One, two, three, four,Heels click down on the catwalk floor.Five, six, seven, eight,Head held high and back dead straight. Ill walk the extra mile.Not because I have to, but because its worth my while.I know that I am different, when I stand on a crowded street.I know the fullness of winning, Ive tasted the cup of defeat. Tiny Angel shook his head,These things I do not knowBut I do know that you love me,And that I love you so., This was a life that had hardly begunNo time to find your place in the SunNo time to do all you could have doneBut we loved you enough for a lifetimeNo time to enjoy the world and its wealthNo time to take life down off the shelfNo time to sing the songs of yourselfThough you had enough love for a lifetime. I juggle for my friends, and keep them all aglow,With love and trust and faith that nothing can oerthrow,I catch them as they fall and fling them to the sky,And catch them as they come back down, and so I juggle by. I pray the umpire knows his job,And doesnt lift his finger.But if he does I pledge to you:Ill not forlornly linger. Brother when you weep for me, remember that it was meant to be,Lay me down and when you leave, remember Ill be at your sleeveIn every dark and choking hall, Ill be there as you slowly crawlOn every roof in driving snow; Ill hold your coat and you will know.In cellars hot with searing heat; at windows where at a gate you meet;In closets where young children hide: you know Ill be there at your side.The house from which I now respond is overstaffed with heroes gone;Men who answered one last bell did the job and did it well.As firemen we understand that deaths a card dealt in our hand,A card we hope we never play but one we hold there anyway.That card is something we ignore as we crawl across a weakened floor,For we know that were the only prayer for anyone that might be thereSo remember, as you wipe your tears, the joy I knew throughout the yearsAs I did the job I loved to do I pray that thought will see you through. Forget what is happening all around,And keep both feet upon the ground; Dont let anything hurry you,And let each dart fly straight and true! You are loved by so many.You might notHave known,But in our heartsIs whereYou have grown. A Long Cup Of Tea Michael Ashby A humorous poem about not dying, but going for a long cuppa instead.A Moment Of Tranquility Mark Gregory A poem about the inner peace found when enjoying a cup of tea.Tendrils Of Steam Mark Gregory A thoughtful poem equating the rising steam from a teacup to the spirit of life. Written with a pen.Sealed with a kiss.If you are my friend,please answer this: Are we friendsOr are we not?You told me onceBut I forgot. The laughter and loveIt always shone through. I hold onto memories of you And cherish them with love God took you from this world So, you could be with Him in Heaven I lost you too soon But I will never forget you. All these visions give me hopeThat death is not the endThat an eternity awaits usThat together we will spend. But every life that ever forms,Or ever comes to be,Touches the world in some small wayFor all eternity. Whilst it's fictional and set in the 1920s it neatly sums up all that's good, quirky and, dare I say it, English about the game when played at grass roots village level. After she died, I swear the skyHad the most beautiful of all sunsets,A blush of pink, then red, a glass of red,Sudden dark and a hammock moon,Then its faint silhouette, almost secret.Life half-written, half unsaid.I had kissed your head in the strange room.Then later, I blew a kiss to the stars, to regret. In life, they loved their family, With a love that knew no bounds, Their heart was filled with joy and pride, When their loved ones were around. This poem by Carl Sandburg details the different lives one can hold as represented by seasons. I imagine you watchingThe many things I doProudly standing beside meAs I remember and honour you. Card & Paper Stock Finished size is A5 (A4 folded in half) and it is printed on 350gsm silk. A Day At The Races Graeme Cook A verse about the wonders and marvels of spending a day at the racetrack.The Last Race Barbara Ogilvie A poem highlighting betting on horses as the core of the deceaseds life.The Music Of The Morn Fran Cleland A poem highlighting the wondrous thump of hooves on turf in the morning.Racing Through My Eyes Henry Birtles A wonderful poem that captures the unique atmosphere trackside.When The Ridings Done J. P. Gorham A poem suggesting the spirit of a horse rider will always endure at the track. As eighteen flags flew at half mast, andGlasses were soberly raised highThe latest member was having a ballAt the golf course in the sky, Freed from the gravity of the situationThe first tee shot soared through spaceBringing a wondrous, beaming smileTo a kind, down to earth face, Surrounded by old club friendsOnce