watch?v=dBZm-_6Qa3k (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Oct 29th is a day a lot of us who knew and loved Demri will never forget. Layne wants to quit, Demri doesnt, she has developed a fatalistic attitude towards her life. As her mother, when I am missing her most all I have to do is google..I am so happy you made it, I tried to direct Rosheens Mother Tina to your site but she didnt get it so I will continue to try. We tried to before but couldnt really connect with Nancy- too much focus on Laynes addiction and Heroin, and yknow there was a lot more to those times than just that. That doesnt mean I dont care that just means I wasnt aware. This website is simply amazing, a treasure trove of information for those wanting to go under the surface. SomeoneI dont want to say whobrought him some heroin because they couldnt find any coke. Please go to a support group. Being so removed from the reality of it all only made it more exciting though, and through all my adult years I have regularly sought out every bit of information I could about the real lives of the musicians involved, and in this case, their significant others. Dealers came to them. Last Updated: May 2, 2022: View Complete Profile. I was the only one with a real job and I should have been saving to travel but spent it on making Andy look amazing and it irks me to think someone is claiming to have made his hats! Geez pretty uncomfortable and geeky but thats why I loved them they were so far from what you would imagine a rock star would be like.. just normal guys who had normal insecurities. More about Demri Parrott edit Dating History # Rosheen Raugi Layne and Alice in Chains bassist Mike Starr were watching television on April 4, 2002, the day before Staley died of a heroin overdose. He had me come and look at it to see and meet the landlord. I pray that you have lots and lots of time left with no pain. The best thing you can do is dont freaking try it. God bless her mother, cause mine would have let me die without hospital stays. Layne loved what they had done, he thought Jerry did it on purpose. Was it the greater love that made them sole matesdrugs? I didnt know any of these. David Lee Roth's opinion on Freddie Mercury and Queen Paul Stanley doesn't agree that Rock and Roll is dead I agree completely. She is such a facinating person and it will be almost surreal to see her on video. 2. I dont think a lot of people understand how much damage it does. Dearest Dem, I will forever miss silly, sweet, wild and precious fairy child. If boundaries are established upfront, some of these issues can be avoided. Did you hear this new record by this band? And I loved itI thought it was so cute. I dont update it much but sometimes I add to the pages more.. like I did this one recently. Thanks for keeping this site up. She was really sweet and really cool. Finally, best of luck if you write a book Muself, I would love to produce a film documenting all of this. But, if you do, you could save a life. Prayers. . Thank you Ana and yes addiction destroys your body Thank you for bringing that up. I hope they are in peace and my prayers are with the family and friends. All information, records, stories, anecdotes, and pictures are welcome. Demri Lara Parrott, 27, of Bremerton died Oct. 29, 1996, at Evergreen Hospital in Kirkland. Finally, best of luck if you write a book Muself, I would love to produce a film documenting all of this. Question: Did Demri ever drive a car? He also did Mad Season at some point in there. Demri, Layne said, appeared to him before his death, so maybe he wasnt so alone. Later, as he got deeper into heroin, he almost seemed stooped over and maybe a little bow legged in AICs last concerts in 96. But I guess no matter how sick she was during her last year- she was still beautiful for sure, on the outside and on the inside. I first heard nutshell about a year ago and had to find the source of that sound.It was here that I found AIC + the voice of Layne. Its such a shame that these 2 talented people were taken from their families and friends at such young ages. She stumples out to the car and passes out (O.D.s duh!). Its sad because most society cant look past ones addiction to drugs although we all have some weakness or do something that would be frowned upon & even if one was perfect its still not right. LoveMara:). Im trying to post a comment and a link to a video, but all that appears when I try to publish it in this site is: your comment is awaitting moderation!! It is not worth your life and the heartbreak of your family just to see what its like. But, most fans are there while youre on top. Actually I was bothered by it though. But she went one way for love, he another. She was made weaker by the fact that shed contracted heart problems from the use of dirty and used cotton when she used heroin. She was loved by many, but always on the run, Layne got her and him a house, but shed stay only a few nights, never moving in. May your familys hearts be at ease and protected. So we run back to the thing that we thought made us happy again and then after a while that does not even work anymore. Barbara might be able to offer more insight, but I definitely get the vibe that Layne wanted to eventually get clean and have a family at some point in his future. It wasnt a blatant thing, but it was definitely implied a couple of times that they wanted to know how he was. He always kept saying that he had slipped. Most of what everyone heard then was nonsense. She had open heart surgery and had a pig valve and pacemaker inserted in her heart in 1994. From what Ive read, she was disliked by many people in Laynes life (and vice versa) because they viewed her as a bad influence, and she knew this. But why? Now I see it selling online for $200!! For opening your heart with all of us, for sharing your love and passion for Demri, for making her not being forgotten People dont seem to understand how much Demri suffered the last 2-1/2 years of her life spent mostly in hospital several times on life support given hours to live or that she didnt complain and was always more concerned about others than herself. Once he moved to that place, I didnt talk to him. Thank you so much for sharing your stories. I heard a lot of nice things about how Layne how he was a very down to earth person but, we need to remember we are all human and we all make mistakes in life. Laura. Reading through the stories of Demris existence is at the same time beautiful and awful. Im not