Damian Wayne, the fourth Robin and . Damian and Tim fight side by side against Ra's and his minions. Priest, Christopher. However, they then find themselves in a horrific encounter with the parents of Dick Grayson and Tim Drake reanimated as Black Lanterns. Paternity test/documentation via source material, proof of biological relation and established name of the character provided in last panels of comic book. Deadman later revives the former Boy Wonders. ", "WowThx guys!More than 1 of you(Across all my social media) suggested BOYZARRO should be his name.I LOVE IT!The fans", "DC Universe's 'Harley Quinn' Starring Kaley Cuoco Eyes New Perspectives on Familiar Caped Crusaders TCA", "Roll Call: Meet the Cast of Justice League vs. Though he sometimes struggles with his past and the legacy of his mother and grandfather, Damian now wants nothing more than to be a hero to the people of Gotham, just like his father. On his 13th birthday Damian is sent a package by his grandfather Ra's al Ghul, which contains a dead robin. [25] Thanks to the arrival of Lex Luthor and aid from Reggie's super-powered sister Sara, Kid Amazo was taken down. [78] When the other Titans find out, and when Red Arrow kills Deathstroke,[79] conflict erupts within the team until Lobo, looking for Crush, crashes in. Damian is present when Dick is inducted into the JLA, upon hearing, Damian demands to be inducted along with Dick, but his demands are promptly ignored. They later encounter Darkseid's elite member Glorious Godfrey, setting in motion the Robin Rises story arc. They survive the explosion. Of all the Robins, only Damian Wayne is actually related to Billionaire Bat. Ra's to Talia. He is raised by his mother Talia al Ghul and the League of Assassins. Damian and Bruce arrive shortly soon and help Talia defeat Geo-Force, with Damian managing to convince his mother to not kill Geo-Force afterward because his grandfather believed that their family could be better than this. Nevertheless, Grayson would be awarded for redeeming Damian. Red Arrow is injured and Deathstroke escapes. One of Darkseid's minions stole his body and took him to Apokolips, and Batman, determined to revive his son, followed. The child was born and given the name Damian. This character is or was primarily a member of the younger superhero team known as the Teen Titans, in any of its various incarnations. The ensuing melee was abruptly averted when Jon used his Freeze Breath to separate the two sides and allow him to explain the situation to his father. [57][58] Damian's absence has also been causing a conflict between his father and his acting instructor, Carrie Kelley, who is determined to find out what has happened to him, leading her to realize that the Waynes are harboring a secret. Eventually, Kid Flash discovers the secret prison,[77] and Crush, who has fallen for Djinn, kisses her, showing her the kind of genuine affection which Damian in his grimness never really did. Damian has declared himself a vegetarian. Bruce was unaware of the child's conception and returned to crime fighting for years. However, their absences from their respective homes did not go unnoticed as they encountered both Lois Lane and Alfred Pennyworth while trying to sneak into Jon's home.[26]. Elaborating his plan in transferring his consciousness into Bruce's. Damian makes a full recovery.[28]. Instead, Damian decides to begin killing criminals to invoke true fear in his enemies. [16] Damian refused to stay home while his allies were dying, and Alfred allowed him to leave knowing he could not be stopped. By Dashiel Reaves Oct 7, 2022. Due to the extreme training from his mother and grandfather has, Damian has the skills and stealth of that of an extremely trained assassin. Batman and the others manage to save him, and Talia takes her son and escapes. Damian decides to collect the other Demon's Fist's targets to form the new Teen Titans; this includes Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven and Kid Flash. The son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul, Damian Wayne was born to a life of adventure, but he struggles daily against the lesser angels of his nature. They too had chosen targets that they must hunt down in order to ascend to the League. This character has been a member of the Justice League of America, or the Justice League in any of its various incarnations, sworn by a duty to act as guardians of America and the world by using their skills and/or superpowers to protect Earth from the clutches of both interstellar and domestic threats.This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Justice League of America members" category. [3] Damian began showing restraint, which Bruce commended, although Alfred still criticized him for not being supportive enough. Nightwing. Batman agreed and granted Damian the mantle of Robin, his fourth ward to use the name. [deleted] 2 yr. ago Probably his 14 year old birthday. But next week's Batman #106 - and I [50] During the battle, Robin destroys one of Prime's evil Superboy doppelgngers by using a Kryptonite blade.