I DONT OW Harry always knew something was not all well in his life. How do you do that?" That way I will already be 16, and my creature inheritance will have occurred." He was abused by the relatives and told that his parents, Lily and James Potter, were dead. Furthermore we will not remove the protection spells on you, as they were done with your best interests at heart, even by those you helped to kidnap you. I can't remember what it was called, it might have been a time travel Haphne story? Gringotts Inheritance Test Results Birth Name: Hadrian Cygnus Radolphus Lestrange-Snape. Ahead of that, heres a sneak peek of the wonderful casts of the Cursed Child reading from the chapter Diagon Alley (from Philosopher's Stone), Grandma Gramercy's Grandiloquent Gramophones, Percival and Charles opened it in Tudor times and left behind a path for those that could detect. Just once id love to see Harry go in for the test and find absolutely nothing useful, or maybe he inherits a load of debt, lmao how can you even block herbology?!? He knew the Goblin was giving him a chance to absorb everything he'd just learned. Friendship I was planning on mixing names from the books with original ones, but then it got too long and I ran out of ideas, so it ended up with just that one. The only hope they had that the boy was still alive was the moments of clarity Bella had with her madness. Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment employee. They already saved the world; how hard could saving one man be? Oddly that did not bother him as much as he thought it should. "Mr Potter, it seems you were under the influence of a very strong confundus charm, so I won't hold anything you said against you. A coming of age story. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. 3. This is going to have different POVs, and it will explore some key points in the characters. Canon, Fanon & Headcanon things about the world of Harry Potter.Enjoy!! Harry would make them pay. Harry barely makes it out of Privet Drive alive after his disastrous 4th year. Gringotts Wizarding Bank was the only wizarding bank in Great Britain, and was owned and operated by goblins. Hermione and Draco have their work cut out for them. A trait that Harry could appreciate, after all he did not want to be out in the open for too long least someone should see him. This is part 5 of The Wedding Gift.More fun and games with Harry, Draco and the Family.Take a break from the Muggle news and gloom to find out what happens next!Unopologetic. NoHarry violently forced those thoughts to the back of his mind where they belonged. As soon as he set the knife down Griphook was healing his finger as they waited for the results. Hogwarts seems to be the breeding grounds of trouble. It won't be till years in the future, when the magical world prospers and oppressions against creatures cease, that historians will look back and wonder at where they would be had Harry Potter taken even a slightly different path. She closed her eyes and focused on the change. If there aren't any questions?" Find out who he really was, and disappear; after today the-boy-who-lived, would live no more. So who knows when the updates will come along. Harry protests there is no need, as the goblins did that already. What if Sirius Black was more level-headed in the night of the 31 October 1981 and more trusting to his Friend Peter?What if he, instead of hunting him, assumes the worst and takes priority in Harry's safety.What if Harry was raised by Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, still withdrawn from the expectations of the world, but with knowledge about magic? Back at Ollivanders with Hagrid, Harry starts changing things rapidly, especially since he ran into his soulmate - Hermione. Harry was feeling determined and angry now. All the while they discover a development of true partnership; their damaged childhood put in the past as they explore their feelings for one another. Il cache sa nature du mieux qu'il peut, mme si Tom finit par le savoir. The ancient goblin pushed a folder across the expansive marble desk. When Harry gets his inheritance in 8th year, he discoveres he inherits the titel 'King of Normandy'. Sure enough, there it was a small bond. Wasn't there a fic sort of similar to this..? Hermione gets sad but doesn't show it. the fuck is that? And what happenes when his mates are the twins Fred and George? A mysterious little boy named Harry moves in next door to Draco Malfoy, and he's determined to make him his friend and learn all of his secrets. Will sparks fly when he finds his mate during his 8th year at Hogw. Believing that their children were dead the fami Harry Potter finds out the truth. It's a great scene. Imagine being heir to the House of Merlin or whatever, and every 'oh Merlin!' When Harry hops on the Knight Bus, he isn't alone. https://archiveofourown.org/works/4763732. What's a Little Death between friends? He'd already though of all the possible outcomes, including that this was all some horrible joke that someone was enjoying on his behalf. "Oh no," Harry thought. Her hand flew to her chest, as she collapsed into her chair, saddening exhausted gasping "Hadrian" as she fell fast asleep, dreaming, He sat on the couch reading a potions book at Lestrange Manor, listening to the mad ranting of his sweet Bella. The best part is Peverell Manor in Des Moines, Iowa. However what I found here takes the cake for all the overpowered storylines that I have read in the last year. Angry and disappointed, Harry marched up to the ministry to claim his seat on the Wizengamot. I'm sure you have all met Severus Snape. After a few minutes, Harry found himself following down an empty corridor, yet another part of the bank Harry had never seen before, that was lined with doors. Ice Cream by Andrius As far as your wealth goes harry, you are a very wealthy young man, even more so then the Malfoy's which give you a high standing. Dumbledore, The Weasleys, and Hermione Granger have been withdrawing from your accounts for years and have depleted it noticeably. Smutty stories with witches paired with sentient magical creatures. The same goes for Sirius Black. They tried with the Lestrange vault, but the Peace Treaty of 1655 guarantees the independence of Gringotts. My