The Guayas River Basin, including land drained by its tributaries, is 40,000 square kilometers in area. The climate in the Sierra is divided into levels based on altitude. The road from Baos to Puyo has long been known for its narrowness, curves and sheer drops (only one lane in some places, on one area, actually cut into the side of a cliff so that the cliff roofs over it). Ecuador is stalled at above replacement level fertility and the population most likely will keep growing rather than stabilize. In this post, youll learn about the largest cities in Ecuador, including details like their population, elevation, attractions, locations and more. ecuador cities by elevation. Heres a half day, kid friendly walking tour that is one of our favorites. While the elevation of cities may vary enormously, this list should represent a notional elevation for each city which is verifiable and reasonably acceptable for comparison. )1 (2019 est. ), improved: urban: 100% of populationrural: 96.9% of populationtotal: 98.9% of populationunimproved: urban: 0% of populationrural: 3.1% of populationtotal: 1.1% of population (2020 est. Each region has different factors that affect its climate. The oil fields are located in the Amazon basin, headquartered at Lago Agrio; some of the rainforest has been seriously damaged in this region and environmental degradation is severe, with catastrophic oil pollution in some areas. FLAMING RED: PALE-MANDIBLED ARAARI Pteroglossus erythropygius in Pico Pico Tree in Mindo, Ecuador. We have a special focus on travel in Ecuador, Africa, and Nova Scotia. )according to 2021 statistics from Ecuador's Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Society, 50% of homes do not have access to fixed internet, total: 2,371,297 (2020 est. ), total: 11.3% (2020 est. The city is a popular tourist attraction, but several tourists traveling from low altitude areas experience altitude sickness upon landing. )expenditures: $38.08 billion (2017 est. According to the 2020 population projections, Freshwater withdrawal (domestic/industrial/agricultural), Last edited on 25 November 2022, at 16:21, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "The global distribution and trajectory of tidal flats",, This page was last edited on 25 November 2022, at 16:21. The town of Baos de Agua Santa features hot springs swimming pools on the foothills of the Tungurahua in the Central Cordillera. My wife and I are thinking of retiring to Ecuador. In its upper reaches, the Napo flows rapidly until the confluence with one of its major tributaries, the Coca River, where it slows and levels off. The most important eastwest road across the Andes is the road from Quito to Lago Agrio, which is paved for most of its length yet is heavily traveled by tractor-trailersand the Trans-Ecuadorian Oil Pipeline serves as the guardrail for long stretches of this road. Other natural resources include timber and hydropower. Locally, the fruit is known as tamarindo. The following is a list of the world's major cities (either capitals, more than one million inhabitants or an elevation of over 1,000m[3,300ft]) by elevation. Peru, Colombia. Partial, incomplete table of volcanoes in the north of the Ecuadorian Andes, from north to south: Much of the Oriente is tropical moist broadleaf forest (Spanish: la selva), on the east slopes of the Andes Mountains and descending into the Amazon Basin, with strikingly different upland rainforest with steep, rugged ridges and cascading streams (can be seen around Puyo) and lowland rainforest. Being located on the equator, the Galpagos Islands would have an equatorial climate were it not for the modifying effects of the Peruvian Current. It is estimated that 98% of the native forest of coastal Ecuador has been eliminated in favor of cattle ranching and other agricultural production, including banana, cacao and coffee plantations. Ecuador is bordered by Colombia to the north, by Peru to the south and east, and by the Pacific Ocean to the west. Base map OpenStreetMap contributors ), $29.325 billion (2021 est.) )0.27% (2019 est.). )consumption: 10,000 metric tons (2020 est. A second, nationwide wave of emigration in the late 1990s was caused by another economic downturn, political instability, and a currency crisis. List [ edit] Alphabetical [ edit] Ambato Arajuno Archidona Atacames Azogues Babahoyo Baeza Baha de Carquez Balao Balsas Balzar Baos de Agua Santa Bucay Calceta Carlos Julio Arosemena Tola Catarama Chone Coca Colimes Coronel Marcelino Mariduea Cuenca Daule Durn El Chaco