Mention one thing or person loved by EVERYBODY. Roddenberrys imprint on Next Gen made the characters not flawed enough for some tastes, granted, but Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and Enterprise have countless examples of human foibles and emotions sure, not to the degree as Discovery, with its ship full of Barclays as one commenter put it, rhetorically. Like maybe he would be way too codependent or something? Most of what she did was convey the amazingly obvious like offering such useful insights such as, Hes concealing something but I dont know what. And her abilities were never fully defined. I would prefer to finish the rest of Prodigy first season instead. Because she symbolizes the Trekkies, geeks, nerds. Actress Mary Wiseman did a series of media . Wiseman was appreciative of fans who had her back online: I just want to say that all the people who step in, to back me up like that, your presence is like little angels, like blocking out these little trolls. Its intolerance in its most basic form, and anyone who engages in, advocates for, or turns a blind eye and deaf ear to it are examples of the worst humanity has to offer, and most certainly have no business calling themselves a Star Trek fan. You are always very insightful. That finale appearance was basically a cameo. The last novel just came out last year (where does she find the time lol). Perhaps they had a second or third language that they use regularly. DS9 Avatar books 1 and 2 were quite good and helpfully kicked off the DS9 Relaunch sequence. Having a discussion about healthy weights, healthy eating and physical activity and how thats important is a good Star Trek message. I never felt that what has come before should define the franchise in the future. Tilly is Trekdom. I have this image in my head of the EPs saying to Mack that theyd like species that havent been main characters in other shows and asking him to give a list of options for a big and strong species, a species without a bianary gender etc. It was a novelty in his first story and they turned it on its head when he got zapped and made super-smart, but most of the time hes very trying, especially when he gets thrown onto Voyager. However, if we got to see Tilly gradually improve herself. Look at the progression of Nog on DS9 from Quarks juvenile-delinquent nephew in season 1 to Starfleet Ensign in the Dominion War on how writers can make you believe in a characters growth and progression. I really liked her in the first season. Samarkand? It would definitely be great if Rhys was promoted to first officer. If you read what Mary and Sonequa are saying, they arent promoting any particular body style or fitness choice, just that they are as they are and only they have the right to choose how that should be. Did Tilly on Discovery gain weight? Picard is the third Kurtzman Production. Between 2011 through 2015, she attended Juilliard School's Drama Division, where one of her students was future Star Trek: Discovery actress Mary Chieffo. But it looks like TG47 answered your question! I dont understand this at all. Ive never liked Tilly. It really doesnt fit in the century they are in. I saw someone just last month asking on a Facebook fanpage if Starfleet had some kind of physical fitness standard and if so, shes violating it, ect.the same old idiotic abusive misogyny disguised as genuine concern. It included a lot of the old characters too like Chakotay, BElanna, Tuvok with a lot of new characters. That will be the one I read first! I did, though. Wiseman possess voluptuous hourglass shaped figure. Because Book is someone who doesnt just have cerebral, intellectual intelligence. David Ajala: I think its made Cleveland Booker even more attracted to Michael Burnham because I think he looks and goes Oh, scrumptious. As far as science fiction most Trek shows have normal looking ppl. She went away and supposedly became an amazing well rounded person. Just mentioning few of their values. Youre perfect as you are. Yes, I like both Barclay and Tilly., Kate Mulgrew (@TheKateMulgrew) December 18, 2020. And so she will be part of this universe and this world for many years to come. They made an insensitive statement about her body and called her a promoter of an unhealthy lifestyle. I notice that for whatever reason certain words will trigger the language to switch to French on my phone, and then I have to go back and correct everything. But I think one of the things that leaves everyone feeling unmoored in this situation is they dont even know how to use their skills to deal with this because its something theyve never seen before, and they cant predict it, they dont know by which rules its operating, and how to even engage. He also has emotional intelligence. And others opinions dont factor in. Nibiru? It would make sense if you knew the story ;) Lets just say Jake did write his famous book a couple of years after the end of DS9, but in the years and decades ahead he went on to much bigger things and took his career and his life in a very different direction. To me, at least. I dont read the same type of criticism for their male actors. Tilly is a wonderful incarnation of our inner geekdom, a person you would find at conventions or in fanfiction I love this character so much because she isnt perfect. After the first two seasons of high pressure I thought I would have seen more growth. Why is that a command level position? Shes only competent because of her character