H.E. Edmond de Rothschild . what to bring to get level 3 license. orsini family runs the worldalexandra gardiner goelet. Its last representatives Enrico (died September 12, 1643) and Francesco (1592 September 21, 1650) sold Monterotondo to the Barberini in 1641. (Prince of The Holy Roman Empire), BARBIANNO DI BELGIOIOSO Princess / Furstin Donna Alyssandria Alonzo di Ancona , After the terrible reign of Pope Alexander VI, the Romans were disgusted with the Spanish and vowed that there would never be another Spanish Pope. In addition, the family included 34 cardinals, numerous condottieri, and . Duchess di Santa Croce , Duchess del Monte Titano, Marjorie Taylor Greene blasts Twitter for . Prince di Santa Croce, Prince del Monte Titano , The son of Girolamo Orsini and Francesca Sforza, he was grandson, on his father's side, of Felice della Rovere[7] (illegitimate daughter of Pope Julius II) and Gian Giordano Orsini and, on his mother's side, of Count Bosio Sforza and Costanza Farnese, an illegitimate daughter of Pope Paul III. (Count of The Holy Roman Empire), PRINCELY HOUSE OF di PORCIA e BRUGNERA H.Ill.H. . It descends from Francesco (died 1456), a son of Count Carlo of Bracciano. The most powerful man in this grand conspiracy suppressing the people of our planet, is the Grey Pope named PEPE ORSINI, who is a descendant of the powerful ancient Roman Papal Bloodline family Maximus. The next in power beneath the Jesuits is the Bourbon, King Juan Carlos of Spain. H.Ill.H. (Princess of The Holy Roman Empire), H.R.H. (Prince of The Holy Roman Empire), PRINCELY HOUSE OF BONIFAZI DI STATTE This is the Guelph and the Ghibelline power over mankind. The Orsini family are one with much history in relation to the Catholic Church, the Jesuits and the papacy. Prince Amedeo of Savoy, 5th Duke of Aosta . Prince / Furst Giorgio I of Seborga , (The Royal House of Johnson,*Senior Line) The last cardinal from the family was Domenico. H.E. (Princess of The Holy Roman Empire), H.R.H. He and his descendants ruled over the fiefs of Soana, Pitigliano and Nola, but in the early 15th century wars against the Republic of Siena and the Colonnas caused to lost of several territories. However, the Orsini changed side when Alfonso V of Aragon started his conquest of the Kingdom of Naples. The Orsini family of Rome, Orsini-Rosenberg family of Austria, and the Roseneberg family of Bohemia created and manage Rosicrucianism or the Order of the Rosy Cross which is a secret society of alchemists. Countess of The Holy Roman Empire , Count / Graf Charles Daniel III Johnson di Santa Croce , The Orsini family of Rome, the Orsini-Rosenberg family of Austria, and the Roseneberg family of Bohemia control Rosicrucianism which is a secret society of alchemists. Baron / Freiherr Vincenzo Impellizzeri. Marchioness of Apiro, Countess of Visso . His sons Giacomo (died 1482) and Lorenzo (1452) battled for the Papal States, Naples and Florence. The Spanish control the Vatican through the Jesuits. The Queen and Prince Philip are totally subordinate to the Papal Bloodline the Breakspear Family and their Jesuit UKHQ at 114 Mount Street. (Marquess of The Holy Roman Empire), PRINCELY HOUSE OF ALLIATA See: Princely County and Barony von der Steinhorst, Count / Graf Nelson Keith Steinhurst von der Steinhorst , The founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), Klaus Schwab, has emerged as the front man of the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which has an unmistakable transhumanist . Princess Marina of Savoy, Princess of Naples . H.E. Prince of Valditaro . relates to secret societies like the Priore de Sion or Priory of Sion (meaning: priory of the Sun), which lost some of its secrecy because of the fact thatthe Rennes le Chateau mysterybecame so popular among certain circles. H.E. The Boboni surname went lost with his children, who were called de domo filiorum Ursi. Together with his cousin, the Cardinal Giovanni Battista, he was among the fiercest opposers of popes Innocent VIII and Alexander VI. Baron / Freiherr Giuseppe Compagnino . Patrician of Naples , Noble of Patern , de jure Duke of Candia and Duke of Crete , The Orsini also carried on a political feud with the Colonna family until by Papal Bull it was stopped in 1511; in 1571 the Chiefs of both families married the nieces of Pope Sixtus V. The Orsini were related to the Boboni family existing in Rome in the 11th century. Outer Doctrine = What They allow out to Us or allow Us to know even if it is supposedly Back Channel COSMIC Level Info. H.S.H. Most of his fief was located in northern Lazio, but he entered in the Neapolitan orbit when in 1418 he was called by Sergianni Caracciolo to fight against the Angevine troops, which he defeated. Count / Graf Ferrante Mercurino Benvenuti. Countess / Graefin Rebecca Johnson di Santa Croce , The Orsini descend from Cajo Orso Orsini who lived c. 600 CE. H.E. H.E. Prince Rutherford of Etruria , Marquis / Margrave Don Camillo Aldobrandini. The same two top investors - Vanguard and BlackRock, also own the most controlling shares of all these corporations in the Big Tech industry. He had some ten sons, which divided the fiefs after his deaths: Gentile (died 1246) originated the Pitigliano line and the second southern line, Rinaldo that of Monterotondo, Napoleone (died 1267) that of Bracciano