El Empalme El Guabo El Triunfo Key facts about Ecuador. Latitude is measured in degrees (), 180. . SCARLET-BELLIED MOUNTAIN TANAGER Anisognathus igniventris on a Stalk of Gunnera Fruit at Yanacocha in Northwestern Ecuador. ), production: 0 metric tons (2020 est. Above sea level to an altitude of 450 meters (1,476ft), the islands have a mixture of tropical, subtropical, and temperate climates. By the beginning of the 21st century, more than three-fifths of the Ecuadoran population had become urban dwellers, with most living in the two major cities, Guayaquil and Quito.Guayaquil is the largest city, the major port and commercial centre, and also the cultural centre of the Costa. Duran is a small city on the east banks of Rio Guayas. List of South American cities by elevation, Last edited on 23 February 2023, at 02:25, In alphabetical order, these provinces are: Azuay, Bolivar, Canar, Carchi, Chimborazo, Cotopaxi, El Oro, Esmeraldas, Galapagos, Guayas, Imbabura, Loja, Los Rios, Manabi, Morona-Santiago, Napo, Orellana, Pastaza, Pichincha, Santa Elena, Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas, Sucumbios, Tungurahua and Zamora-Chinchipe. The city is located in the Portoviejo River Valley, which is an agricultural powerhouse. Rivers may slow and widen as they cross the hoyas yet become rapid again as they flow from the heights of the Andes to the lower elevations of the other regions. ), household consumption: 60.7% (2017 est. )investment in inventories: 1% (2017 est. Ecuador's largest city by population is Guayaquil, which has around two million residents and is home to the nation's main port. Hi, Im Bryan Haines. Covering an area of 283,561 (109,484sqmi), Ecuador is a country located in northwestern South America. )$2.69 billion (2020 est. note: data are in current year dollars, United States 30%, China 13%, Panama 8%, Chile 7% (2019), crude petroleum, crustaceans, bananas, fish, refined petroleum (2019), $28.567 billion (2021 est.) It is home to Quito International Airport and is one of two primary entry points for foreign tourists. Manta is home to some of the best beaches in Ecuador (El Murcilago, Santa Marianita, and San Lorenzo). )exports: 0 metric tons (2020 est. It's located at an elevation of 2,580 meters above sea level, making it number two of the highest capital cities in the world. Ecuador is located on the west by the Pacific Ocean, and has 2,237km of coastline. For other settlements, . Portoviejo is a coastal city and is the political and commercial center for the region. Ecuador has 2 cities with more than a million people, 13 cities with between 100,000 and 1 million people, and 66 cities with between 10,000 and 100,000 people. Location: Ecuador (-8.83977 -86.86670 6.16023 -71.86670). The jungle-covered plains of the Eastern lowlands register high levels of rainfall and temperatures surpassing 28C (82.4F). Its second largest city is Guayaquil, in the Guayas Province. Tanager Photo by Peter Wendelken. The Costa is influenced primarily by proximity to warm or cool ocean currents. The Pastaza is formed by the confluence of the Chambo and the Patate rivers, both of which rise in the Sierra. Let me know below! It is considered to be one of the world's most environmentally diverse nations. BLUE-CAPPED TANAGER Thraupis cyanocephala in the Tandayapa Valley of Northwestern ECUADOR. Administrative city: Tena It also has a large series of rivers that follow the southern border and spill into the northwest area of Peru. Lines of latitude indicate the distance of a location north or south of the equator (an imaginary line halfway between the North and South Pole). Ecuador: 3300 10826 Highest town in Ecuador. Visit the Definitions and Notes page to view a description of each topic. June 14, 2022; salem witch trials podcast lore . Situated at an elevation of 9,350ft, it is the world's second highest capital city and the oldest among all the South American capitals. Highest town in Ecuador. It shares maritime borders with Costa Rica. Population: 2,278,691 Province: Guayas Demonym (s): Guayaquilean. Guayaquil Photo by YoTuT Guayaquil is the biggest city in Ecuador and it's the country's main port. Hummingbird Photo by Peter Wendelken. Ecuador's high poverty and income inequality most affect indigenous, mixed race, and rural populations. Ecuador's capital and largest city is Quito, which is in the province of Pichincha in the Sierra region. On the north coast of Ecuador the port of Balao in Esmeraldas is used for oil export and the port of Manta was formerly used by the