[51]. After having his own dedicated story arc in 2021, entitled "Demon or Detective",[86] Damian starred in the ongoing "Robin" series written by Joshua Williamson and centered around Damian going on a solo journey to discover the mysterious League of Lazarus through competing in the Lazarus tournament with Ravager, Connor Hawke and Flatline, an apprentice of one of his father's enemies who he develps a romantic relationship with. Arrogant, cold and undeniably lethal, Damian found the transition from the unforgiving world of the League to Batmans staunch moral code to be a long and trying process, but a worthwhile one, as Damian ultimately proved himself worthy of becoming Robin at his fathers side. Freeze's gun. I shall return to Gotham in your stead, bringing with me proof, both written and genetic, that I am the long-forgotten son of Bruce and Talia. [87] At the conclusion of the first arc, both Damian's mother and grandfather arrive to aid him in defeating Ruh and in the aftermath of this arc, he returns to live with them in their palace up until the events of "Shadow War. Altieri, Kevin, director. Despite their differences, they played ball with Titus and began to enjoy spending more time together as father and son. And their genetically perfect child We'll found a dynasty that will rule the planet for a thousand years. As Damian and Batman embrace, Batman collapses from exhaustion. Damian's origin was unknown to Batman. This earns him Djinn's trust, which gradually begins to turn into a mutual romantic attraction. He dies an absolute hero".[55][56]. [22] At this point, Alfred declared them to be the Super Sons. Trained by the League of Assassins all his life, Damian joined his father's side in the war against crime by becoming the fifth Robin. Batman, despite desiring to kill his son's murderer more than anything and Nightwing making no attempts of stopping his mentor, spares the villain's life after seeing his resemblance to Damian, realizing the clone is what is left of his son. Following the "Flashpoint" story arc, Bruce Wayne was returned by writers as being the only Batman in 2011's the New 52 relaunch of DC Comics. [84] Despite the book's cancellation, the characters have subsequently appeared as a team in other series.[85]. Damian finally stands up for his Robin mantle, telling Talia that being Robin was the best thing that he had ever done, and Talia does not need to save him from something he chooses to be. Damian Wayne is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul. If Damian did not retire, his actions would lead to a plague that would force the President to nuke Gotham. "Genetically perfected, and grown in an artificial womb, Damian was engineered to kill and replace his famous father," Narrator. This character is or was an incarnation of or an ally of Batman, and a member of the Batman Family. al Xu'ffasch reappears in Waid's 1999 sequel The Kingdom. He first worked with Dick Grayson before going to work alongside his father, upon the original's return to the role of Batman. In 2006, the character was reinterpreted as Damian Wayne by Grant Morrison, and introduced into the main continuity in Batman #655, the first issue of the "Batman and Son" story arc. R. Rachel Webb. Kept away from Gotham City and his father until his adolescence, Damian Wayne exploded into the Dark Knights world in a flurry of violence, tossing the entire Batman Family into disarray. During the tournament, he discovers that the host of the tournament is his paternal great grandmother, Ruh al Ghul, who was imprisoned on this island by her son, Ra's al Ghul. He does his job as Robin. Writer Grant Morrison introduced . [7] Robin revealed that he was lying, and refused to betray his father. Angered, Batman once again vows to retrieve his son's corpse. [90], This incident has deeply hurt both Damian and his mother, Talia, who had to watch her father get murdered even though he finally made the right choice for the first time in his life and was willing to turn a new leaf for his family's sake. Damian's birth was a bit messy, and so is his claim to the Wayne Dynasty. However their lack of teamwork and animosity toward each other caused them to fail every challenge. After holding a private funeral for the fallen Boy Wonder, Bruce vows to avenge his son's death. Talia then shows Damian a cloned version of himself, whom she sees as Damian's younger brother. Blood may be thicker than water, but trust goes a long way, and he has barely scratched the surface in comparison to many of his Bat siblings. Talia al Ghul to Batman. Alfred? [18], After various trials and tribulations involving his corpse, mainly revolving around Ra's al Ghul and Apokolips, Batman managed to rescue his son's body and, through using the Omega Sanction infused within a Chaos Crystal shard, brought Damian back to life within the Batcave.