He was to start s new rotation & his 4th year Monday. Hello Bekah, I am sorry for the greatest pain you are living in now. That will be my gial to honour her. We can only guess at how much emotional pain he was in because he hid it so well. Regards. And that changed everything. Ella November 11, 2019 at 11:22 pm Reply, Hi Im Ella Im 14. Then, 3 days ago my daughter called to tell me he shot himself. I want you to know that your pain is completely normal and okay. At last they came and was surprised about how we have this wonderful life.. I havent improved in six years since my sons death and dont forsee improvement to my quality or quantity of life. You are not alone. From the side of the people that cant figure this out and think about attempting against his-her life. My brother killed himself when I was 12. At the week end she sent her partner to buy shopping, and he came home to find her hanging in the bathroom. Lucas February 8, 2020 at 12:19 am Reply. He told me he was going to the store and that was the last time I saw him. We sang really loud and ate amazing spaghetti. How am I supposed to get over it ? We just buried her this past Friday. we immediately went to another doctor for a physical and bloodwork which only yielded positive results about his health. Right there with you. I feel like Im living a bad dream everyday. I am a survivor. I lost my younger brother 7 months ago. Thats my perspective. Please stay strong. I couldnt relay that. Isabelle Siegel January 25, 2021 at 9:52 am Reply. Sad truth is nobody kills themselves but a person who wants to. I just want half the person I use to be before his death. My family does not understand. At my sisters 10 year anniversary it hit me like a brick and everything has just fallen apart, I am now trying to work through my feelings but its hard, but I do hope one day that I will be able to accept my sisters death and be able to move on, I will never forget her just dont want it to hurt as bad. Wed had many arguments about what was acceptable and unacceptable. On Monday at about 5:30 with my mom, brothers, his brother and myself all by his side the nurses took out the tube. They tried to avoid my feelings when I talked about my husband over the phone as if nothing ever happened and made me feel that theyve never been happier when they hear me cry and miserable. And now this, what do I do now? I cant know your pain, but I cant tell you that I searched randomly on Google, found your entry and felt compelled to type this out. Im also sending love to you with the hope that it helps, even a little bit. I am not sure I will ever forgive myself for not asking him what was wrong. My only conclusion was that he was no longer himself when he did this. I asked why, what about the other people that are there? Nobody could make me laugh and hurt like He could. Im a die-hard football fan (raiders nfl and wolverines NCAA). If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live. I lost my mom in 2014 after taking care of her for the last two years of her life, but she was 85 and had been very ill, so as devastating as that was, there is no why? kind of thing. We later married and had 3 more children. My name is Robert and on March 6th 2018 at 5:58 I recieved a call on facetime from the woman I have been in love with for over 15 years, and I say have because I still am, and she said I called just to say good bye. I miss him so much i want this nightmare to be over. "It was inconceivable to me that Scott went somewhere and jumped off a cliff," says his brother Steve, who's been campaigning for the truth . I laid back down and heard the voicemail chime, I read the transcribe and saw words indicating an officer called. Its so hard because I want to be thinking about our memories and time together and I want to be able to grieve but I feel like I cant because of the ptsd every time I think of him everything is clouded by horrible images. Letting go doesnt mean forgetting. He shot himself just after the text. Even in death she still gave everything. I know she will always be the bigger and will continue to hug me. It feels like some emotional prison, i just cannot understand that i do not want to accept it. I didnt see or talk to my granddaughter in over 2 years,maybe threeshe flipped out at her mother and went to live with some white trashlast time I saw her she was playing volley ball at evergreen- igave her some clothes that i bought for my self but were better suited for heroh God the dtails are for not anywaywe lost touch i couldnt hansle that teenage shit..I was old and very tired. Cindy Zagorski January 20, 2018 at 1:57 am Reply. Frank, I want to give my condolences!!! That Iwas doing all I could to help her and encourage her to be as independent as possible.Our two older children that live away from us and have been for years,they are twenty years older than Lindsey,always said I spoiled her.Then losing her Daddy so suddenly both of us watching him go from seeming fine,laughing and watching TV to being gone,just gone in a matter of minutes.He died of a sudden heart attack. And it literally feels like a broken heart. is the new normality. I am still in shock. Were so close and the thought of her suffering because of my dying in that type of way keeps me alive. I guess I was always stupidly too optimistic and foolishly believing