[74], The fears of terrorism received an extra boost from the disruption of communications and news. It began on 2 September 1666 and lasted just under five days. [27] The perception of a need to get beyond the walls took root only late on the Monday, and then there were near-panic scenes at the gates as distraught refugees tried to get out with their bundles, carts, horses, and wagons. By the end of the year, only 150 new houses had been built. The Great Fire of London is one of the most well-known disasters in London's history. Some were eloquent in their simplicity: Old London that, / Hath stood in State, / above six hundred years, / In six days space / Woe and alas! Explore. Matthew Russell tells us about a dragon smaller than a five pence coin from the collection. The first, in 1633, severely damaged the structure and weakened it to some degree. A thousand watchmen or "bellmen" who patrolled the streets at night watched for fire as one of their duties. [12] The City was traffic-clogged, polluted, and unhealthy, especially after it was hit by a devastating outbreak of bubonic plague in the Plague Year of 1665. The fears of the homeless focused on the French and Dutch, England's enemies in the ongoing Second Anglo-Dutch War; these substantial immigrant groups became victims of street violence. Pepys took a coach back into the city from Whitehall, but reached only St Paul's Cathedral before he had to get out and walk. 3. His maid was not so This novel deals with one of Ackroyd's great heroes, Charles Dickens, and is a reworking of Little Dorrit. Hello, Downloads are for members of Grammarsaurus only. [41], London possessed advanced fire-fighting technology in the form of fire engines, which had been used in earlier large-scale fires. - 2. "[101] Most refugees camped in any nearby available unburned area to see if they could salvage anything from their homes. The After a fantastic performance of the first draft later that day, Saras final product is below for you all to enjoy. Hear from four individuals who experienced the birth of punk, interviewed as part of the Punk.London project. [162][163] Another monument marks the spot where the fire is said to have died out: the Golden Boy of Pye Corner in Smithfield. Want to join our mailing list? Five fantastic and weird dolls discovered in our fashion collections. The flames spread through the house, down Pudding Lane and into the nearby streets. Charles took command at once, ordering the demolition of houses, and The prolonged absence of rains brought a lot of danger to the city's inhabitants. A communal toilet seat from the 12th century reveals the underside of life in medieval London. Inspired by the families work throughout the day, Sara then went away to craft her own response to the Great Fire of London, using loads of rhyming fire imagery and deciding how best to merge all those ideas into one poem. [30], Fires were common in the crowded wood-built city with its open fireplaces, candles, ovens, and stores of combustibles. Numbers vary according to sources, but The Great Fire, as it would come to be called, destroyed roughly 13,000 homes, 85 churches, and 50 company halls. The year was 1666,Late one September night,The bakers shop in Pudding LaneGlowed with an orange light.The baker's oven was on fire The flames began to spread.Thomas the baker was upstairsHe was asleep in bed. It was the diarist Samuel Pepys who realised how great the threat was, and took the news to the king. [29] Refugees escaping outwards, away from the centre of destruction, were blocked by soldiers trying to keep the streets clear for firefighters, causing further panic. Thomas Farriner and his family had to climb out of an upstairs window and onto their neighbour's roof to escape the fire in their bakery. And could our visitors help us shape it? Five to six hundred tons of powder was stored in the Tower of London. With such a series of events, its no surprise that countless paintings, novels and dramatisations have been inspired by the fire of 1666. King by Ksutherland. As when some dire usurper Heav'n provides. On Tuesday, the fire spread over nearly the whole City, destroying St Paul's Cathedral and leaping the River Fleet to threaten Charles II 's court at Whitehall. [137] The reconstruction saw improvements in hygiene and fire safety: wider streets, open and accessible wharves along the length of the Thames, with no houses obstructing access to the river, and, most importantly, buildings constructed of brick and stone, not wood. [24][25] London was also full of black powder, especially along the riverfront where ship chandlers filled wooden barrels with their stocks. What would fire look like if it was an animal? In 1666 there were no professional fire fighters. [105], Only a few deaths from the fire are officially recorded, and deaths are traditionally believed to have been few. The conflagration was much larger now: "the whole City in dreadful flames near the water-side; all the houses from the Bridge, all Thames-street, and upwards towards Cheapside, down to the Three Cranes, were now consumed". Some streets were widened and two new streets were created. Despite the poem's name, the year had been one of great tragedy . London Bridge, the only physical connection between the City and the south side of the river Thames, had been noted as a deathtrap in the fire of 1633. Contemporary maps record the site as 23 Pudding Lane. with the king's efforts, the fire burned for four days, before