[19]. "There is no Child in the world like Damian Wayne" -Batman/Bruce Wayne[src] Damian Wayne is the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul and the grandson of Ra's al Ghul, the founder and former leader of the League of Assassins. The solicitation for Truth and Justice mentions a birthday party for him, but all of that is irrevelant because the story is out of continuity. [66], Batman enters and accesses the Justice League Watchtower to use his unstable exosuit known as the Hellbat armor designed by Batman himself and the Justice League members to engage large scale threats. Talia on the other hand, taking advantage of the hero's impressive genes, believed their child to be a perfect heir. This misadventure was further complicated with the appearance of Lex Luthor, who tried to capture them both. Grant Morrison's story titled Batman and Son (2006) expands upon the Son of the Demon storyline as part of a remodeling of Batman's personality after the events of Infinite Crisis. After defeating Ra's in combat, Batman reclaims Damian's body and threatens his son's maternal grandfather that if he steals his son's body again, he will kill him in retaliation. [44] Although Wonder Girl objects to this decision, Grayson convinces her to let Damian stay on the team as he needs Damian to learn that he can trust others not to betray him, only for his temper to jeopardize his first mission with the team when he attacks an opponent just after Raven had convinced him to calm down, provoking their new foe into starting his wave of destruction again. On his 13th birthday Damian was sent a package by his grandfather Ra's al Ghul, which contained a dead robin. Nightwing explains that Damian encouraged him to have the remaining members of the Titans and Teen Titans work together in spite of the Justice League's disapproval. In response to this, Talia begins formulating a plan involving Commissioner James Gordon, whom Talia and Damian rescue from a booby-trapped Wayne Manor while in search of Batman, who is insane and has gone missing. Batman offers a third alternative: the "Fountain of Essence" which contains the qualities of a Lazarus Pit. He was the optimum man You and your detective will yield the ultimate child. Coupled by his innate talent for the art and his lineage, Damian became a respected member of the League. Dick Grayson was returned to his previous role as Nightwing, and Damian still serves as his father's vigilante partner Robin. "Did he do a paternity test on Damian? [48] Afterwards, the two work together to stop the bomber from destroying a massive bridge, saving dozens of lives in the process. and Batman: Battle for the Cowl, he takes the role of Robin at ten years of age,[21] becoming the fifth person to use the Robin persona. Damian Wayne is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul. In the aftermath, Robin forms an unlikely partnership with his mother Talia. The villain intends to use Damian and Dick in his fight against their common enemies: the Black Glove. As Batman's official heir, Damian has a lot to live up to. "[88][89], After observing how happy both his daughter and grandson are while living a peaceful life without killing, the now reformed Ra's al Ghul decides that he wants to turn himself in to the authority to atone for all the crimes he committed as well as publicly share all the secrets he kept hidden over the centuries, this decision has sparked a huge interest in both the superhero community and the villain community due the amount of knowledge the immortal Demon's Head has about the world, so all eyes were on him during a press conference he held before his incarceration. Near the end of the comic. Damian plays a particular role in Batman and Robin Eternal when the Bat-Family is pitted against Mother, a ruthless woman who believes that she can make her 'children' stronger by putting them through intense trauma. Beginning of comic. Though the two were originally contentious of one another, they bonded closely, forming a brotherly relationship. After running away from Batman, Damian gets a brand new Robin suit in his solo series. Published Dec 13, 2019. When Alfred reprimands him, Damian retorts with a backhanded threat. He is violent, self-important, and was trained by the League of Assassins, learning to kill at a young age, which troubles the relationship with his father who refuses to kill. while at the Tropic of Cancer, Damian's mother, Talia al Ghul, drugged Bruce Wayne and, several months later, Damian was born. "Tim Drake. After defeating Damian's half-aquatic clones with Aquaman, Batman seeks Wonder Woman's help in chasing Ra's to Themyscira. A dark experience shows that underneath it all, even Robin can be shaken to his core. Damian Wayne is the son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul. They worked together with Batman Incorporated to take down the League of Assassins' top killers. [5] They were kidnapped by Nobody, who tried to show Batman that his no-kill methods were ineffective. Spoilers ahead for Robin #5 "Assassins plan to take over Ra's' organization led by a man who Father believes could be his successor, until my father became aware of you." How ironic that your company and holdings will fund my new empire." Talia and Bruce's son joins the Brotherhood in his father's costume, to destroy it from within.