he would grow out of it (much as I grew out of my adolescent awkwardness) and that it would get better. Peter February 6, 2023 at 9:32 am Reply. He was so much more than our oldest brother. i remember just not believing it and i remember breaking down in my moms arms and it sucks it sucks so bad im so angry and upset i just miss him i want my older brother back. I was married for 25 years to a man that cheated on me. Two losses by suicide back to back. I pray he knows that he was loved, cherished, admired and I am sorry that I couldnt help him. You are precious. We had been arguing. Please get help!!!!!! I feel like I am literally going crazy and have no one to turn to. I am beyond devastated , cant really eat and cant barely stand. I honestly didnt know what was the kinder thing to do help her to want to live, or be complicit in what I suspected her actions would be. He was the sole provider and we are going to have to move and start over somewhere new, to get away from the horrible memory of that day at this house. IS THIS WHY MY SON TOOK HIS LIFE? Sadly, she could not remain on the medication, however the nurses did home visits to do appraisals. I just lost my brother he was murdered August,17th 2021. . I am sure everyone else agrees as well. We did our best to be there for her through thick and thin but the mental anguish was too much for her. Moment by moment. It was hard for me to speak of to anyone at first. The day he died, half of myself died with him. I feel so bad for his family. In 2017, the date was Labor Day. I have a therapist I am talking to daily right now, but Im not sure if hes just telling me its not my fault just to make me feel better. Before she turned fourteen she was a happy baby and a delightful child. I believe in a merciful God, and something inside me suspects that perhaps God had mercy on the pain and suffering that was his life, that fateful night. I would hold a grudge. Not even our parents. We almost like we felt he was too good for us. I, too, hope the police find the man who instigated her suicide. I just want to pull him back so strongly. Remember to be patient and kind to yourself through out the years. For all its pain and sorrow, life finds a way. but his friends told me after the funeral that the child was not his. Sometimes suicide is not selfishand is never meant to hurt the ones left behind. thank you very much for reading my pain that i have on my shoulders.. thanks again, Oswald julmi April 13, 2019 at 3:55 am Reply. I have 2 kids. A month later we are still in shock. i just want one more chance. I dont listen to the Dougy Centers podcast very often but they did have one episode discussing this terminology that I found insightful. Maybe because that is what I wanted to believe, I did not see the situation clearly.. Im so sorry, Dee. Now they told me that they dont me around. since then i dont understand my attitude, i can easily gets irritated and my communication to others was losing. I have no children around me to talk to, I was referring to other adults that I had/have to break the news to. They are available 24 hours a day, every day. He went to the truck and I watched him grap his 357 magnum and put it to his head and blew his brains out. Until now that i am 24 years old. My advice is try not to feel guilty about the feeling better when you get there, your allowed, your still here and no matter what was going thru his mind he did love you and its ok to be angry. We had no idea. When we could finally go back into the STICU he didnt look himself. Thankfully, she survived, however they divorced but remained very amicable. Your story really touched my soul. He insisted that I put our home in my name only, and he felt that I was the enemy he could not be trusted. I have lain awake at night filled with anxiety and dread, wondering where she was, what was she doing, was she okay? Even if those times were short and brief. He was in a t-shirt so his arms were exposed. He didnt text me. That is often a taboo subject; no one wants to admit that there is an element of relief sometimes when their loved one has died. I am not concerned for my life and what will happen to me or where I end up. We had been on rocky terms for quiet sometime, but I went to offer her mother my condolences after I had heard the news. we are only 1 yr and 3 months apart so ive spent all my childhood with him. If love was enough, he would still be here. One died in 2016 age 29 and the other twin age 30, just couldnt live without his other half. If only there were something I could do to help them heal. My best friend of 10 years killed herself 3 weeks ago. I didn't tell them because i don't want his life tarnished. No one knows how much I hurt and cry. Some of them still in packages. We looked all over,in the garage and all over the house. All the best. He was 43. However, I have been granted peace over many matters. When Taylor Porco's brother, Jordan, died by suicide . My father was an alcoholic and beat him and my mom when we were young. hes a over the road truck driver so I couldnt just wait for him to come home. Thats all I know for sure. the night he killed himself he told me how happy he was he had never been this happy in his lifehe had the best kids in the world, his 2 and my 2, he had the best parents, the best siblings and the best girlfriend