Nor does it seek to exemplify any particular content. 3 and at 4U7%,,SrDt>KyS8WRSQD( lVtN &GqsyV/"\oNR9+FCk26>X30(ZviD_g\U bI5xais&T oG 6ePsHJ ujV8$` ,0|frEI9^1xIKQ?)XaF& vivacious and exotic. comment on the and accurate for Content and Organisation understanding of to support coherence and cohesion of texts. particular content. Selects simple Some linked and relevant ideas students may quote or paraphrase least one of At the questions, by a panel of subject teachers. They churned grimly in the night sky, as black as a witch's Also the storm could also represent the inevitable chaos within the house if his mother dies as there is already a chaotic structure in the Cold household where "each of them ate whenever and whatever they pleased" and even goes so far as referring to the situation as "almost like a party". close she was with her son or is she doing this to show people around her. Our focus then switches to Alex's fearful reaction, and we discover that he feels it's going to be a bad day. Makes a simple, Do not hesitate to give full marks if the response merits it. The question gives you prompts 'you could include the writer . Evaluates critically student will have beneath the boat. endobj How does the writer use language here to describe the narrator s fright and confusion? way, Rosabel is being taunted with a the focus of the statement. [8 marks], AO 2 beautiful red hair and a white skin and %PDF-1.4 % main character as a lower class girl who is poor guide him home. In the bus journey home, the use of subject Either: level, a students Conscious use of vocabulary with This clever online helper is able to answer questions, explain complex . together with her earlier, more private, internal accurate use of Read this and despite no marks for A03 in this question, see how the context (attached below is an example) can help illuminate your answer. his clothes, a mixture of sea mongrel and must. The wind and the waves appear united in their deliberate assault on the land. justice for her son. from the upper range of Level howling next to the Antoines body so we feel sympathy as readers towards the dog as the dog might At the beginning, the writer immediately establishes person, place and time by focusing our attention on Alexander Cold waking in his bedroom 'at dawn, startled by a nightmare', before narrowing to the specific details of the dream, where a huge black bird 'carried off his mother'. final, terrible, squeak of timber. The writer uses repetition of the adjective "dark" to emphasise that it's evening when Susie meets Mr Harvey. shocked as she stayed motionless this adverb showing that she was just looking at the boy like a Focus this part of your answer on the second part of the source, from line 19 to the end. single anonymous being that personifies the At the top of the level, a student's response will meet all of the skills descriptors. This is evident during Alexander's outburst at his sister's predictions about his mother dying where he says "You two are just kids. bottom of she would have sacrificed her soul for a good The key sentence 'There had been a lot of days like that since his mother got sick' is structurally important because it is the first mention of his mother being ill. to all that had happened during the day, with the AO4 content may include the evaluation of ideas such as: Attempts to use structural features The writer uses language to describe the setting to be in a cold place, "the pale streaks of foam, clinging to the black rocks", it is a metaphor, the foam is representing the snow which has passed by the snow that is laying on the ground, and the writer has deliberately used this to make the write imagine the cold, snowy surrounding, like . The boat rose with the swell, inclining upwards to its destruction. from the lower range of Level The sea boiled and churned like a cannibal's cauldron. The text begins with Rosabel so we know shes It wrung his hobbit curls <>>> This is a very general question, which asks you to. followed in their wake, blaring out like the clarion call of the condemned. some discourse markers, not always Shows detailed relevant ideas The wind howled out reader The writer uses the adjective white mountain the houses, masses together, makes an even whiter what the writer focuses your attention on at the beginning of the source The question above shows that students should just focus on lines 6-14. situation is immediately established as we learn 1)Read the text 2) Re-read the text and hilight any quotations that link to the focus of the focus of the question 3) Annotate the hilighted sections, writing what they reveal in realation to the focus of the question 4)Look back at your hilighted quotations- can you group them? range of Level 2 and at least A yowling sound colour to describe the girls beautiful red -Consider your own impressions of Alex detailed evaluation: zooms into the mothers and her movements, this makes us readers think about the mother and how world full of sparkle, magic and enchantment, In the bus journey home, the writer's use of language contrasts the outside world of Rosabel's hopes and dreams with the inside reality of her life. and phrasing , chosen for effect with a examples Begins to vary vocabulary with some l:vf[ksK G],$,l{8,NuQhoo^%Jo_qN#MMB0]4#K$ {H5.I"(P`lJ4ae"m^MB(f)uJs4TV4Z6.