[23]. [53] Unwilling to kill his father, Damian chooses death, but the Joker kills Batman before he can deal a fatal blow. Damian Wayne succeeds Drake as Robin in the 2009 story arc "Battle for the . Batman And Superman. He carried a pair of brass knuckles, which he incorporated as part of this costume, and would also carry a sword. The older girl (Damian's companion) is later eaten by Killer Croc. [60] But Talia is killed following the duel by Kathy Webb, and it is later revealed that Damian's body was stolen from the Manor cemetery by the League of Assassins along with Talia's for plans against Batman in addition to making their resurrections. Named after the Shakespeare character, Titus is Damian Wayne's pet, a Great Dane, given to him by his father, Bruce. This leads to a new version of the Titans forming, consisting of Nightwing, Cyborg, Raven, Starfire, Beast Boy, Troia, Crush, Roundhouse, Red Arrow, and Kid Flash. Narration by Damian Wayne via introductory pages of the comic book. Unfortunately, because of how he was raised, Damian lacks any sort of common sense in regards to social behavior and believes that to be accepted by his father, he must kill any rivals, which included Tim Drake. Raised to be an assassin, after being crowned Robin by Richard Grayson, Damian would show tendancies for lethal force. In his subsequent struggle with organized crime in Gotham and a mysterious crime lord known as The Other, Damian assembles a new team of Titans, consisting of Kid Flash (the only old team member to join), Kid Flash's friend and kid genius Roundhouse, Red Arrow, Lobo's daughter Crush, and the immortal spirit creature Djinn. Ra's to Batman. Damian is violent and self-important, and was trained by the League of Assassins, learning to kill at a young age. Damian Wayne is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul. In Nightwing #153 (2009), Damian is shown being left in Alfred's care and trained by Dick Grayson (alias Nightwing). Although misguided, Damian seems to genuinely want to aid Bruce's war on crime as he is Bruce's son and wants his approval. A Bizarro counterpart of Robin, named Robzarro, first appeared in the four-part story "Boyzarro Re-Death". It differs greatly from most Robin suits. But against his father's wishes, he escapes, donning a new costume under the name of Redbird.[54]. From - Nightwing Vol. [52] However, despite Bruce's attempts to build a relationship with his son, Damian remains distant from his father, which Alfred worries about. The gauntlets and boots are more armored and he has knee pads now. How could you not? As the Dynamic Duo, they faced new threats such as Doctor Hurt, Professor Pyg and Flamingo.[2]. Joker accuses Damian and the other members of Batman's family of being a burden that prevents Batman from being the best foe for Joker. Damian, as a preadolescent, was left by his mother in the care of his father, who had been unaware of his existence. After this, Batman uses the Chaos Shard on his son's corpse, which has been infused with Darkseid's Omega Sanction. Although Damian eventually kills Nobody in front of Bruce, they are able to work through the incident by beginning to actively understand and respect one another as father and son. Damien Wayne Wayne Kostyal: Billed height: 6 ft 1 in (1.85 m) Billed weight: 220 lb (100 kg) Billed from: Hampton, Virginia: Trained by: Phil Brown Preston Quinn Tully Blanchard: Debut: August 10, 2002: Damien Wayne Kostyal (born December 18, 1971), better known by his ring name Damien Wayne, is an American professional wrestler. [30] Damian is saved by Nightwing who ends up being cornered by Black Mask's men until a murderous figure appears stating that he is Batman (later revealed to be Jason Todd). -Talia al Ghul to Batman. The boys finally managed to put aside their differences and worked together in order to save their fathers from an apparent threat in the Batcave, but this later turns out to be a ruse. Dick does join to save Damian and end the war. DC Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. In Batman and Robin vol. This makes him an heir to the world's greatest crime-fighter, and its greatest super-villain Ra's al Ghul. After the events of Batman R.I.P. [59], When Batman and Nightwing finally re-confront Heretic, they overpower him, and the clone suffers a brutal beating from both in retaliation for Damian's death. Batman and Superman construct an underwater base for the Super Sons, which Jon refers to as the "Fortress of Attitude," much to Damian's chagrin. [63], After Batman and Frankenstein locate Ra's and the bodies, they are too late as Ra's has successfully had them placed in a Lazarus Pit, leaving Batman in dread of Damian's fate. I know you've been searching for ways to survive when the Lazarus Pits run dry." Despite becoming Robin to Grayson's Batman, Damian reveals that he cares little for his older brother and has no respect for him as Batman and that the latter would have to earn it. But wait, didn't that happen just a few weeks ago? Batgirl. I'm not like Tim, or Jason, or even Dick. However, due to Damian's snide remarks and goading, Jon lost his temper and another brawl broke out between them. Talia al Ghul Near the end of the comic. [6] Robin angrily left the Batcave to work with Nobody, who asked him to execute a criminal. How old is Starfire? By Justin Epps. Damian is skilled in mimicking voices and speech patterns of others accurately, as he was able to imitate his father's and Tim Drake's voices to bypass the Batcave's voice-recognition security systems.