in the world. I lost my husband to suicide on 12th June 2020. I cannot fault them. It helps. She could easily brush off her tears and get back in the game. His brother, novelist John Niven, believes he might have saved him. Ellie October 11, 2016 at 1:22 pm Reply. I wasnt able to attend her funeral, for a variety of reasons. But in her field and with her level of success, I feel she was surrounded by too many yes people people whom she could easily fool into believing she was ok, and many who were just simply too afraid to speak up, or over-step their boundaries. I did not know he had been struggling with depression for years. I miss him so much, I can relate with you 100% if you ever need someone to talk to plz feel free to email me at jackboy918@yahoo.com, My 23 year old elder sister whom I loved the most in my life killed herself by suicide one month ago She was kind, loving, helpful, used to think about others happiness before her and was the best person in my life Life is just so hard after her for me and my whole familyI m just 19 but feel like ending my life too because that incident changed my life 360 degree I m depressed, guilty and all alone I feel I will never be happy in my life again and life has no meaning for me still for my family I wont do anything like this because they wont be able to take another shock The thing which hurts me the most is that to some extent I knew she was not ok due to her breakup and small family fights I tried to make her understand but it was not enough I should have understood her in better way She told no one in family but me and my cousin She used to say to me that I dont know if after your birthday I would be there or not but I didnt take it seriously and thought she is joking to tease me because she was so mature and so caring I thought she is elder than me and knows better this is not right and she killed her in the same month.. All I can do is cry. Yes, I often want to say he shot himself in the head, but I know that would cause too much distress for the listener. Still, I cannot get over the feeling that I shouldve found a way to stop her. After a whirlwind romance they married and all seemed well. How to keep yourself and your partner safe. This article may be of some support https://whatsyourgrief.com/grieving-someone-you-didnt-like/. Hey man, I can relate to how you feel. I love you, dad. My sister was my best friend. My whole world caved in and I died with him that day as Ive never been the same ever since. I am sorry for your profound loss and I too am amazed by some of the people who have never come forward to express sympathy. I am the father of two beautiful daughters. Thoughts? I called my coworker and asked her to cover my shift at work for me that day. I am unable to as well. Life is difficult. Stressors included work and fears that he was prescribing too many controlled substances (this had come to his supervisors attention yet there was no direct consequence) and fears that his very elderly father might pass. Why does everyone care about my weight?! I cant believe so many love onces are feeling the same pain as me ,my husband hanged him self on the 13/12/2018 it been a really bad year for as I was in hospital three times had a hysterectomy,my son had a burst appendix in hospital 8days he nearly died ,Andy my beautiful husband was attempting many times to take his life ,he was ill with addiction and suffered with mental health he had on going court cases for drink ,drug and driving ,I myself couldnt cope so I can understand that Andy couldnt cope with addiction and mental break down we both also lost two good friends to cancer ,I allways been strong for Andy but was tried and lost my strength if I was strong my husband would be here today I miss him so much and i am finding hard to believe he took his life and that I unable to see ,feel and touch him no more why does it hurt so much he had he problems but was the most kind loving person I knew . The anxiety took his life. And, I am not allowed to see his children, which is even more painful. Kathleen December 8, 2019 at 5:17 am Reply, Hello Aaron, Yes, reading all these posts, is heart-breaking, and Im already heart-broken as it is!!! Thats how we learn thats how we grow. I am soooo sorry. Be aware of the pain of your family and friends. I feel you my brother hung himself on Mothers Day . We would both stay up late, and dream during the day, about how wed do something so crazy that even the universe would take notice. Just take solace in the knowledge that this intense grief will leave and you will be stronger for it. I mean what else was there to do? We had gone to a baseball game together with a few other friends, had a great time, laughing and smiling together. No matter what we did. And that he was in pain. Its awful God I ask why all day everyday. I know what its like. I called him on his birthday that day just to talk to him and tell him happy birthday. I am having such a hard time controlling my emotions lately. But reading this is exactly the emptiness I felt on 01/11/18 the day my brother hug himself and passed on from this earth to something greater. He was 21 short to 22 with 2 weeks. . I truly thought she was up there just just like always and never imagined anything else.The electrician found my baby, she had hung herself. Kelly McLaughlin August 