Fixed Jabal Shammar causing two Najds to exist. Polands AI is now a little more aggressive. Puppet India and reunited India now inherit the Bharatiya Communes generals. Qing no longer tries to sign a non-aggression pact with itself. Fixed the Istanbul Pact not being disbanded when OTT joins Germany. Fixed an attacker receiving a warning about their own attack. Fixed Armenia reconciling with Germany when at war with Germany, or puppeted by Russia. Fixed the modifiers of Naval Production / Air Production continuous focuses having random names. Fixed the position of "Battle of Encirclement" label in "Mobile Warfare Doctrine" tech tree. Instead of giving occupation penalties when they time out, annexation missions will now fire the respective country/region/state's event (the same event given when the decision is selected). Greece will now always be kicked from the Entente, if they claim the lands of German allies. Renamed the German socialist puppet splinters. Majors now have an increased factor towards researching CAS and NAV. American Civil War militias can now be recruited only once per state. Fixed land reform not appearing for NatPop Poland. Fixed Tsar Wrangel being replaced by a Kirill impersonating his son. Added some checks to Icelands national spirits. Fixed player-led Yunnan being unable to fully annex Siam. Added Albertville, Bismarckburg, Grootfontein and Livingstone as victory points to Mittelafrika. For multiplayer, increased the number of days needed for the game to be lagging, before the game speed is decreased or the game is paused. Fixed puppets counting as majors for Germanys capitulation. Fixed Lombardy and Tuscany starting or being released with a generic leader. Players can now tell the AI not to send Intermarium equipment shipments. Fake intel divisions no longer end the ACW. Fixed Albania not being part of the Balkan War peace deal if they attacked independently. Fixed Nasir Shah being retired in the wrong moment, breaking the rest of the events for the Kumul Khanate. Fixed East Turkestans Timur Beg not being removed as a general when deposed. Added new naval national foci for the Left Kuomintang. Fixed Hunan's Tang Shengzhi not joining the United Provinces of China. Fixed the Netherlands turning PatAut while in the Third International. Nancy now starts the game owned by France. Fixed the unit limit bonus tooltip not appearing. Replaced him with his grandfather, Nikolay Khristenko. Rio de Oro now has its own annexation decision. Shanxi can no longer attack Qing if they've signed a neutrality agreement. Ottoman's Armed Neutrality is now only removed if they join a faction. Fixed Siam getting the Fate of Laos twice. Implemented the Advisor Rework, where Kaiserreich now uses vanilla HoI4s system of Advisors, plus an additional Second in Command role. Greeces civil war now causes a small amount of world tension. Reduced the chances of de La Rocque winning the nomination for the French Republic, if the PSF was neutralised. United States of America: John Nance Garner. Added tooltips to make clear that starting a couple of French Republic national focuses will fire their respective events. Fixed Argentina immediately losing its jingoism national spirit. Added an increase to the unit limit for Rhodesia. Hearts of Iron IV is currently Paradox Interactive's most popular strategy game, and that's thanks in large part to its vibrant library of Hearts of Iron 4 mods. Bohemia has a new roster of generals with new portraits, stats, skills, and descriptions. Depending on your system things may run up to 25% more smoothly than in 0.11. Naval strikes are no longer better than having a navy. Fixed Persian news events not firing properly. Insulindia will now not try and perform the expansionism decisions, for now. Fixed Boris not becoming Bulgarian PatAut leader on abdication. Renamed the Caucasus strategic region to Transcaucasia. Fixed Australasia's Rats of Tobruk template being permanently locked. Transamur no longer gets bonuses to its division limit for declaring war on Russia. The War in the Desert is now referred to as such in-game. Updated the flag render for socialist Norway. The Greek Civil War revolt now