saying they were gay, lol! She still looked cheerful and pretty Layne was around more drugs due to his lifestyle. Demri has haunted me on a regular almost daily basis since I first learned about her story. Lol. Hearing how so many of your friends relapsed makes it obvious just how addicting heroin is and how strong of a grip it has. "he would never talk badly about her and apparently it was the same with her. she looks really different than in her other photos, still pretty, just a little rough and worn down. Hi Susan, my name is Layla and I saw your comment about your cancer situation. I will also never let you be forgotten as long as my heart beats.this website was made in memory of you, Layne and Rosheen..and now sadly, Mike too. I feel like some people enter the world with their story written for them already. Lanegan was struggling to quit heroin and I would swear to this day that hes here because of Layne. there is something so special about her. You were making fun of it and you crooned the line you are so superduper bravissimo to me like the big goofball that you were. Youth fueled by fame and wealth is even more deadly. This drug is so powerful and addicting that people will keep using even when theyre slowly killing themselves, ruining their lives and hurting the people they love the most! ! But she probably would have wriggled free, and shouted, F you! My life is my own! Alice in Chains guitarist Jerry Cantrell took care of the cat Sadie when Layne died. I know this is an old post but why did you put Demris name in quotes? Sure looks like Demri. Barbara, Hi ~ Mark and Layne were really cool together. I miss you, Demri. I also was a hard core heroin addict and my family and life suffered from it and I honestly did not have the willpower to save my self. Layne lived upstairs of the 9th street house. I came across this site while listening to Laynes music on line.I along with many others loved his music and now I see why Layne loved Demri.I never new them but feel such a love from this website and the pictures of Demri and Layne. However, I found that things that boost your confidence and self esteem help you stay away from it. Demri Parrott (born Demri Lara Murphy on February 22nd 1969 - d. October 29th 1996) was the love of Alice in Chains singer Layne Staley's life. Stills. I try to not let bad things that happen to me in life to drive me to get high. We grew up together and we lost her 9 months after Demri. He fretted and fretted. play a tattletale game. Rosheen and Demri RIP Rosheen Raugi June 19th 1997, Demri Parrott and Layne Staley Love Hate Love, More pictures of Demri can be found on my Flickr account at:RememberingDemri. Unique-Significance9 1 min. Mad Season. If thats true then her story is skewed and should be viewed as such (thats a word of caution to the next intrepid armchair detective who gets this far) Its funny how the internet makes it possible for anyone with curiosity and an active imagination to dig up these stories and become fascinated with the lives of people theyve never met who have passed away. e_wink.gif I was only then getting to know Layne and I liked him a lot. I took this picture with my web camera.. the picture was a photo copy taped to my wall.. Love to you all, from Scotland I am thinking more of teens I have been watching grow up from their young years. Which is a good thing trust me. And part of me wondered if he moved there because he didnt have to drive anywhere and it was easy access. I just look forward to hearing from someone. Just not interested in other peoples opinions or stories, they bore me. A lot of creativity! David de Sola writes in his biography of Alice in Chains: They had chosen the place called Kiana Lodge on Bainbridge Island [Kitsap County, Washington] as the wedding venue. Demri did pick out a dress, and Alice in Chains band member Mike Starr said he was going to be best man at Layne and Demris wedding.. I liked Classic rock and blues when I was 11. As a mother, I cannot imagine losing any of my kids. Yes, Laura very, very true you basically nailed it. Almost makes me ache (being a parent of two girls already). Demri didnt die till the morning of the 29th, in her mothers arms at the hospital. 1). Laura. She was so young, so beautiful the tragic muse, a fairy. I made it, but my wife sadly did not. She was human. Im sorry, but I just cant stand the man. they're narcissists what fuck over and throw away everything good they have in their lives.. feel sorry for fuckers struggling to survive in the third world instead of overprivileged fucks who destroy themselves on drugs cos they're so obsessed with themselves and their inadequacies.. self-fulfilling prophecies.. gross.. when you really think about it., When she struggled with addiction she ended up homeless, often couch surfing from place to place and staying with different friends and family before moving on, and carrying most of her valuable things in her suitcase. So sorry to hear about your Dad too and believe me I understand how easy it is to go back to the only thing we know made us numb again. He was usin. Have you read David de Solas book on Alice in Chains? She was wicked to him but Layne was being a dumb kid and he just wanted to date a model, he said so himself when it was over. Im not jumping on this now just because our wonderful Layne is gone as much as because of the conjecture. I stumbled across it by chance. He wanted a teddy bear that Demri Lara Parrott had and who had stayed with her at the hospital.. YOU NEED TO STAY FAR FAR AWAY FROM!! Her zodiac star sign was Pisces. It will take a different catalyst for every addict to finally take that leap off the cliff and get helpsome will need to be love bombed, some will need tough love jail is not the answer but ALL will need the help of people who understand them and wont judge them and a very strong and loving support system, also time away from their old friends, sometimes family and the places theyve used in is crucial and they all need to want it at least enough to try it one day and then hopefully one more day and they will need to learn new tools to cope with their new reality and how to live their new life clean without the old faithful emotional and physical buffer of opiates. Well, I found two videos with the same interview, but I can not post the comment with the link and I do not know why. Would anynof those be from 95 or 96 ? Go to you tube, type in temple of the dog off ramp cafe.
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