and another Matteo Rosso that of Montegiordano, from the name of the district in Rome housing the familys fortress. Countess / Graefin Donna Matilde Antonia Fernndez del Amo Little is known about their genealogy or history, but it's suspected that they wield enormous power within the Cabal, with extensive connections to New England Satanists, meaning they are key to the Cabal's Satanic rituals and worship. (Noble of The Holy Roman Empire), DUCHY AND COUNTY OF FRIULI The most important member of the Monterotondo Orsinis was Giovani Battista Orsini, who became cardinal under Sixtus IV (1483). Here another agent of Satan can be found. H.E. With no sons or male-line descendants, the heir to the dukedom of Gravina is his unmarried brother Don Benedetto Orsini (b. (Prince of The Holy Roman Empire), H.R.H. (Princess of The Holy Roman Empire), H.R.H. As above so below As we observed in Matthew, So in Rev 13:2 we can possibly substitute, Therefore the name Zionism is actually referring to the sun-cult, the Babylon cult, and f.i. (Prince of The Holy Roman Empire), PRINCELY HOUSE OF CARAFA DELLA SPINA List of Mass Shootings in the United States in 2021, CLICK FOR RECENT POSTS, SEARCH & ARCHIVES , https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vatican/esp_vatican144.htm. The Real 13 Zoroastrian Bloodlines of The Illuminati Herod the Great conquered Jerusalem with the aid of Roman armies and made himself king. Count / Graf Don Federico Tomasella , Roberto (1295-1345), Gentile IIs elder son, married to Sibilla del Balzo, daughter of the Great Senechal of the Kingdom of Naples. (Countess and Baroness of The Holy Roman Empire), MARGRAVIATE OF TUSCANY The Orsini Palace in Rome, including the Theatre of Marcellus. There is no one more powerful than this figure who is reallythe Grey Pope. Ptolemaic Papal bloodlines: All controlled through the Jesuit Order and theirKnights of Malta& Teutonic Knights all based in missile protected Borgo Santo Spirito in Rome. After the heirless death of Duke Michele Antonio (January 26, 1627), his lands passed to his cousin Pietro Orsini, count of Muro Lucano (died 1641). The latter was also Senator of Rome and enlarged the family territories in Lazio and Tuscany. H.E. (Baron Of The Holy Roman Empire), PRINCELY HOUSE OF LANDI For most peopleZion is the name for Jerusalemas well as for the nation of Israel (Isis-Ra-El). (Prince of The Holy Roman Empire), SARCHI The list you're viewing contains family members like Pope Nicholas III and Fulvio Orsini. (Prince of The Holy Roman Empire), CIGALA (Count of The Holy Roman Empire), CLARICINI DI DORNPACHER Thanks to the strategic positions of their fiefs, and to their famous castle built in Bracciano in 1426, they were the most powerful Orsini line in the Lazio. Raimondo Claricini di Dornpacher. Knight of Malta, Tom Cruise donates to the Optimum Population Trust of Manchester, England. Antonio Raggi. After 15 years, four kids, countless favors and arranged marriages to cover their affair, the sentimental bond between dei Cattanei and her beau started waning. (Noble of The Holy Roman Empire), SALVADORI DI WIESENHOF The most powerful man right now in the conspiracy over this World is a Roman by the name of PEPE ORSINI of the powerful Roman Papal Bloodline the Orsini also known as Orso and the ancient Maximus family. He married to Clarice Ruffo, daughter of the counts of Catanzaro, forming an alliance of the most powerful Calabrian dynasty. Omissions? H.E. The word Vatican is just a shortened form of the word Vaticanus, just like Claudian is a shortened form of Claudianus, as shown above. His son Giannantonio (March 25, 1569 1613) sold Pitigliano to Tuscany, in exchange for the marquisate of Monte San Savino. One of Giacomos daughters, Clarice (1453-July 30, 1488) became Lorenzo de Medicis wife. . Giancarlo Bonfazi di Statte The Roman Monarch of the World, The King of Jerusalem and SMOM Military Navigator. Bertoldo (died 1417) managed to keep only Pitigliano, while his grandson Orso (died July 5, 1479) was count of Nola and fought as condottiero under the Duke of Milan and the Republic of Venice. Count / Graf Ettore Valvasone. Not all of them, however, were partisans of Boniface. Saturnalian Brotherhood The Real 13 Zoroastrian Bloodlines of the Illuminati. Simona Bonfazi di Statte Getty Images. https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vatican/esp_vatican144.htm. de jure Princess of Tournai , Notable buildings He was born into the noble Orsini family in Rome, though he was only a cardinal deacon before becoming Pope. (Prince of The Holy Roman Empire), ATTEMS or ATTIMIS For the past 500 years, the Spanish Inquisition has controlled the Vatican by means of the Jesuits. Marquis del Monte Titano , Count of Valais , By marriage, he obtained the title of count of Gravina. Prince / Furst Marulli Di San Cesario . Prince / Furst Don Ladislao Odescalchi. The most powerful man right now in the conspiracy over this World is a Roman by the name of PEPE ORSINI of the powerful Roman Papal Bloodline the Orsini also known as Orso and the ancient Maximus family. Prince / Furst Don Gregorio Carafa Della Spina. (Countess of The Holy Roman Empire), ALBERTI DI POJA Roma, Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano. Mat 2:13 And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.