*Z+ybq,-1-LYz[ y8& NIP%gCyL9#>uy@msn)s'a?l#.:SOM7oKJ`Pd0Y;~5zlaEm[X0a%(>P{juU0CfK$dp|!92`!KCF1.mlwPZZ[-$]1 &l 4* 4)_}533d@0tX ~0~9wbYCNUH q{t q7t|U5g\7)M0,niI4o#j9iWqH83ldPJ5z.FTx[9RkvOu#gPtjc[m*E9r%`gA{+e>d~'d!wn3W1gR5[EJ@Z>l3AWa"@_X~I@U%]K1BnW6ytXGcp;=LB0{tU1-Vi[ writer shift focus back to the mother who just got her dead child back she must have been in Assumptions about future mark is old as she has wrinkled hand over the body this can suggest shes old as she has wrinkled hands how and why the writer changes this focus as the source develops -High level of accuracy in spelling, including ambitious vocabulary SECTION A: READING Assessment Objectives. %%EOF His behavior is irrational, especially blaming his mother for becoming ill, but he is a young boy, caught up in circumstances over which he has no control, and he is full of frustration and desperate to find someone to blame. 2, Content understandable, it is not entirely justified, hungry, so the structure emphasises how very triumph. It's helpful for students to use a more free-form way of responding when they're getting to grips with possible connotations and layers of meaning. Introductory Econometrics for Finance (Chris Brooks), Marketing Metrics (Phillip E. Pfeifer; David J. Reibstein; Paul W. Farris; Neil T. Bendle), Commercial Law (Eric Baskind; Greg Osborne; Lee Roach), Human Rights Law Directions (Howard Davis), Principles of Anatomy and Physiology (Gerard J. Tortora; Bryan H. Derrickson), Tort Law Directions (Vera Bermingham; Carol Brennan), Rang & Dale's Pharmacology (Humphrey P. Rang; James M. Ritter; Rod J. If, after the the level, a sudden implies the fury comes out of hollow, pointless existence that seems to be has many advantages in life, and I think Rosabel is right to be angry., consider your own impressions of the red-haired girl evaluate how the writer conveys Rosabels reactions to the red-haired girl Attempt to write in paragraphs with Refer constantly to the mark scheme and standardising scripts throughout the marking period. Shows simple You can paraphrase (use your own word) or use quotations. It is not a model answer, nor a complete response, nor does it seek to exemplify any particular content. one of the skills descriptors the night sky. Select and synthesise evidence from different texts. descriptors. 0000096715 00000 n level. even though the red-haired girl does range of Level 2 and at least They look like the nests of wild birds(simile), clinging to this peak, overlooking 0000006536 00000 n (b)What deeper meaning does the line suggest? answers not already covered by the mark scheme are discussed and legislated for. d100M / This question assesses Language ie: Words / Phrases / Language Features / Language Techniques / Sentence Forms Level Skills Descriptors How to arrive at a mark Indicative Standard This indicative standard is not a model answer, or a complete response. describe the view from the bus and the of the skills descriptors for thoughts of Rosabel who is travelling home after to achieve effects and influence readers, using relevant subject The rain whipped effects of the The writer uses the senses to interest the reader. structural features: though paraphrased responses must demonstrate evidence of identification of information that is limited response to <> influence readers, using relevant subject terminology to support their views, This question assesses Language ie: Words/Phrases/Language Features/Language writers methods writers choices Organisation from the lower The girl does have many of lifes -Register is convincing and compelling for audience support your response with references to the text. have Level It wore a mask of hatred and Simple awareness of purpose ONLY read. Her tone seems to EM[:i $[Q!@V>D\s{6(lGm,R3W'3?hWB-dMR`XEh8Oxmc?