spawns its own units, to avoid making Greece even more manpower-starved. Added An Idea Worth Dying For to the Kaisercat submod. Germany will no longer leave the western front empty if Poland revolts. Greece no longer included in the Ottoman peace deal with the Cairo Pact if its a subject or part of a faction, Ottomans can only give the Aegean Islands to Greece during their population exchange if they own them, Greece can no longer take co-operation focus with Ottomans if the Ottomans have already taken their population exchange focus. Anatolian Kurdistans NatPop leader is changed from Selahaddin Efendi to Ali Riza Firat. Moved the LKMT units spawning in Hangzhou to Gannan. Fixed puppet Serbia declaring war on other countries. Updated Illyria and Slovenias puppet leaders. Adjusted the duration of Ethiopias aviation national foci. Japan can now build in its puppets lands. Fixed African state cores from Germanys decolonization event. Fixed the inability to progress the naval focus tree as West Indies Federation. - The KR4 Team: Alpinia, Arvidus, Augenis, Blackfalcon501, DSFDarker, Carmain, Dr. Njitram, Drozdovite, Edouard Saladier, Eragaxshim, Flamefang, Fort, JazzyHugh, Jeankedezeehond, Jonjon428, Jonny BL, Krco, Liegnitz, Maltesefalcon, Matoro, Nijato, NukeGaming, OperationsManagementDecisions, PPsyrius, Pietrus, Rei VL, Rylock, SPQR, Starguard, Telcontar101, The Alpha Dog, The Irredentista, Thomahawk2k, Vidyaorszg, WordZero, Yard1, Zankoas and Zimbabwe Salt Co. Hello everyone! Fixed the boots in the background of a soldier on the 0.21 main menu screen. Fixed Kachin not peacing out with Yunnan. New Englands Pearl of the Orient national focus no longer requires the Philippines to be independent to have any effects. Finland can no longer join the Reichspakt if it has a non**aggression pact with Russia. Fixed former Centroamerica countries freeing themselves from being a puppet by reforming Centroamerica. A slight rebalance to the Japanese air tree. Fixed IMRO's decisions not actually showing up. The League of Eight Provinces can no longer reduce Yiguandao Unrest to level 0 before the national focus is completed. Fixed NatPop Norway not being able to complete certain national focuses. Fixed Ukraine remaining at war with the Reichspakt's enemies when leaving the faction. Fixed overlapping French Republic national focuses in the focus tree. Germany will no longer research doctrines before getting rid of the Victors of the Weltkrieg research speed debuff, Chile now asks the faction leader before simply joining their faction, Fixed Iosif Dshugasvili existing in multiple places at the same time, Russian countries can no longer release Russia, Puppet Russia is now able to fix black monday, South Africa will no longer take loans and instantly repay them with the loan money over and over again in a loop, Maximiliano Hernndez Martnez will now no longer remain as General in El Salvador should the capital be taken over by Partisans, Tibet and Mongolia should now get the correct cosmetic tags (and flags) should they become autonomous regions of the LKMT government. Fixed the layout of the Zimbabwe army tree. Decreased Canadas starting research slots from 4 to 3. Fixed the Netherlands leaving the Reichspakt, when they undergo a pro-German coup. Fixed Burma starting with 100% stability (due to a typo, they started with 4500% stability instead of 45%, and the game reduced it to 100%). Fixed the Left Kuomintang having decisions to improve their support in places where their support is already at the maximum level. A country will now also annex the Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem, if they annex the Ottoman Empire. Fixed the anglophone Entente countries being unable to support Northern Irelands rebellion. Added a new portrait for Elias of Bourbon**Parma for the Italian releasable Modena, and gave him his proper Italian name (Elia). Added a war check to the Centroamrica faction joining decision. Germany will now take land in Britain and in France, even if they agreed to the Halifax Conference, but will be immediately prompted to return it after the peace conference. Fixed Ukraine not being made back into an Ostwall country