[20]. He is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul,[3][4][5][6] and thus the grandson of Batman villain Ra's al Ghul and the potential inheritor of Wayne Enterprises. Batman tries to convince Robin to come home with him, but Damian attacks him, declaring that Wayne Manor is a coffin and that Batman's views are not enough to save Gotham. Who is the 4th Robin? The two then enter into a grudging truce for the remainder of Damian's appearances in the series. Damian is willing to betray Tim at any moment for his own safety. I'm light-years ahead of all the past Robins in skill and training. I would have thought he'd call it a stupid and useless past time. Damian and Dick then attack Firefly, who is attempting to kill Black Mask. [68] Batman successfully retrieve his son's corpse as he and his family team return to Earth via the Boom Tube directly to the Batcave after successfully escaping the clutches of Darkseid and his Parademons. He's now 19. Ra's captures the two and tells Batman that he will use one of them for his own body. During his adventure, he met Ra's' daughter Talia al Ghul. Dick is probably the most normally built person in the Bat-Fam. [70] With help from the Justice League, Batman discovers that Damian's new powers do not last, and he eventually relies on his natural abilities once more. He works with several other heroes of his generation Kid Flash, the daughter of the Flash (Wally West); Nightstar and Offspring, the son of Plastic Man. The child from Son of the Demon was used as a backup character in various stories before appearing as Damian Wayne. Ra's to Talia. In Super Sons, it was a running joke that he was frequently mistaken as younger than ten-year-old Jon Kent. Damian passes out from Joker venom and Batman is revealed to be a fake; as Damian recovers from the toxin, the Joker presents him with a cloche. [64] The resurrections fail, leaving Ra's to realize his arrogance for allowing the Heretic to kill his grandson and regret allowing Talia to clone Damian. He may be the most violent Robin, but even Damian Wayne has moments of humanity that shine . You're not a king. Damian flees and encounters Alfred. Upon the start of Batman: Battle for the Cowl, it appears that Damian is now residing in Gotham, and living under the command of Nightwing (to an extent). Trained by the League of Assassins all his life, Damian joined his father's side in the war against crime by becoming the fifth Robin. Justice Society of America vol. Despite his bravery and refusal to give up, Damian was impaled through the chest and killed. "I need a man to assume my position when I'm gone Because you are most worthy. Writer Joshua Williamson prepares to pit Damian Wayne against DC's deadliest warriors in Robin #1. In her grief, she gathered all the members of the League of Assassins and put a hit on Deathstroke as well as all of his associates in revenge for killing her father. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Teen Titans members" category. This makes him an heir to the world's greatest crime-fighter, and its greatest super-villain Ra's al Ghul. Eventually, when Talia deemed that Damian was ready, she allowed him to go to Gotham and meet his father - the Batman. In terms of the movies in the Nolanverse Batman Begins depicts Bruce's 30th birthday. Prior to the start of Grant Morrison's "Batman R.I.P." He works as a double agent for Batman in Luthor's organization, and thus aligned with his father instead of his maternal grandfather. O'Neil, Dennis. [92], Having been trained by the League of Assassins since birth, Damian is already an expert in martial arts and wielding a wide range of weaponry. Teen Titans", "Christina Ricci, Miguel Ferrer Join Voice Cast of 'Teen Titans' Animated Movie (Exclusive)", "DC's 'Injustice' Sets Cast for Animated Movie (Exclusive)", https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-features/james-gunn-unveils-dc-slate-batman-superman-1235314176/, "Alleged Concept Art from Damian Wayne Batman Game Surfaces", "R/Xboxone - A few pieces of concept art from WB Montreal's cancelled Damian Wayne Arkham Game", "New Injustice Footage Contains MAJOR Spoiler for Nightwing", The Uncanny X-Men and The New Teen Titans, Teen Titans Go! Where before Damian portrayed an arrogant and vicious personality, it appears the "death" of his father has regressed him to a more childlike mindset, as demonstrated when he takes the Batmobile joy-riding with an older girl.