first thought: that AI that Tony Stark uses- fuck, thats Jarvis, My second thought: the Mad Hatter from Gotham, except his first name is Jervis not his surname, My third thought, which was actually a Google search: a shopping center in Dublin, Made it up. He knew his enemy, he may not know who he could trust, but at least he knew his enemy. As his fears momentarily took over, years of verbal abuse seeped into his thoughts. Histoire avec Gellert Grindelwald, quand mme un personnage assez prsent aussi. Harry James Potter, who in this story is really Hadrian James Potter-Black . Harry finally consented to Pansy taking off during business hours to drink an alcoholic beverage at the Three Broomsticks, all in the interest of research into Dieter Berg, or any other member of the Berg family who might be using standard investigative techniques, going around, asking questions in places that might have been familiar to an . Heir of Gryffindor? Harry Potter lay on his bed while looking up at the ceiling, he was deep in thought about his godfather, Sirius Black, Sirius had been killed by his own cousin Belletrix Lestrange in the M.O.M, sighing Harry stood up and began pacing 'all this happened because of some stupid prophecy about me and Voldemort, I'll avenge you Sirius, and the countless others that have suffered because of . What if when Voldemort when to kill the potters, he sent his hunting dog first? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I was looking for a fun cutesy Harry/Daphne story and ran across this vampire!harry story today. After a minute or two the results with appear on the page. Harry waited a moment while the Goblin got down from his podium and followed quietly and quickly behind him, so as not to lose him in the crowds of the main hall. A key was needed to gain entry. Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor by cloneserpents - In this beloved erotic comedy with over 1,000 reviews, Harry leads his friends on a Horcrux hunt after reading a magical book that gives him special powers. Back in session at Hogwarts, Harry is called to Dumbledore's office and told he needs to do the responsible thing and marry Ginny. Unfortunately, not everything goes as planned. Bonus(? On one wall there was a filing cabinet and small cupboard, and in the center of the room there was a small mahogany desk with a chair behind it and two chairs in front. Those went cold a long time ago, but luckily a buddy at Gringotts just shared some information. "We shall begin with an inheritance test, then we will discuss the matters of the Potter and Black wills, then we can discuss titles and accounts. Harry felt sick to his stomach. Harry had barely been back at the Dursley's for two weeks, when an unexpected visitor arrived at the door. I am a big big fan of twisting canon, as attested by my ridiculously long series of AUs that mostly feature Harry getting to live somewhere besides Privet Drive, with events afterwards going ever so slightly sideways, minor differences building to send the plot off on a new course that gradually gets further and further from the original. What if when Voldemort arrived at Godric's Hollow with a grumble about how 'If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself', there was a dead James, a dead Lily, and a dead Fenrir Greyback, with Harry's blood wards already active? With cameos from crowd favorites (Hagrid! So where do we need to go to?" "Gringotts Bank. Miniscule, in the grand scheme of things. Write captivating stories, read enchanting novels, and well publish the books our readers love most on our sister app, GALATEA and other formats. First step, Harry had to go to Gringotts. REWRITTEN VERSION On Harry's 14th birthday he went into his inheritance he had almost killed his uncle with his new powers rage had taken him over. Once this was done there really was no denying the truth, he would no longer have the option of pretending nothing happened. The vault required a key for entry, and was at a moderate depth further down than the, Harry Potter first ventured to Gringotts in, Sirius used gold from this vault to pay for. Magically once we remove all the blocks and reverse what was done, then you will also be more powerful in that department as well. but apparently even after de Forgotten to his brother, forgotten by his parents. "Thank you. She suddenly stopped feeling perfectly clear calm for the first time in years, her madness retreating to the back of her mind. I love Gringotts in fannon. Her eyes were not that beautiful green he so desperately loved. Sometimes, it is kind of nice to write a fic that takes a sharp left turn as soon as possible. ( ). I'm 99% sure there's a crack fic out there where Parsleytongue is the ability to talk to vegetables. He quickly changed, left his room and walked throw Diagon Alley. Harry Potter stood in front of the entrance to Gringotts bank, building up the courage to go in. Harry Potter Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Not sure if they ever ended up together. He again protests that it isn't his kid. It has close to 100,000 hits, and that number only grows as each additional chapter is published. When Voldemort returns to a body he is much more sane than before and realizes that he cannot go on as he started. Soon three men are trapped in room of Hogwarts. Or: Merlin and Arthur become professors at Hogwarts to keep an eye on things. Is this acceptable?" Harry had always found the Goblins to be a bit intimidating and Mugmuff, at least according to his name plate, did not disappoint. There are no wizard lords except the self-proclaimed dark one. Looking up at Griphook, Harry could tell that he knew more about what was really going on than he ever would. Guess who's land Hogwarts is technically on, and who now has a living representative for the lease to be addressed to, a lease that hasn't been paid in hundreds of years, and which, per the ironclad rental agreement, must be paid in full before either party can initiate buying or selling discussions. In her Aaron Hotchner finds an anchor and an equal partner when his world is destroyed. Please consider turning it on! Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Potter Magic. And you wizards have the nerve to call us goblins greedy.