thought never to be seen againThe infinity course beckoned aheadEighteen holes were for mere mortal men. And what do we see?There is a new star shining in the sky tonight. Earrings Mark Gregory a poem in free verse about a woman who wore earrings with true grace.A Mothers Crown anon A religious poem about all the elements of a mothers character.She Loved Jewellery Lewis Raynes A slightly humorous poem for someone who wore a lot of jewellery. Tip: Does it create a picture in your mind? I have included poems for mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, husbands, wives and children. Years were not easy, many downright hard, but your faith in God transcended,Put away your tools and sleep in peace. Kazmierczak A light-hearted poem about trying (and often failing) to get a strike.The End Of The Alley Mark Gregory A poem filled with bowling terminology about what we hope for when we die.A Ten-Pin Bowlers Prayer anon An adaptation of the Lords Prayer, but for ten-pin-bowlers. Its every wish you ever had.Its all your dreams and hopes.Its all the books you ever read,the movies that youve seen. And at the end of that good lifewhen it came time for him to diethe old carpenter soaredinto the white light of death for the white light is where the good souls go to. We didnt eat in front of the TVOr with a phone in our handWe werent plugged into a stereobopping to the latest band. Its been a long time since we first felt the beginning to this end.And today we pray before you; your family and your friends.Weve watched your thoughts get more obscure with every passing day;As this heartless thing called Alzheimers made them fade away.Gradually it took the gleam from those once so loving eyes.To befall on such a giving manit seemed so unjustified.Stripping you of everything, leaving nothing in its placeExcept a look of sadness left upon your face.As long as we have searched, through all the tears weve criedWeve tried to find the reason for this long good-bye.But now its time to take back all your memoriesAs you are finally free from this cruel disease.We pledge to remember the man that you once were;A good hearted, giving man is all that will be heard.And every night when we look up and see a certain starWe will know within our hearts exactly where you are.So on this day we say good-bye as you now depart.Although far from our touch, never far from our hearts. Poems for those who loved exploring the darkest depths of the oceans. Poems for those who loved exploring caves and caverns underground. You didnt die just recently,You died some time ago.Although your body stayed a while,And didnt really know. I pray the Captain sets his fieldWith telepathic skill,That all his plans work wellAnd that the catches do not spill. Go on with the day,go on with the night,enjoy the richeslife has to offer. Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die. The only reason these days,that I ever get down on one knee,Is to view the World the way,that only a Bowler gets to see,Upon that velvet turf,looking down along the level green,Studying the Kittys spread,and where the Jack is on the scene.Will my final bowl be cunning,or just drive to win the end?I know Ill find theres Bowls in Heaven,so worry not my friend. As you played and sharedAnd helped and taughtThe laughter and love always shone through. I am a sailor, youre my first mate,We signed on together, we coupled our fate,Hauled up our anchor, determined not to fail,For the hearts treasure, together we set sail. The Boxer Ross Dix-Peek A poem telling the tale of a physicially worn-out boxer whose mind is still sharp and agile.I Am The Greatest Cassius Clay Muhammed Alis famous poem from the 1960s.Poem for a Boxer At Rest Gabrielle Tinti A poem originally in Italian about a boxer who has fought his last fight. Sometimes your steps are very fast,Sometimes theyre hard to see,So walk a little slower Daddy,For you are leading me. You left us beautiful memories,Your love is still our guideAnd though we cannot see you,You are always by our side. All Internet links/videos/pictures in here ONLY, Optical equipment repair and refurbishment as a hobby. I lived my life beside you allCocooned within your loveSo friends and family please dont cryIm still with you; just up above. The strength of this cord its hard to describeit cant be destroyed it cant be denied.Its stronger than any cord man could createit withstands the test, can hold any weight. They are not the same. Im thankful that my heart connects us this waya mother and child, death cant take it away! I deal with screamingchildren,who dont want a cut.And the people who keep rolling in,after the doors should shut. Is there art and adventure?Tell me are you happy? Slumber sweetly little oneUpon your dusty bed.The earth be both your blanketAnd pillow for your head. For everything we do,there