United States Air Force as a control point for narcotics traffic control until 2009. Guayaquil is the commercial center for Ecuador. Guayaquil is the largest and the most populous city in Ecuador. Ecuador is divided into four geographic regions: the coastal lowlands and mountain area; the Central Andes Mountains and its two major chains (Cordillera Occidental in the West) and the (Cordillera Oriental in the east); the lower mountains that fade into rolling hills and lowlands of the east, and the territory of the Galapagos Islands - officially called the Archipielago de Colon - located about 1,000km to the west. Which city is the primary port of Ecuador? )services: 60.4% (2017 est. ), $2.952 billion (2021 est. The elevation of the city's central square is 2,800 m (about 9,186 ft), making Quito the second-highest administrative capital city in the . )subscriptions per 100 inhabitants: 13 (2020 est. Factors that . Geographically speaking, Ecuador is broken down in three distinct regions, the coastal region along the Pacific Ocean, the Andes that cut through the middle of the country and the Amazon region. The territories of the Viceroyalty - New Granada (Colombia), Venezuela, and Quito - gained their independence between 1819 and 1822 and formed a federation known as Gran Colombia. It is visited by many international tourists if even for a short time as they pass through its international airport. It is in the Andean foothills, and is an important stopping point between Quito and the Pacific ocean. agriculture: 6.7% (2017 est. ), $10,700 (2021 est. 16m Malaga , Spain. Ecuador Check out our language learning section. It is the administrative and cultural center of Ecuador. Situated in the foothills of the Andeans at an elevation of 2,850 meters (making it the second-highest capital city in the world after Laz Paz in Bolivia), Ecuador's capital city of Quito is known for its Spanish colonial center, particularly its sixteenth and seventeenth century palaces and religious sites, many of which remain intact today. And Im a co-founder of Storyteller.Travel. )$182.165 billion (2020 est. . With a population of 1,397,698 according to the last census (2001), and, as estimated by the municipality, approximately 1,504,991 in 2005, Quito is the second most populous city in Ecuador, after Guayaquil. For reference, that's more than 100 meters higher than the world-famous Inca citadel Machu Picchu in Peru, which sits at a height of 2,430m. The cold level above 450 meters (1,476ft) has temperatures below 14C (57.2F). There are also fishing industry and cattle ranches in the valley. The above map can be downloaded, printed and used for geography education purposes like map-pointing and coloring activities. But things arent always that simple. )consumption: 26,353,430,000 kWh (2019 est. )male: 18.4% (2020 est. The elevation of the places in Ecuador is also provided on the maps. Quick Navigation show 1. They often joke that New York is Ecuadors third largest city, because so many Ecuadorians live there. [3] Guayaquil, located on the southern part of the coast is the biggest city in the country. Nevertheless, the conditional cash transfer program, which requires participants' children to attend school and have medical check-ups, has helped improve educational attainment and healthcare among poor children. The first country on the main list, Bolivia, is a country with multiple capitals; La Paz is the seat of the government while Sucre is the constitutional capital. Western South America, bordering the Pacific Ocean at the Equator, between Colombia and Peru, total: 283,561 sq kmland: 276,841 sq kmwater: 6,720 sq kmnote: includes Galapagos Islands, total: 2,237 kmborder countries (2): Colombia 708 km; Peru 1529 km, territorial sea: 12 nmexclusive economic zone: 200 nmcontinental shelf: 200 nmnote: Ecuador has declared its right to extend its continental shelf to 350 nm measured from the baselines of the Galapagos Archipelago, tropical along coast, becoming cooler inland at higher elevations; tropical in Amazonian jungle lowlands, coastal plain (costa), inter-Andean central highlands (sierra), and flat to rolling eastern jungle (oriente), highest point: Chimborazo 6,267lowest point: Pacific Ocean 0 mmean elevation: 1,117 mnote: because the earth is not a perfect sphere and has an equatorial bulge, the highest point on the planet farthest from its center is Mount Chimborazo not Mount Everest, which is merely the highest peak above sea level, agricultural land: 29.7% (2018 est. The following is a list of the