after getting re-puppeted. Added some naval experience to a Syrian national focus. Fixed the Japan-Entente war flag not being set correctly. Fixed Tibets focus to claim Tawang not having an effect. Fixed United Baltic Duchy building forts in France. The Combined Syndicates of America can now demand that New England rejoin them, if Canada is gone. National France: Aim Doumenc, Andr Mallarm, Aubert Frre, Camille Chautemps, Edouard Daladier, Eugne Deloncle, Franois Darlan, Franois de la Rocque, Henri Mordacq, George Groussard, Georges Thierry dArgenlieu, Henri Roger Marie Meric de Bellefon, Jean Decoux, Jean-Marie Charles Abrial, Jean Touzet du Vigier, Louis Franchet dEsperey, Louis Marin, Louis Napolon Bonaparte, Marcel Descour, Maurice Grisot, Philippe Leclerc, Pierre Boyer, Pierre tienne Flandin, Pierre Lelong, Ottoman Empire: Asim Gunduz, Cahit Toydemir, Fahrettin, Hayrullah Fisek, Kazim Orbay, Mehmet Ali lgen, Mehmet Hayri Tarhan, Kazim Karabekir, Fevzi akmak, Mustafa Kemal, Mustafa Muglali, Nafiz Gurman, Hseyin Rauf Orbay, Mahmud Muhtar Katrcolu, Nihat Anlm, Nuri Yamut, mer Fahrettin, Osman Fuad, Sukru Okran, Tahsin Yazici, Poland: Konstanty Rokossowski, Mikolaj Boltuc, Siam: Luang Karjsongkhram, Luang Kriengsakpichit, Phraya Wichitjakkrit, Seni Pramoj, Sindhu Kamolnavin, Syria: Adi bin Hassan, Akram Hourani, Aziz Ali al-Misri, Hashim al-Atassi, Husni al-Zaim, Khalid Bakdash, Muhammad Abdel Moneim, Rushdi al-Kikhiya, Said al-Jazairi, Tripolitania: Ahmad Faqih Hasan, Bashir Saadawi, Salim Bey al-Muntasir, Trucial States: Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa, Shakhbut bin Sultan Al Nahyan, Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, Added Ottoman songs: Resadiye Marsi, Ottoman March, Izmir March, and March of the Ottoman Expedition, Added Indonesian song: Rayuan Pulau Kelapa, Added Mongolian Song: Chingges Khaanii Magtaa, Added German Song: Komm Zurck! Fixed Khivas capital being in the wrong location. The Korean Military Administration modifier is now re-applied correctly if the Korean uprising fails. Altered the effects of Mittelafrikas air national foci. Romania will now deny Albania an alliance, should Albania have supported Bulgaria in the Fourth Balkan War. Fixed Paraguay being able to puppet an existing Patagonia. Added 4 new political advisors and a military high command advisor to Patagonia. New military national focus icons for Oman and Yemen. Bulgaria no longer starts with military access to the Ottoman Empire. Fixed missing AI factors of Peru decisions. Fixed duplicate characters in China and Vietnam. Adjusted Rupprecht von Bayerns commander traits and stats. Fixed several event chains involving artists in National France. Updated the effects of the Raid on Beirut event. Japans Plant Sakura Trees national focus now grants more claims on coastal China. Latvias World Revolution national focus now targets their relevant faction leader more effectively, and is available after Latvia has already joined a faction. As always, let us know what you think as you play! FNGs Princes Visit event chain and associated decisions are now easier to complete and more rewarding, pending a future redesign. Optimised the League of Eight Provinces renaming. Overhauled the strategic regions for Central Asia, now split into five regions from the original one. Moved General Bruno Malaguti and Mario Roatta to Sardinia, from Emilia. Fixed Iceland trading with countries it's at war with. Independent Chinese splinters are either claimants to the government of China, or unaligned cliques. If the faction they intervened for collapses, the areas they captured thus wont immediately revert to the control of whoever annexed them. Fixed Bulgaria potentially getting cores on Constantinople. A separate peace deal between Bulgaria and the Ottomans is now more common. Egypt's German focus now bypasses if unavailable. Fixed the Ottoman Empire inviting a buffer state Persia or Afghanistan to the Association of Muslim Nations. AutDemTurkey now will not join the Reichspakt if the Weltkrieg is already over by the time they have the possibility to join. The upper caps have been completely removed. Fixed an edge case of two FNG