But this definition of femininityfragile, passive, gentle, overly-receptive, obedient, quiet, a sexual object of desire, submitting to the masculineis actually toxic femininity. Instead of repressing these . Doing your shadow work is one of the best ways to awaken Dark Feminine energy. Your shadow side is also known as your subconscious. You can read this before Embrace of the Daimon: Healing Through the Subtle Energy Body Jungian Psychology and the Dark . Indulge in self-reflection. Its been repressed for too long. Embrace Your Curves. Here are some examples of what disempowered dark feminine energy looks like in practice: Well explore how to tap into dark feminine energy in an empowering way a little further on in this article. How to tap into your dark feminine energy in 14 healthy ways, 1. "Text him 'come over' and don't . Connecting with these Goddesses and their powers can help us reconnect with our dark feminine energy. Feminine and masculine energy is no different (and another example of duality). Touch device users, explore by touch or with . 4. Aquarius New Moon: Awaken From the Inside Out, The Essential Guide to Cutting your Hair by the Moon Phase + Zodiac sign. It is the birth, death, and rebirth cycle happening within you every month. , Can you have light and dark feminine energy? During matriarchal society, both sides of the feminine were very much present and revered. The most important part of the human body is the latent divine energy which lies between our skins to inner conscience, the potential energy or Shakti. An internet trend calling for women to embrace their 'dark feminine energy' when dating is more misogynistic than empowering, writes Katie Rosseinsky. But somewhere along the way, the dark became something to fear and avoid. A lot of Divine Feminine teachers speak of surrender. 10. Its slow, long work, but cultivating internal safetythrough nervous system regulation work is a really potent way to access this dark feminine trait from within. The Light feminine is generally angelic and feels love. This is due to the influence and power of sexual polarity. Do you see them through a lens that says this is bad, sad, difficult, or wrong? As long as we evolve and experience the contrasting universe, both sides play their role. Winter is the ideal time to embrace the . Both female characters are decidedly feminine but in different ways. Both the anima and animus are ancient . We are a mirror of her sacred cycle: the four seasons, the moon cycle, the elements, and the constant evolution. Then emerge later in often unconscious, shocking, or taboo ways. To truly stand out with a black outfit, you must embody her energy. Feminine Style Tips Every Woman Should Know - YouTube. , How do you know which side is feminine? This is where death, decay, and rebirth happen every day. Spend Time Around Divine Feminine Goddess Energy. Don't be afraid to express your activism on social media. Follow the path of the dark Goddess 4. Yet exploring esoterica (and other things you may think are witchy practices), are not only potent acts of self-realization, but theyre also a reclamation of the spiritual activities that were banned and suppressed along with the Dark Feminine. Milk and Honey flow, the milk flows, the honey congeals and a soothing concoction, is designed. Here are a few ways to tap into Lilith's energy and embrace the dark feminine: Explore your sexuality - Lilith is associated with sensuality and sexuality. Your menstrual cycle and periods, in general, are dripping in taboo because the patriarchy wanted to disconnect women from their power source. Love is given freely without needing anything in return. Most women on this planet have NO true experience of what it is, to feel 100%, implicitly safe. Jillian Guerin' That the darkness is scary. One of the best ways to do this to amplify feminine energy is to dance. But so many people focus on the dark side to femininity and fail to acknowledge the lightness. We can still see the effects of this today in the way that we distrust other women and stab each other in the back out of fear and scarcity. And even if your intentions are to keep things casual and no-strings, its very difficult to do this in practice. Polarity essentially means opposites. Specifically, the anima is thought to be the feminine part of a man's Soul, and the animus refers to the masculine part of a female's Soul. Trusting, and following your desires can be a sacred duty, and an act of rebellion in a society that wants women to put up with a mediocre life. Embrace Change. Uncovering the divine feminine in all her glory and reuniting with key feminine aspects repressed over the years is fundamental to women (and men) rising and progressing as a more equal and harmonious society. To greet endings as not only necessary but pleasurable? . . How to tap into your feminine energy. It keeps us fragmented, and it keeps women separate from their independent, sovereign state. Only non-chlorine bleach when needed. Journaling. Shakti comprises mind, intellect, emotions, vital senses, conscience and all other senses. Women who sought sexual pleasure were (and still are in many places, and cultures) defined as whores, or deviants. YET at its core, sexual liberation is the freedom of Eros. What dark feminine energy is, and how to connect with yours:Q&A begins at 13:05. Because sex by nature is an intimate act. Like the Dark Moon the sacred pause between lunar cycles, when the sky turns black and the Moon disappears from view the power of regeneration is unseen. Want to Read. And the final way to tap into your dark feminine energy and reclaim your feminine power is to practice being open with yourself and others. You can even use objects. The dark feminine lives in, yes, you guessed it the darkness. Who are you without your masks, your triggers, your trauma responses, and your people-pleasing? The dark feminine is one-half of the divine feminine. Being single and choosing not to get married? Create art ( in the way you dress, paint, cook and act). You might be wondering how to be more feminine, or you might be distancing yourself from femininity as much as you can because of your beliefs about what it means to be feminine. A man standing in his dark masculine energy will ignite the dark feminine with us. Its in this phase that a lot of women experience PMS and PMT. Death and decay. Unconditional love means just that - love with no conditions. Suppressed for centuries, ridiculed, and shamed as something dangerous and false, the belief and practice of magic and witchcraft is an intrinsic part of the Divine Feminine mysteries. This is because Light Femininity is everything society looks down upon: softness. Most of us carry deep feminine wounds, ancestral and present, rooted in the witch hunts. Dark Feminines are a force to be reckoned with. The sexual liberation of women is a multilayered, multidimensional journey, and its different for every one of us. Sex has been framed as either an act of procreation OR something for male pleasure only. While subjective in its description, femininity in