is a dance to get us through.For every day,we dance our life away. Each one was pieced with tender care,With threads of love and light,A labour of love taking time and skill,For each quilt that lay in sight. If so then this may be perfect. You may have thought I didnt see,Or that I hadnt heard,Life lessons that you taught to me,But I got every word. Add languages. I liked a little gambleA bet I loved to placeA rush of the adrenalineI loved to watch the race, I studied all the formRunning heavy on the courseSometimes picking coloursAn eye on my favourite horse, For me it wasnt gamblingIt was a treasured way of lifeIt took my mind so far awayFrom trouble and from strife. And even though the price of time and consequences of agedenied his body its greatest love of life as wageit never quenched his firefighters soul of its wondrous and noble ragenor that intense need burning so deep in his heartto save each life and shelter from being another victory for a fires page. You came into this lifetime for a purpose,You may have followed someones footsteps,orMay have followed your dream,Maybe you just joined to drive with lights and sirens,butYou made it your life. Hers was a life full of kindness and heart,She was selfless, private, but always played her partCaring for animals to her was like art,And her example inspired many others to start. When you spiralled down and moreI longed for a reverse,Id have given my right armFor your pain to disperse. Theres a picture I cant look away fromWith simplicity of your innocence.Theres a picture of what love can becomeWith simplicity, strength and elegance. Heaven has received another angel,The night sky another star.Your life has become a loving memory.I know you will never be far. If they mention a 'he' or 'she' you can always change that. A timers ringing in my earThe dish of my lifetime is finally hereLove, family, friendship and cakeIngredients that really helped keep me awakeBut Ive now run out of that most important of allIve scoured the kitchen and even searched the hallIf only Id been more sage with my thymeAnd possibly quaffed alittleless wineSo please stand and shout with me, if you dont mindMORE THYME! I Juggle As I Go Mark Gregory A poem that mimics the rhythmic repetition of juggling, and, indeed, of life.The Juggler Richard Wilbur A poem that uses a juggler as ametaphorfor the kind of change one needs in life. Cave of wonderscaverns so deepthrough vast rooms I wanderso many secrets to keep. Im climbing a mountainI reach out to touch the blue sky,This feeling of freedomWill live with me until I die. Short Cricket Quotes I'm jealous of my parents; I "ll never have a kid as cool as theirs. Poems for those who enjoyed filling in those tantalising blanks across and down. And then I thought, I am a partof all this, and I felta great happiness,and I opened the book againand began to read. She is in the presence of a storythat is lifting her out of her lifeand carrying her offto a place where the air is clearand the sun is always shining,to a place where the charactersare larger than lifeand their passions run deep,to a place where she is freeto lose herselfin the company of words. Listen to the storiesthe old trees tell in hushing voices,the rushing sounds of ocean waves . Poems reflecting a passion and love for cricket. For untying the strings that held them,when they grew up and left home.I give you this one for courage.Then the Lord added a garnet stone. When the long, dark night is overAnd heaven begins its reignI promise you my darlingI will see you again. These funeral poems and readings are reflective and comforting. When I am dead, my dearest, Sing no sad songs for me; Plant thou no roses at my head, Nor shady cypress tree: With showers and dewdrops wet; And if thou wilt, remember, And if thou wilt, forget. The archer and his bowWithout each other are nothing,But when they come togetherThey become quite something. Finally, it was taking shape,Like a bird making a home in its nestWe know whatever [name] madeIt was sure to be one of the best. This isnt how it was supposed to be!The world carries on like nothing has happened, but not me. I may not even be who you think I am,or even who you want me to be.You wish for me to be more like you,Why cant you be more like me? In the darkness of the theatreWhere the screen would light up brightThey found solace, joy, and comfortIn the stories that played each night. They would make good funeral poems for a nature lover who spent a lot of time in their garden. A product of where youve been, What youve done and what theyve seen, Theyve learnt most from the example you have set, So not totally to blame, Not too different, but the same, We all think we tried our very best, and yet? May they prosper, love and grow, Come to learn all that we know, And hopefully succeed through Lifes