and end point just past Algood. FROM THE NASHVILLE AMERICAN, MAY 1 1909, PAGE 4, section Robertson County: SPRINGFIELD, Tenn., April 30 - A "twister", or cyclone, struck Montgomery County last night at Rudolphtown and plowed its way on through Montgomery County and the Seventeenth District of Robertson County into Kentucky, leaving devastation in its wake and entailing a loss of over $50,000. In addition to those killed outright many were more or less seriously injured. The old Henry Wade residence, a two-story frame buildings, was demolished, and also several cabins on the place. As the storm moved eastward, it cut a path into the Southall community, causing major damage and dealing additional death blows. Spawned by the same thunderstorm that produced the Charleston tornado family. Franklin, Tenn., Apr. The home of Wilson Estes was also destroyed, together with the livery barn of Russell Estes, owner of Primm Springs Hotel. The cyclone wrecked the house and killed Mrs. McGrew and six children, while Mr. McGrew, a son and a baby escaped with serious injuries. Ten homes were destroyed. Besides the devastation mentioned, fences, timber and numerous small buildings were blown away and other damage done. At this time it is impossible to ascertain the damage and loss of life to stock; no lives so far reported. The strongest, an F-4 with winds 207 mph or higher traveled for 30 miles across Giles and Lincoln counties killing 31 people in all. Another (not counted) indirect death occurred in Lincoln County due to a Miss Jennie Kelso interacting with a live electrical wire. Both the Methodist and Christian churches are blown down; the homes of Will Tullass and James Marshall, both of which were beautiful country residences, are complete wrecks; the home of James Nolen is considerably damage, but not so bad as the others. Several parties sustained slight injuries. Although not specifically stated in the article, Mr. Henry Reed of Cross Roads died from his injuries per death certificate records. The emergency is one which as charitable, sympathetic people, we should take prompt steps to alleviate. - The windstorm in this county Thursday night was probably the worst in its history. The three churches - the Cumberland, the Methodist and the Baptist - also the schoolhouse, were blown down and destroyed. Mr. McNutt, wife and three children, near Fayetteville. Elam Tucker, who lives at the old Suttle place, near Aspen Hill, lost his barn, also Will Coon, Billy Widene, and D. Biles, and the tenant houses on the Phillips place, south of Tucker's, were wrecked. Four houses are blown down in Franklin. Will McGrew's family consisted of ten. The desperately injured are: R. H. Thompson, a son and daughter of Mrs. Money, Hiram Prince and Prof. R. S. Ballen. FROM THE NASHVILLE AMERICAN, MAY 4 1909, PAGE 5, "THREE CHURCHES DESTROYED": ALEXANDRIA, Tenn., May 3. The home of Wilson Estes was also destroyed, together with the livery barn of Russell Estes, owner of Primm Springs Hotel. Four people are known to be dead and two are missing, supposed to have been blown away as their home was demolished. As soon as neighbors could be informed of the disaster, they hastened to the relief of the suffering. - The heaviest rainfall in years, accompanied by high winds, has fallen here since midnight last night. Many of the inhabitants here moved to Bryson, a few miles away, and that community grew a little bit larger. A school was reportedly carried intact for two miles, touching the ground every 200-300 yards, leaving holes in the earth. Weather.gov > Nashville, TN > April 29, 1909 Tornado Outbreak . These pictures show the damage in Centerville in Hickman County where there were 9 deaths and 32 injuries. In addition, the "old negro woman" killed "one-quarter mile west of Franklin" according to the Pulaski Citizen newspaper was actually killed, along with one of her children, on Carter's Creek Pike southwest of Franklin per the Nashville American newspaper. The writer went across the country to Sulphur Fork, following it up, and through Charlotte, on the west side of town. In its track, which was about half a mile in width, practically all timber was uprooted or twisted to the earth. The clouds rolled like tremendous waves out of the southwest, and the thunder's crash was deafening, while the electric flashes played incessantly, lighting up the dark-canopied earth like a refulgent monster meteor. Thousands of trees were downed and cattle were killed. US Dept of Commerce US Dept of Commerce W. S. McLaurine's baby were also killed. FROM THE NASHVILLE AMERICAN, MAY 1 1909, PAGE 4, ALGOOD SECTION: The worst storm that has visited this section for thirty years passed over this section about midnight. It is reported that three white people are killed about two miles further down the trail of the cyclone, but this statement has not been authenticated. John Lee's barn was blown over. 6 Feb. 2021. GRAZULIS: Moved ENE from 4 miles SW of Nolensville, passing south of Smyrna, just north of Walterhill and ending near Statesville. - The most horrible catastrophe ever known in Lincoln County was the cyclone which passed through the county last night about midnight, wrecking homes, destroying lives and