men refers to someone who possesses traits that would be considered more feminine than masculine; this can range from having high emotional intelligence, taking proper care of oneself, or filling roles that aren't considered to be conventionally masculine. Dec 5, 2022 - Ways to embrace and master your dark feminine energy. She lives inside caves and crevices. Women who access their inner Dark Feminine power have this miraculous ability to regenerate. Explore. It may represent the presence of a spirit guide or a reminder to seek spiritual guidance. Women were forced to turn on each other out of fear for their safety. Rise Sister Rise: A Guide to Unleashing the Wise, Wild Woman Within (Paperback) by. Not because the Dark Feminine IS shadow again, this is a huge misconception! Get out of your head and drop into your heart and womb more often. But this isnt the kind of power you wield over others the Dark Feminine isnt some authoritarian beast! Incorporate more yin energy in your space. Real, raw, messy, ravenous female sexual desire is still taboo. , What is the difference between light and dark femininity? November 11, 2022 November 1, 2022 by Melanie Smith. To embrace the Divine Feminine in her full form, you must learn about the two sides of the dual nature of femininity: Light and Dark Femininity (I will be making another blog post about Light Femininity). This dark feminine trait her ability to transform is maybe one of her most mysterious. Women functioning from their feminine energy in their lighter side (not dark) are compassionate, sincere, soft, nurturing, and emotional. Women have been associated with the dark since the beginning of time. How To Attract The Man You Want Using Your Feminine Energy (3 Masculine energy It's all about taking action; loves to build; and, loves to fix things. She is self-sourced an infinite wellspring of strength and power that pours from the deep, dark, glistening depths within. ), but thats not true. Dropping the center of your being into your womb, and perceiving life from there. But dont get them confused the Dark Feminine is NOT the shadow side of the feminine! Because without their complicity, patriarchal structures will crumble. Women have been associated with the dark since the beginning of time. The Dark Feminine is the expression of the dark, positive, and necessary energy that captures the mysteries of womanhood and magic, the chaos of creation and destruction, death and birth, transformation, rage, fierce compassion, seduction, and pure spiritual ecstasy. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The Goddesses Kali, Isis, Lakshmi, and Lilith are associated with and express the dark feminine. The whole sky goes dark, and the moon is completely invisible to us in the sky (of course, she is still there). Ive always viewed sex as sacred. Youve probably heard of new moon and full moon rituals, but have you ever heard of a dark moon ritual? , Manipulating others rather than speaking your truth, Having sex even when it doesnt feel in alignment with your highest self. With him, you will feel safe and free of judgment to explore your own darkness. These are just a few of the ways we can practice self-love. 2. Sacred rage is a true alchemical tool of the Feminine. So liberate your passion, and unleash your own inner dark feminine! Dark and light. The light and dark aspects of the feminine work together to create wholeness, and this is how we as women can access our true power. Magick is the province of the dark goddess. For now, lets talk about the Dark Feminine. Keep Your Heart Wide Open. And even in so-called modern or progressive societies, slut shaming happens on a huge scale YET women are still required to be sexy and attractive when it suits. Because they were fucking powerful beings, and they were a severe threat to the patriarchal structures being built. No matter what size or shape you are, there is beauty . In terms of attraction, this means that the divine feminine is attracted to the divine masculine, and vice versa. ), but that's not true. Meet your shadows. That the crone is ugly and worthless. The void. The polar opposite of codependency, self-sourced power comes from within. The dark feminine is often seen as an archetype that all women have within them. How to Celebrate Imbolc 13 Ritual Ideas You Need to Try! After fertility, creativity and growth have reached their climax And decay, dissolution, and decomposition move in. You are the witness. She transforms from a victim to an agent of radical change. This kind of emotional intensity has also been shunned and shamed in women, only allowed out in particular scenes and scenarios (such as in the bedroom). Bophin is a website that writes about many topics of interest to you, a blog that shares knowledge and insights useful to everyone in many fields. Feminine zodiac signs exude passive energy and are ruled by the emotional moon. The Dark Feminine is not complicit. How to Create a New Moon Ritual for Manifesting. Men who repress their dark masculine will often cheat on their partners in pursuit of the dark feminine, whether with a woman in touch with her dark side or a stripper or prostitute (although the majority of those working in the sex industry are embracing a disempowering version of the dark feminine as they are there for the money rather than because they enjoy the work they do). Celebrities such as Rhianna, Beyonc, and Angelina Jolie are all great examples of women who have tapped into their dark feminine energy and channeled it in their art and self-expression. Watch. And the New Age isnt much different. You have an unhealed relationship with your mother. Accepting yourself for who you are and as you are, while simultaneously working to become who you aspire to become, will make you feel alive. Weve been told that there is something wrong with the dark, and the qualities found there. 10 Ways to Access Dark Feminine Energy. This may have presented itself in how you dress, the company you keep, your hobbies, and even your attitude when you show up at work or in romantic relationships. Here are five ways to live within your authentic femininity while still valuing your power and individuality: 1. Because snakes periodically shed their skins, they are associated with transformation, rebirth/regeneration, and healing. But the truth is that embracing your emotions and allowing yourself to feel them fully is part of tapping into your divine feminine energy. Awakening dark feminine energy is all about the journey to personal authenticity. While she is characterized by some traits we can know and recognize, there is a whole lot to this potent feminine energy that we dont know. Try Out These 12 Free and Legal Alternatives in 2022, 5 Best MIDI Keyboards For Garageband In 2023, Online PDF Translation Service | TransPDF, KPIs vs. Metrics: Whats the Difference & How Do You Measure Both? Let your wild, dark feminine out so you expand yourself into higher states of consciousness. Dark feminine energy represents the fiery, transformational side of femininity that fuels the death and rebirth cycles.