great test, May we leave this mortal coil, Free of grief, relieved of toil, And know that for our kids, we did our best. (New annually renewing membership only. There is no frigate like a bookTo take us lands away,Nor any coursers like a pageOf prancing poetry. Dont get your feet wet when you throw,And to this advice please hark,Take up a firm but easy stance Behind the eight-foot mark! A boy and his dad on a fishing-trip There is a glorious fellowship!Father and son and the open skyAnd the white clouds lazily drifting by,And the laughing stream as it runs alongWith the clicking reel like a martial song,And the father teaching the youngster gayHow to land a fish in the sportsmans way. The willowy sway of the hands awayAnd the water boiling aft,The elastic spring, the steely flingThat drives the flying craft. Also the late, great Peter Tinniswood wrote a fantastic pair of books called "tales from the long room" and "more tales from the long room". Her expertise is such thatI just really cant compare it,But best of all is when shes done,Then I will get to wear it! Poems perfect for amateur and professional sailors, or simply someone who loved all things boat. Heaven lit up with a mighty presence,as the Angels all looked down.Today the Lord was placing the jewelsInto my mothers crown. Love Is Like A Game Of Cards Titia Geertman A verse comparing card games to love and life. You were really one in a million,A cut above the rest.All who knew you would agree.You simply were the best. Good Afternoon, My father has recently passed and I would like to scatter his ashes at Lords.He was a lover of attending Lords and had many happy days there. A line, a house would pass me byThe frustration could make a grown man cry! Friend and kin,I loved them so;Although Im gone,Im sure they know. Four Roses For You anon A blessing ideal for use alongside the visual aid of four real roses.I Gathered Petals In My Hand Lou Szymkow A verse about the quiet, private moments we spent with our dead.I Place A Rose Lou Szymkow A poem about the pain of loss, and the symbolism of placing flowers by the graveside.The Rose Beyond The Wall A. L. Frink A poem about remaining hopeful, even when someone has passed out of sight.Time Heals anon A short poem about how just like a flower blooms, so too will our happy memories. We miss him in his gardenDoing odd jobs here and there.We miss him at the tableWhen we see the empty chair.We miss him at the firesidewhen we gather round the blaze.We miss him, oh, we miss himIn a hundred different ways.When troubles came the familyWould always turn to him.He always had a cheery wordWhen things were looking grimAnd now hes gone we know he wouldntWant us to be sad But life can never be the sameWithout the Dear Old Dad. A Legacy Of Stitches Sandra E. Andersen A poem highlighting what is left behind when a skilled knitter dies.Clickety Clack Robyn OConnell A poem lauding the knitted creations that the deceased made.Rows Of Stitches Ilene Bauer A short and humorous poem about the excitement of watching someone knit.Silent Needles Jacqui Alexander A lovely rhythmic poem about the creations of a knitter.With Tender Loving Care Pam Braden A touching poem about the comfort a knitted item brings. The best description of a cricket match in my opinion is in England, Their England, written by A G McDonnell. Its my special message just for youIts private and from my soulI want you to remember me,Though impossible to console, My words, my love, are meant for youAnd reaches from my heartI just dont know how to live,Now we are apart, And so I whisper to the petalsThe words I want to saySo they will be carried by the angelsFrom my heart, to you, this day, I breath and place this rose,gently upon your tomb.And feel your presence, and your love,in this very room. Uncle And Friend Michaella A. Molinski A poem for an uncle who was also considered a friend. It pictures death as an old friend, rather than something to be feared, which might be of some comfort to those in mourning. Give my spare parts so some young buckMay make a start upon the roadTake the pannier of lifeAnd balance carefully his load. Weeping willows formed an honour guardFor the cricket ball writ with a noble nameA team of ten, which had once been elevenWould never be the same side again. The transfer window never closesAs new players arrive all the timeTheres always a top team to play onAs for the kit, I just wish Id brought mine. However they cant live without,the nine, ten, two or eight.The common numbers of lifes game,theyll set the balance straight. My big right hand, gloved and fisted, Feeling now, the throttle twisted, Crisp exhaust roar, sounding sweet, Drop the clutch, and hit the street, The revs rise sharply, grab next gear, Excitement tinged with hint of fear, Watch that tacho needle wind, All and sundry left behind.