shield, shes mentally and emotionally immature, out of shape for the job shes in and the role she wanted to perform, and would barely survive in a high school, let alone in any capacity at an actual Starfleet. Mary Wiseman said in an interview after her departing episode that she'd be back before the end of the season. I originally was skeptical but then I turned around in season 1 and really started enjoying it. That promise was. I like her personality though, mostly. I like the way you think! No, from Starfleets POV its 3 years. Like a lot of people, she pivoted and found herself in a new role as teacher. Its all relative, but I dont see a lot of actors being body-shamed. Why wouldnt someone want to be more like that? Unity? Two Kelpians and a Disco Kenny (Zero Kelpians were harmed during this shoot. I mean, it was just so fun! Tilly is justannoying. Mary Wiseman and David Ajala with their co-stars Wilson Cruz, Sonequa Martin-Green, Blu del Barrio, and Anthony Rapp at NYCC 2021, (Trailer also available for international viewers Jake is about 45-50 and one of the two lead characters. Nah Book is Boba Fett and I want to see the spin-off series THE BOOK OF BOOK :-). [1] Early life [ edit] Wiseman is the youngest daughter of Dorothy and Kevin Wiseman and has three older brothers. To be clear, my opinion on a show has no bearing on how it helped you at a terrible time in your life. #StarTrekDiscovery #MirrorLandry, Rekha the leaves (@TheRekhaSharma) December 19, 2020. You cant be a Star Trek fan and also be a racist or a body shamer. Im not the idiot fringe but her weight is none of our business (and, also, she had a baby before S3, I believe). Barclay was another unrealistic character that never shouldve made it in to Starfleet. Episodes will be available on Fridays internationally on Netflix. Thats the thing about DSC. What do you mean? I mean, there could have been but it was never seen or talked about. This show has disrespected the actress with poor development and no real storyline except oh hey, im awkward guys. Just when it looks like the character has finally grown as a person and doing her own thing, comes right back. And it all happened OFF SCREEN! New episodes of Star Trek: Discovery premiere on Thursdays on CBS All Access in the U.S. and on CTV Sci-Fi Channel in Canada, where it's also available to stream on Crave. Thank you for your counter opinion. Development for the fifth season of Discovery is well underway, with production expected to begin in June. I know everyone is different but for me, once I hit my mid-30s my metabolism slowed down, so I had to cut back on the amount of food I ate compared to when I was 25. I would just be happy if Rhys got more than three lines an episode lol. Imo, this show tries so overly hard to be socially progressive, its the very thing that makes it a turn-off. Its very likely shell be on the Star Fleet Academy show if she continues as a regular/recurring character on a Trek show. The doctor was usually the therapist. By existing? As I said Tilly has the same issues. That sucks, but that is just the way it goes. DSC has a wonderful cast and a neat diverse set of characters. I just hope now that she has been made captain, all her baggage will be finally gone. the only one worth saving.. quite possibly the most irritating character in Trek history. It feels too 21st century specific as does Tillys. David Ajala: Legit, its still very palpable here. What I should point out though is that Mack earned the moniker Angel of Death among the Litverse fans. I hope that Wiseman uses that info into the future because it does work for fat burning and muscle building.. Ive re-learned through life experiences how to stop and smell the roses again you might say, among other things. Not with DSC, not with ANYTHING. The reason why Troi was on the bridge all the timewas that she was a betazoid. I agree, the writing, character development, and story telling needs to improve. Control over ones own body is the most basic freedom we should have. The Terra Firma arc introduced the real Mirror Universe version of Tilly (aka Captain Killy). (80's for ya) Ive read plenty of well-deserved criticism of the writing but to my knowledge, there has been no widespread criticism of STD acting or physical appearances. Xanadu? What accent? Mary Wiseman told Forbes, It was tricky, but it was a really, really fun and satisfying challenge.. There really are some of the DS9 authors that are stronger and some that tend to tell too much and show to little in their writing in my view. It always cracks me up when people say that they hate Tilly. I see other people mentioning the books on Reddit and Youtube because of the new show obviously. Its her, Adira, Stamets, and Reno who are the really hard science people. This was her character and then had perhaps one or two incidents where she became a little more focused and then off screen came back a different person. She doesnt inspire confidence. I actually had an entire epic story mapped out that I was seriously considering turning into a series of novels. So it has been hard, and its really hard to avoid, because it pops up on all the [social media] accounts, or people comment on my posts with cruel, unscientific comments. And Books starshipthink of it as Star Treks answer to the Astro Megaship from Power Rangers in Space. Season 4 sees Sonequa Martin-Green's, Michael Burnham, return with her. I LOVE the future! ;). He was in the Travis Mayweather category. Ive