In fact, I suspect it might make more sense than what Chris Winkle says in the original article. And that should be all, if anyone can help me with the names of the entire concept, please do. You could use a rock-paper-scissors relationship where earth beats air, but air beats water, water beats fire, and fire beats earth. Toward the last point, I think the inclusion of old magic in reference to Lilys motherly love protecting Harry I believe is more for the benefit of the themes of love and goodness triumphing over evil and hate (Rowling was dealing with grief toward her own mothers death while writing). It will first appear has a reddish purple mark that will slowly spread across the whole body. The questions which I usually ask myself are how difficult is it to inflict changes (which means does it take a two-day ritual or just a thought) and what are the costs (because if magic doesnt have a bad side, like the cost for a spell, there is no limiting it). Technically, anyone can use holy magic, but it takes years to become proficient. Hope I did well! Im going to have to find my Physical Science notes my goodness, that class was boring. As a general rule, antagonists can use soft magic to solve problems, even though protagonists should only use hard magic. They worship and revere the Living Mother (what we might call Mother Earth) in her role as custodian and bringer of balance. So then, my idea was that even though minds were separate from bodies, they were normally closely tied so they could interact, which was why telepathy and telekinesis had things such as limits based on physical distance. Reading this made me realize a plot hole before I even put it on paper, I cant thank you enough for the editing time youve saved me! Magicians train to control different aspects of reality, but a magician is also constrained to the limits of reality. What unusual methods and applications might they attempt? The knots must be undone, causing the reverse effect as the original magic, and rewoven into the fabric of reality. As far as the potions are concerned specific plants have always been said to possess magical properties, which is why they are used in the potions. The Mages dont rule, but merely maintain a beneficial relationship with those that do, but the Empires form of transportation (and thus commerce) is almost entirely dependent upon magical meansSo what does the Imperium bring to the party? So what do you think? Could perhaps some or all of them be elements alongside the classic four? And if you use an elemental magic system be creative, inform yourself what elements are overused already. In The Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb, practitioners of the Skill can communicate to each other telepathically. Water constantly replenished in its cycle, rising up as vapor and plummeting down as rain. It could also be from astral radiation or human emotion. Interesting perspective on the Harry Potter magical system. We have a knowledge of these beings, many of them exist in our mythology as gods, angels, demons, etc. Ripple: The last step. Might a healer whos seen one too many field hospitals after a brutal siege just stop caring enough to heal effectively? 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What is the development of science, your description of kinetic or thermal energy makes me think the inhabitants have some scientific knowledge, but if thats the case why is it that they havent studied transpiration? If theyre distracted, panicking, drunk, or otherwise unable to focus the spell wont work. And boy, rational magic systems arent new. How do I come up with subtypes that would suit the main types of magic? When an Interferer discovered their ability to pull power from a Conduit and affect the world, they were shunned for interfering. Prime / Mana worked a little differently, in that each rune slot had a certain number of Mana-Points that could be applied, up to a value equal to the Players skill/level. Four Ways to Limit Magic & Technology Those limits are important! Though I have some questions mainly concerning what allows some to manipulate this balance for a certain time? There are roughly two types of fantasy. There are hundreds or even thousands of magical techniques and spells that a magician can learn. This is the easiest part from technical point of view in my current design. Luckily for the majority of the population of the Voden Imperium, the nanites are happy to sit mostly dormant, quietly replicating away. The system makes no sense so I cant possibly reason that theres a reversal of this! Kristen now works as a creative wellness coach and offers new resources through her personal website at donjon; Fantasy World Generator document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Become a patron and chat with us on Discord. However, it sounds like theres a gap between the rational aspect and the large assortment of different things your magic casters are doing. I dont want to write something that turns out to be nonsensical. If Luke needs to suddenly call out for help while hes hanging below a floating city, he can make contact with Leia (without their relationship already being an item). A glove that gradually eats away at their flesh, or every spell they cast they have to pay a price to a demon, or something. For example, the Goddess of the Hunt will give a blessing that will increase the accuracy and strength of your bow, as long as you dont eat after dark. The source should give you an idea for how it might become available. This page is absolutely huge, reflecting the fact that I have a rather large number of options in the generator. ), the rarest of the three. Magic isnt real, so it can be anything we want. Your Favorite Fantasy Magic Systems, Rated - B&N Reads What do the spirits get out of it? When you suddenly decide to change the way magic works or it looks like it, because youre winging it with the system readers get unhappy. Some are carefully planned; others contradict themselves and lead to plot holes. With that said, I wonder why no one has replied to my previous comment on this article. Again, you can have variance if there are rules that explain it. In a world where the entire population can wield magic you might not have this conflict, not unless some are worse at wielding magic than others. Thats why we have a character (in the Silmarillion, and referenced in passing in the songs and stories Aragorn tells the hobbits on Weathertop and they later hear much more about in Rivendell: a character like Luthien Tinuviel, who inherited her power from her connection to both the mortal (in the sense of not being a divinely descended spirit who chose to take bodily form; Tolkiens equivalent of greater and lesser angels whom he sees as having a role in the world; her father was a powerful Elf king but still in that sense mortal) and angelic (her mother, who was a lesser angel who fell in love with her father and chose to take on bodily form enough to bear his child but still remained of divine race) lines in her ahcestry. A curse rang out as he knew he should of just got up instead of trying to weave when he was too tired to focus. The first step is building a metaphysical framework for how and why magic works. They're overall stregenth of that ability is average. However, even if we have energy available, there is still always the problem of directing it. I would start with some metaphysical idea about exactly what functions these threads are performing to hold the world together. You can have that, too, while still retaining rationality. (oops, forget this one!). Plot-wise, yes. In your case, how exactly the will affects something: Side note, can anyone contact the spirits, or does it require a special gift.. Also, how is this energy directed to a specific object and not blocked by everything in the way (including air?) Why can only some people do time magic or elemental magic? Telepathy: You mention detecting the electrical impulses of the nervous system. If you want to create a soft magic system, I have some good news: you dont need to come up with a set of systematic rules, or even an underlying logic. Just because the system has volumes of lore and backstory to support it doesnt make it a rational system, though it does help to make it more believable. Paint is a very volatile substance that if held can burn off skin If travelling to the tower of the Dark Mage takes three weeks on horseback, there should be a good reason if you tell the reader the way back only took a couple of hours. If so, why? (Storm God = sky domain = bird ? Now, if magic in Tolkien just went by power levels like a Pokemon duel, Sauron would have won this handily, being pure blood of an order of beings who if we looked at these things just on the power level dimension clearly outranked the mortal clay that was mixed into Luthiens veins. Unlimited power allows for enormous epic battles, but you'll have to create tension by adding other forms of limitations, perhaps skill based or type based. It would foreshadow his powers at the end of the story, when he faces off against Voldemort controlling all types of magic. It is divided into two domains: the stone, minerals, and metals of the land, and the flora and fauna of the natural world. : Whatever you figure out, it should have an internal logic. There are 2 other different types of magic to do with Time/Space & Meta Magic of youd like to hear more about the magic from the novel I wrote. The most common form of magic is to make a contract with a specific spirit for a specific outcome, and then the spirit uses its power to reach that outcome (level of cooperation varies). To do this, I would need to work out whether adding the sorts of new particles and forces needed for this scenario to what exists in real life can be done in some mathematically consistent way. I just replied to your last post, but about the different cultures have different ideas of what makes sense, the point about a rational system is that it must make sense to the reader. If you can convey the rules of your system in a way the reader can understand, you have a rational system. Teleportation is hardest to work out, because it includes the idea that you can pull a body apart and put it back together without any consequences. Yes, its arbitrary which items have magical powers (though many plants have historically been said to have magical powers and Rowling obviously researched these). I will say that I do enjoy thinking about all of these issues. But it feels as if it all fits together, not least because Tolkien himself had a clear notion of what was going on. Obscuring the rules is easier if the cause and effect can be separated by space and time or the cause isnt directly observable. You could just as well do the Magic The Gathering approach and use stuff like decay or nature as base for the magic (which would give you white magic based on life/nature and black magic based on death/decay). These properties can give limitations but also make some stronger. what could they have that the Mages need/want? Ocean: Ocean magic draws power from the ocean, and by extension the rivers and lakes that are born from and eventually lead back to it. Not sure what I mean? Theres things like creating food out of thin air, which means magic can add something to the world which wasnt there before (alternately, some people have all the rotten luck and their fridges are constantly empty and they dont know why).
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