unification conference events firing in the wrong order. Fixed an instance of Yunnan not losing Tang Jiyaos national spirit when couped by Long Yun. AI Netherlands should now keep most of its fleet in the East Indies. Added some naval experience to an Indochinese focus. Added the Repudiate the Catastrophe of 1927 national focus to the Left Kuomintang, where they can declare war on European powers occupying parts of China. Decreased the amount of forts in Shanxi to try and stop as many stalemates occurring. Updated Canadas text to account for the now lower numbers of British exiles. Rebalanced several Argentinian national spirits. Fixed Joseph August von Habsburg not correctly retiring from Hungary, and not being correctly readded in the Austrian Pluralism route. Fevzis Elaborate a Plan national focus is now bypassed if the Economic Collapse national spirit has already been removed. Twilight Struggle is now removed if the Internationale is defeated. South Africa's armoured production bonus now applies to heavy tanks as well. The remainder of the former rework to Kaiserreichs naval system has now been removed, bringing the naval system fully in line with vanilla's, save for names. Fixed the Ottomans not puppeting Azerbaijan after the Baku Conference. Congo no longer starts with generic AutDem or NatPop leaders. Fixed Japanese-puppet Transamur being referred to as the Russian Republic. Several non-political ministers such as singers in Algeria from the DH minister list has since been removed across the map, Mengjiang (which doesnt exist in KR anyway) no longer infiltrates divisions in every country across the world, Reduce the percentage of bad results from Canadas touring king decisions, Hunan leaders have calmed down after the initial outburst, now opted for nonsense and untrue over bullshit, Italy can no longer join Russias faction, Cuba no longer drags German Empire into war with CSA, Gdansk shipyard for POL no longer requires you to own Lesotho, Osnabrck class CAs are now Heavy Cruisers instead of Light Cruiser, American tags no longer uses SMG combat animation when theyre using rifles, Falkland no longer magically relocate itself in the Southern Pacific ocean, with clues of such failed scientific experiment removed in all British records, Russia integration for Tuva now targets the correct state, Fixed Tsar Dimitriy being replaced by Vrangel after Kornilovs death, Canadas Payment to WIF are automatically cancelled should they are at war with WIF/WIF no longer exists, Update the Japanese rename in endonym mode for Manchurian states, Reduced the Austrian surrender bonus back down, so it will actually capitulate, The American Civil War no longer ends more than once, Non-socialist majors will now retain control over Gibraltar when releasing Spain as a puppet, Russia will now retain control over Karelia when releasing Finland as a puppet, All remaining references to Lavrentiy Beria have been removed, Australasia and New Zealand now given republican flags and leaders when released by non-Entente countries, Naval locs now works properly for non-MtG owners, The Abdication Crisis will now end if the UK is created in the middle of it, Stability/war support events now no longer apply to countries in a civil war, Event for Canada to get a Governor-General after restoring the UK fixed, Event for the balance in Italy being broken now has the proper effect, AI Austria will no longer move to protect Venice if the balance global is still in effect, Fixed Canadas annexation decision for America, for cases where the global flag for the ACW being over was not yet set, Fixed code for chances of Bill C-7 passing for Canada, New Gamerule category and additional options, Major overhaul of older nations background code (Russia, INS, Commune of France and others), many bugs fixed and performance improvements, Heightmap has been redesigned, giving the map more verticality, Annexation decisions and events have been spruced up with new GFX, many fixed bugs, adjusted costs and standardised names3, SRI now cannot call the Third Internationale into a war against an Italian tag unless the WK2 has begun or if theyre also at war with a major country.