20, 2020 at 12:26 am Reply. He couldnt handle the pain and she was his entire life. They beat him up. I looked out my bedroom window to see a Sheriff driving away. I wish I could of been what my wife desires. We talked everyday, he was my first for a lot of things. Sandra Jennings August 4, 2020 at 2:33 am Reply. If you dont have the means for personal counseling, there are free support groups out there. This is all super helpful, I needed this. I lied and said that I didnt love him anymore. My partner took his life 8 months ago and my sister was there for support. Hi my brother took his life by hanging on 1/1/17, he was 41, twelve years younger than me. Hes not alone, and if he were to go thru with something like this, he would deeply affect many people such as his family and friends. In fact if I hadnt been looking for the most painless way to commit suicide Id have never found you at all. She saw mommy dead and lost it. She left the poem Children Learn What They Live with her note. I want to be the man I once was but it just seems like the only way is to step up for them, but always be miserable and always lose to her. I came on this site looking for some sort of comfort. Chan, Im so very sorry for the loss of your sister, how heartbreaking! You should find groups for help and its not that difficult to make friends whk would actually care about you. That I will always love him and could only ever love him. ? my Mom screamed. We did not know how depressed our son was, or of his fears, which we are piecing together only now. He knew he needed to change and he was trying to. Not even 50 years old! Six weeks later he hanged himself. If I would have known he was suffering I would have dropped everything to be with him. Jacob was essentially the foundation of my growth. , Isabelle Siegel February 9, 2021 at 9:16 am Reply. I cant seem to put it to rest or slow my brain to form the simplest of thoughts. My chest hurts and my stomach is in knots. Wed known each other since 95 and were each others first school friends. Although there are many fine points to this conversation, I want to impress the following upon you: When discussing an individuals death from suicide. suicide can have such a devastating impact on the lives of those who are left behind, feelings of anger, grief, betrayal, confusion and hurt are normal, however when left unspoken can warp someones world into the depths of hell. Since that traumatic experience I have suffered from anxiety and depression. We had text daily for a long time, I always knew he was unhappy, but not that kind of unhappy. We had very little contact over the years, but in recent years I responded on his social media; here and there wed write briefly. Wear out your questions, anger, guilt or other feelings until you can let them go. Can be found on my website only. Today Ive cried since I awoke at 4:30 and all day long. Its his funeral soon, and I dont want to go. I just hope they have found the peace they deserve. Not only did my daughter learn she had lost a friend, I then had to tell her how he lost his life because I did not want her hearing it from someone else. From the moment New Year's Eve is here, I know I will have to face the torment of January. I said Do what? As I noticed she was actively loading a gun. Im so sorry Aibon. We chose to push forward. It got really nasty. Hell never graduate high school, or go into college like he wanted to do. Interesting definition of traumatic death, thanks! My neighbors family all left right away to stop being at the place where it happened. The list goes on and on. My boss and mentor killed himself last week. In the last few years, every phone call, every text, meet up was an intervention. Jane my heart goes out to you. I was 250 miles away, in Washington, sitting on one of those silent subways the city is known for. May God bless each and every one of you ,as well as your lost loved ones. Yes you did tell him all these things but he probably had undiagnosed mental illness that Made him actually act on these things. He never warned me when this happened. He was my saving grace and confidant and someone who never judged me. Goals. I have a degree in psychology and I could not save my own son. I have been told by his daughter that its effected me the worst out of all his Siblings. We are heartbroken. I dont know how to overcome this. But in my drunken state I chuckled, he knew I was a lesbian. I had no idea he was depressed. I am crying with you and your family tonight. My younger brother shot himself last Monday, July 23rd 2018. This has been a roller coaster of emotions because he was the perfect man when things were good, but when stress/ anxiety/ depression/ life situations took over, all those uneasy feelings kept coming back. I have the oddest sensation running through me right now. But I have a son- so its not that simple. Hed always struggled with depression and didnt really connect with relatives much. My mom and brother held his hands and my dad said he was so sorry and that he loved us. Time DOES not heal all wounds, it is the action you take (grief counselor/grief support group etc) Just as flat tire will remain flat unless you take action to mend it You can sit by that tire all day and it will not mend itselfsame with a broken heart, take action to heal and you will feel better.