world's major cities (either capitals, more than one million inhabitants or an elevation of over 1,000 m [3,300 ft]) by elevation. The first large-scale emigration of Ecuadorians occurred between 1980 and 2000, when an economic crisis drove Ecuadorians from southern provinces to New York City, where they had trade contacts. ), total subscriptions: 15,485,366 (2020 est. 2002 Photo by Peter Wendelken. Low elevation cities are often seaports or are close to the sea. Quito, Ecuador - 2,850 meters. ), 36.051 million metric tonnes of CO2 (2019 est. )exports: 1.826 billion kWh (2019 est. )biomass and waste: 1.5% of total installed capacity (2020 est. )percent of population: 65% (2020 est. It has a large sea port and has the nickname Ecuadors First Seaport (Primer Puerto Martimo del Ecuador). Ecuador is thus one of the largest countries in the Americas and the 78th biggest in the world. Guayaquil, in full Santiago de Guayaquil, largest city and chief port of Ecuador. Quito became a seat of Spanish colonial government in 1563 and part of the Viceroyalty of New Granada in 1717. Cotopaxi in Ecuador is one of the world's highest active volcanos. Copyright & License: June 16, 2022; Posted by usa volleyball national qualifiers 2022; 16 . Tanager Photo by Peter Wendelken. The almost vertical sun and the rarefied air in the higher Sierra region allow the land to warm quickly during the day and lose heat quickly at night. Cuenca, with its population of 400,000 in the urban area and 700,000 in the wider metropolitan area, is regarded as being Ecuador's most European city. Physical map of Ecuador showing major cities, terrain, national parks, rivers, and surrounding countries with international borders and outline maps. It has the 29th largest exclusive economic zone of 1,077,231km2 (415,921sqmi) which includes the Galpagos Islands. ), 45.4% of GDP (2017 est. According to other sources is, This page was last edited on 23 February 2023, at 02:25. This phenomenon is particularly significant in the Sierra. Every seventh resident lives in Guayaquil alone. ), urban population: 64.8% of total population (2023)rate of urbanization: 1.62% annual rate of change (2020-25 est. Temperatures in the Sierra do not vary greatly on a seasonal basis; the hottest month averages 16C (60.8F) and the coolest month, 13C (55.4F) in the upper elevations. )transmission/distribution losses: 4.303 billion kWh (2019 est. )-7.79% (2020 est. In Spanish, Guayaquileo/a. The most significant include the Babahoyo, Chira, Coca, Curaray, Daule, Esmeraldas, Guayas, Napo, Paztaza and the Putumayo, on its northeastern border with Colombia. ), 0 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2023 est. The highest point in Ecuador is Mount Chimborazo, at 20,560ft (6,268m); while the lowest point is at the Pacific Ocean. It was named after Cuenca, Spain. Ecuador is a country in western South America, bordering the Pacific Ocean at the Equator, for which the country is named. In addition, the country, continental region, latitude and longitude are shown for all cities listed. )major-language sample(s): La Libreta Informativa del Mundo, la fuente indispensable de informacin bsica. Ecuador; Including the Galpagos Islands: Areas at altitudes <1,500 m (4,921 ft) in the provinces of Carchi, Cotopaxi, Esmeraldas, Morona Santiago, Orellana, Pastaza, and Sucumbios. )exports of goods and services: 20.8% (2017 est. Internal flight services from Ecuador to Galpagos are also available for tourists making it more convenient for guests from outside. While the city is known as Duran, it is also known as Eloy Alfaro. Ecuador is divided into three continental regionsthe Costa (coast), Sierra (mountains), and Oriente (east)and one insular region, the Galpagos Islands (officially Archipilago de Coln). ), $50.667 billion (2019 est. (male 745,170/female 840,761), total dependency ratio: 50.9youth dependency ratio: 39.4elderly dependency ratio: 11.5potential support ratio: 8.7 (2021 est. ), total petroleum production: 478,000 bbl/day (2021 est. Villa de San Francisco de Quito, or Quito, is Ecuador's capital and second-largest city. Above 4,650 meters (15,256ft) is the frozen level, where peaks are constantly capped with snow and ice, and temperatures range from below 0 to 3C (32.0 to 37.4F). The above outline map represents Ecuador - a country in northwestern South America. Instead, climate on the islands follows a pattern more like that of the Sierra than the Costa. In addition, there are over 30 peaks that are volcanic in nature, including many active ones.