`6$ BZ5 Im/M#l*M@ $:R[{Q%wDzXD@-C0['Xfd,G? -Evaluate how the writer shows that Alex is struggling to cope a world that is completely unobtainable for a You can then use this to allocate a mark for the answer Question 4 mark scheme level 4 indicative standard. statement. [8 marks] Level 4 Detailed, perceptive analysis 7-8 marks Analyses the effects of the writer's choices of language Selects a judicious range of textual detail Makes sophisticated and accurate use of subject terminology Level 3 Clear, relevant world of Rosabels hopes and dreams with endstream endobj startxref features Question 3: You now need to think about the whole of the source. 0000001398 00000 n 0000004655 00000 n good dinner, so this immediately establishes the A monster's cough bellowed in the sky and it one of the skills descriptors references or Support your views with detailed reference to the text. There was a storm a-brewing. bottom of Become Premium to read the whole document. characteristics of a privileged lifestyle, and change/aspects of cohesion; and at a sentence level when judged to contribute to whole structure. How to be happy for your ex and be their friend? white is taking over. To what extent do you agree? for their own internal use, with the following important exception: AQA cannot give permission to schools/colleges to photocopy any material We as readers know the culprit and we want her to take her rage out on Do NOT accept an example without a text reference. structural features: 3. eyes the colour of that green ribbon shot They will give you a short extract and do not try to read before or after and assume you can analyse those areas in this question. red hair. Rather approach this question with reading the specific extract which will be printed on your page for your convenience and try to find interesting points. In a The wind is 'lashing' the trees, a verb implying it is so forceful it is ruthlessly thrashing them, as if nature is inflicting a cruel punishment on the landscape. The use of the word 'startled' in the first sentence creates an urgent, abrupt opening with a sense of immediacy, and this, together with a focus on the nightmare which follows, generates an atmosphere of unease in the reader that is carried over into the second half of the text when Alex interacts with the rest of the family at breakfast. You should spend 10 minutes on this question. It roiled and spun, Makes some language: the inside reality of her life. I agree that Alex is very angry with everyone, 'his father, his sisters, life in general - even with his mother for getting sick', which is a definite symptom of not coping with his mother's illness. -Writing is compelling, incorporating a range of convincing and complex ideas JasperChat. the level, a have Level A character is mentioned, and his name makes the. Vocabulary clearly chosen for effect Read again the first part of the source, from lines 1 to 4 List four things about Mr. Fisher from this part of the source. Analyse how the writer uses language and structure to interest and engage readers. 0000003771 00000 n experiences a flashback to all that had happened At the top of the narrow straits and lays waste both sides. (5 minutes) Read the rest of the source. [8 marks] Level 4 Detailed, perceptive analysis 7-8 marks Analyses the effects of the writer's choices of language Selects a judicious range of textual detail Makes sophisticated and accurate use of subject terminology Level 3 Clear, relevant WriteSonic. it, and ridiculous suggests it is I'm going to use the 2017 Rosabel paper for specific focus and help. from the lower range of Level %PDF-1.6 % the mark scheme or the standardising scripts. Quotations must be embedded within a sentence. A student said, This part of the story, set in the hat shop, shows that the red-haired girl This is reinforced by the writer's use of dialogue, where Alex unfairly lashes out at his sisters, although they are younger and have even less understanding of the situation than he does. tighter. Shows clear resentful, which is why her anger is Also, in the last paragraph, Alex reflects on his memories of his mother before the illness which furthermore portrays this sense of longing for his mother and the lifestyle of order that he was used to. The timber planks buckled and bulged, then screaked and Rather, it is an % and it creates suspense for us as the reader and makes us feel nervous to read the lines. range of Level 3 and at least range of successful linguistic devices, Organisation rolled across the arch of heaven, tumbling out like the rocky echo of a cavern. At the beginning of the source of vendetta the write puts our focus on the surrounding and the Question 5: A magazine has asked for contributions for their creative writing page. 0000096989 00000 n Also we can see the son is physically dead but the mother is mentally dead we know this as Answers at the end of this booklet.