finally had the chance to reply to your comment about Lue Elizondo etc on the other thread. With predictive spelling and multiple languages available, incorrect word choice is a constant threat even when one does type in the correct word. Yes I forgot David Mack is a consultant on this show too and is well aware of all the post-Nemesis stories in the novels. By being visible on your TV screen? Mary's fans are curious to know if she is indeed expecting a little one but the rumors are false. Shes changed. New episodes of Star Trek: Discovery premiere on Thursdays on CBS All Access in the U.S. and on CTV Sci-Fi Channel in Canada, where it's also available to stream on Crave. However, I do struggle with popular media normalizing unhealthy weights whether over or underweight because they are health risks. A rare, successful example of this is James Gunns Guardians otG and Suicide Squad, in which a similar premise is treated comedically yet with a touch of sincerity, so as not to devolve into outright farce. Any accent would be acceptable for a time that hasnt happened yet. Take me to the stars and tell me a story. Against all odds, shes in Starfleet and thriving. Ive seen people here and on other message boards body-shame Ms.Wiseman, and its disgusting. But the nu left that this show panders to cant accept any opinion that isnt in agreement with it so they try to immediately invalidate it. advantage. And to be honest, her character has regressed significantly over the past few years. Thats undeniable. All Access Star Trek Podcast, Discovery, DS9, Lower Decks, Section 31, Star Trek 4, Star Trek: Picard, Star Trek: Prodigy, Strange New Worlds. Im a human being, you know? I agree with you on principle as far at this being fine on a fictional Star Trek show. So sayeth Scotty, the contrarian. My only issue with Captain Killy is that she died that wonderful red hair blonde. Then maybe I would actually remember his name! Shes a geeky, nerdy character, so wonderfully over the top, like so many of us in the fandom. And Kirsten Beyer probably consults on that show too along with her duties on Picard and Discovery, so its possible at least. Her character of Cadet Tilly in Star Trek Discovery is warm and positive. Have you ever read those? Theyve written Tilly as just the straight oh theres Tilly for the jokes. No one can be expected to sugarcoat reality for you, and your attitude to people who dont is very indicative that you need someone to help you with that. Let it die. David Ajala: Ive never thought about that. Patrick Kwok-Choon is the only one of the bridge officers that doesnt have another regular acting or producer/director role. I realize there are people who like his quirks. I look at Disco as adding a new flavor to the existing universe. By the way, could of isnt English. Lwaxana sometimes I dont mind her simply because she puts Picard and Odo on their back feet, but she was very OTT on shows that didnt really have a lot of OTT characters, and there was little reason for her to keep appearing on DS9 beyond reverence towards Majel Barrett. But I have to say, when they named her Killy, it made the already off-kilter character even more ridiculous. The frequency and level of mockery and hate, very often is targeted to the female actors, for them to behave like women, to behave as woman leaders. However, in the same interview she also talked about how some fans have not been so supportive in season three: I noticed theres definitely been an uptick in body-shaming towards me and Tilly this season, which was harrowing because Im a person, I have a history and bullying is totally a part of that. Not holding my breath hes given the job though, especially since we know Saru is coming back. Key difference in thinking, and it makes all the difference in the big picture! For people who dont know, it had to do with Voyager leading a fleet of ships going back to the Delta Quadrant a few years after Voyager arrived home. Youre saying she isnt believeable because she sounds like she has a 21st century *accent*? I always have to correct it, so its not terribly efficient. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Right? I dont see a repeated notion that DISCO saved Trek by heavily incorporating emotion into their characters. None of us are and its okay. Regarding fans, tons of them love Tilly. David Ajala: Yeah. Basically a good officer whos been in Starfleet for some years but her career stalled due to emotional and self-esteem issues. What? The mirror Tilly and the ISS Discovery appear in the "Mirror of Discovery" storyline in Star Trek Online, as part of the game's 9th anniversary in January 2019; she is voiced by Mary Wiseman, who also . Im proud to be here and I am proud to wear my skin-tight costume and proud of my body. If I was a public figure I would do zero social media, ignore the internet, cash my massive paychecks, sign autographs for real in-person fans I meet, and be so thankful Im not working in a grunt job making minimum wage. Thats just a matter of preference. But its the elephant we have in the room, these days. Those b@stards, however, totally killed Landry )Cuddles with @actordougjones and @davbentom These men are nothing short of hereoic in prosthetics all day e'reday. One reason why I think people gravitated towards Trip the most on Enterprise was that the combination of writing and performances created one of the most believable humans in Star Trek this side of Dr. McCoy and Chief OBrien.