the The mayor [128], On 5 October, Marc Antonio Giustinian, Venetian Ambassador in France, reported to the Doge of Venice and the Senate, that Louis XIV announced that he would not "have any rejoicings about it, being such a deplorable accident involving injury to so many unhappy people". A rumour is not about the source but the spread. Great Fire of London, (September 2-5, 1666), the worst fire in London 's history. Resources used were cereal boxes, white towels, brown fabric, felts, fleece, black bias binding & tissue paper. It was on the fourth day of the fire when Samuel Pepys wrote (via HistoryExtra) it was "the saddest sight of desolation that I ever saw; everywhere great fires, oyle-cellars, and brimstone, and other things burning." Of all the things to face, fire has to be one of the most terrifying. Surging into the streets, the frightened mob fell on any foreigners whom they happened to encounter, and were pushed back into the fields by the Trained Bands, troops of Life Guards, and members of the court. I grew louder. Soon London was filled with smoke. in charge. So now it was our turn! [151][120] The Royalist perspective of the fire as accidental was opposed by the Whig view questioning the loyalties of Catholics in general and the Duke of York in particular. L Laura Michele 698 followers More information The Great Fire of London - a fun poem for kids Fire London Great Fire Of London The Great Fire London With Kids London Theme London Houses [58] The spread to the south was mostly halted by the river, but it had torched the houses on London Bridge and was threatening to cross the bridge and endanger the borough of Southwark on the south bank of the river. People loaded their things onto carts and tried to leave town. [69] In the evening, Evelyn reported that the river was covered with barges and boats making their escape piled with goods. Impressive, eh? Read about our approach to external linking. [46] The neighbours tried to help douse the fire; after an hour, the parish constables arrived and judged that the adjoining houses had better be demolished to prevent further spread. Destruction From The Great Fire Of London. [70] The swirling winds carried sparks and burning flakes long distances to lodge on thatched roofs and in wooden gutters, causing seemingly unrelated house fires to break out far from their source and giving rise to rumours that fresh fires were being set on purpose. The Great Fire of London engulfed 13,000 houses, nearly 90 churches, and scores of public buildings. 1. Within half an hour, the lead roof was melting, and the books and papers in the crypt were burning. What could a poem inspired by the Great Fire look and sound like? [13] They were determined to thwart any similar tendencies in his son, and when the Great Fire threatened the City, they refused the offers that Charles made of soldiers and other resources. However, the building was covered in wooden scaffolding, undergoing piecemeal restoration by Christopher Wren. When the king was told about thisHe was really upset. A modern and lively poem for kids about The Great Fire of London, 1666. As a result, the fire not only devastated the City of London; it also proved detrimental to Charles II's reign and increased instability throughout England. The fire's spread to the north reached "the financial heart of the City". My London Story: Poems on the Buses Poetry Competition. The Great Fire of London by Ben Johnson The people of London who had managed to survive the Great Plague in 1665 must have thought that the year 1666 could only be better, and couldn't possibly be worse! [122][123], A committee was established to investigate the cause of the Great Fire, chaired by Sir Robert Brooke. The best way to stop the fire was to pull down houses with hooks to make gaps or 'fire breaks'. By the time that Charles took over command from the ineffectual Lord Mayor, the fire was already out of control. The Great Fire of London - a fun poem for kids London Uk School Crafts Kids Cereal Boxes Lady Bug Handmade 3D Tudor House model - Great Fire of London UK! . The use of the major firefighting technique of the time, the creation of firebreaks by means of removing structures in the fire's path, was critically delayed due to the indecisiveness of the Lord Mayor, Sir Thomas Bloodworth. The Great Fire of London began in the early hours of the 2nd of September 1666. [c] On this occasion, an unknown number of fire engines were either wheeled or dragged through the streets. By law, every parish church had to hold equipment for these efforts: long ladders, leather buckets, axes, and "firehooks" for pulling down buildings. While the most famous accounts of the Great Fire, by diarists Samuel Pepys and John Evelyn, didn't see the light of day until the 19th century, broadside ballads with titles such as "The. The new regulations were designed to prevent such a disaster happening again. The Great Fire of London was an inferno of such all-consuming proportions that it left 85 per cent of the capital's population homeless. There was no fire brigade in London in 1666 so Londoners themselves had to fight the fire, helped by local soldiers. Through such works it is only possible to learn about life in a specific time period, but it is also possible to enter the writer's mind and further understand who the writer is as a person. The flames crept towards the riverfront and set alight the water wheels under London Bridge, eliminating the supply of piped water.