injuring a large number of citizens. Tennessee 225: Dive into the history of the Volunteer State. National Weather Service The several cashiers will take charge of same several cashiers will take charge of same and see to it that it is property and judiciously distributed among those who are destitute. It then completely blew away Webb & Crawford's Planning Mills and the stock house of the Cookeville Roller Mills. The majority of the 34 deaths caused by this F4 tornado were in the residential areas of the east and south areas of the town. Nashville, TN500 Weather Station RoadOld Hickory, TN 37138615-754-8500Comments? Sorry, the location you searched for was not found. North of Memphis, Tennessee, two F3 tornadoes killed a total of 22 from Crittenden County, Arkansas, to Carroll County, Tennessee. For several minutes it was as bright as the glare of a noonday sun with this setting, the wind terrific in force and volume halted at no obstacle, and in its path it left an imprint on everything it touched. Other F4 recorded were reported in Missouri near Golden, in Illinois near Texas City, and in south-central Tennessee near Bee Springs, just north of the Alabama state line. 20th Century 1909 Oct 14, Tornado Outbreak, AL (11-21), AR (2), GA (1-2), TN (42-50) -56-75 lornajarrettblanchard October 14, 1909 95 Daily Telegraph, Atlantic, IA. From the foot of the mountain, near Wonder Cave, half way to the top, two-thirds of the large trees are down. The young son of J. L. Cox, who lives on Hervey Whitfield's farm in District No. The stock barn of Rural home Stock farm was torn to pieces, and there were many other houses, barns, and outhouses destroyed. The cyclone wrecked the house and killed Mrs. McGrew and six children, while Mr. McGrew, a son and a baby escaped with serious injuries. There were also numerous reports of livestock killed by flying debris. The plate glass show windows stood the shock, but a number of other smaller lights in the windows were broken. More than 320 died in the twister barrage . It came from the northwest, traveling with great momentum. His entire family was wiped out of existence. Aftermath of deadly April 1909 tornado outbreak in Centerville, TN (Tennessee State Library & Archives) 62 people were killed in the outbreak, with 31 of them dying when a massive F4 tornado. FROM THE NASHVILLE AMERICAN, MAY 1 1909, PAGE 10, "AT WATERTOWN, TENN.". Shade trees and orchards suffered greatly. Many Lives and Much Property Lost in Giles County. A portion of the residence of Mrs. Alice Estes was blown away. It is impossible to obtain details, as the wires are all down. C. H. Whitney's barn, in the track of the storm, was blown down and Rural Carrier Morgan's horse was killed in the barn. 11 deaths were recorded in the Missouri storm, 5 near Texas City and 29 along the Alabama-Tennessee state line. Fayetteville, Tenn., April 30. - A terrific cyclone passed through a portion of Maury, Giles, Hickman and Williamson Counties last night, and as a result thirty-five or forty known dead and a hundred or more injured, some seriously. A total of 22 people were killed in that area (Giles County), and seven near "Millville" (Lincoln County). The tornado continued into Giles County where nine more people lost their lives. Damage: Due to the proximity to the county border, this tornado likely began in Overton County, but the article does not mention any damage to confirm this. It touched down during the dead of night between 10 and 11as it moved into Williamson County. Miss Jennie Kelso, Fayetteville; killed by live electric light wire. This is a list of significant tornadoes that have touched down in Maury County since 1900. Damage: The creeks are out of banks and all the farm work of the spring is practically lost. The Alex Mitchell family of five in Hillsboro was also reportedly all killed, but this could not be confirmed. Grazulis and some newspapers reported 4 deaths in Franklin County from Owl Hollow to Decherd, but newspaper articles indicate at least 2 more people died from their injuries several weeks later after the tornado, with other people still in critical condition. Eight-year-old boy of Paulina Farris, colored, Centreville. Following are some of the more serious losses: Lee Smith, house and barn; J. S. Bryan, house and barn; Werner Stevenson, house and barn; W. H. Watson, house and barn; Otha Young, house and barn; W. S. McLaurine, house and barn; Irby Scruggs, residence, outhouses and tenant houses; - barn escaped, Mrs. Eliza Wilkinson, residence; Hood Wilkinson, orchard, shop and barn, resident damaged, but not wrecked; T. J. Hardy, residence and barn; Ike Shapard, gin, The Scruggs' school house, near Conway, and the school house and church at Bee Spring were utterly swept away. The Bee Springs tornado touched down in northernmost Limestone County, Alabama, before crossing the into Lincoln and Giles Counties in Tennessee. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. From that point, the storm moved into the Greenbrier section, where it destroyed two stores, several churches, and numerous farm houses, barns and outbuildings. A tornado destroyed a church and three homes. Two people were killed and 20 injured in that second storm.