Hes a nice person but has very deeply entrenched ideas about mental health, anxiety, young people, and triggers, and I dont want to have to disclose my own mental health diagnoses to him, make him think Im simply not tough enough to handle it, or come across like a millennial snowflake, etc. excuses to get out of drill weekend - bbjtoysandbeauty.com I can say that Im unsurprised, and that thats an attitude that explains a whole hell of a lot that people write into this blog about, like flat wages, exploitative culture, and the constant fear of losing a job and not being able to afford food/exorbitant rent/anything else that was once upon a time attainable. As an Australian, I cannot fathom living life like this. So feel free to call in sick. My apartment building fails fire drills because we have false alarms EVERY GOSHDARN WEEK. Seven hours?! theres nothing we can really do about it, We can, but we wont, because US Americans generally refuse to take responsibility. Protagonist is South Asian or possibly Middle Eastern man who is meeting a woman for a date? LW, your boss has shown you who he really is. Active shooter, hurricane (southeastern state), chemical spill, fire. Having worked near a major train station in London, we had briefings on what to do in the event of a terrorist attack, invacuation training etc. I was forced to go through an active-shooter training despite protests, and when a group of us were able to push back as a group, I used the word consent a lot. My cousins little kids all speak so matter-of-factly about the drills. Its amazing how many men who dont know how makeup works will be like wow, are you okay, you look tired., Expectations around makeup in the office are unfair so I think its reasonable to use it to our advantage on occasion :P. My daughter had mono in HS and was going to talk to the guidance counselor to see if she could get out of quarterly tests I told her not to wear her makeup that day and she got out of those tests. This letter-writer already knows the most common-sense run-fight-hide advice. That is absurd. I have a hard time figuring out how a small company with no HR jumped to the conclusion they need to train for a mass shooter. Somake a call and tell them how your place is flooded with water and you need to fix itas soon as possible. Seven hour long training/drill? Thats just totally unreasonable. You can only use this one if its raining there. Otherwise, there is no harm in considering. also, to clarify, it needs to be an employment lawyer. As it is a work emergency,no one is going to know that you are bluffing. In the past 10 years, both employees and employers have recognized the importance of fostering a work-life balance. Im older woman, early 50s, white, living in Texas where no permit is needed to carry a gun. When I was at job from hell, looking at a full day meeting from hell that would solve nothing and put me in a similar place to the OP, I seriously considered getting takeout with my allergen in in, dramatically puking in a trashcan, and leaving for the evening/next day. We still have not done a full security training or, to my knowledge, incorporated safety training into new hire onboarding. he is not a nice guy. They say that the time for RST has passed. If you needed proof that these idiots have not clue, this is it. Its pretty clear from the letter that it is an all day training. Most mass shootings happen at schools or venues where there are a lot of people because the shooter wants notoriety. Seven hours of active shooter training for ordinary office employees? I was lucky enough not to have to go through them, although they do make us watch online training videos at my job now once per year. The good news is that shameless excuses exist. Most units require at least a month notice, but the sooner the better when it comes to requesting to be excused from drill. And if that fool makes another joke, look him in the face and say Did you just try to joke about me being murdered to save yourself? There is no generational excuse. Seven hours with comfortable clothing can only mean a drill that could be appropriate for law enforcement to have the muscle memory of what to do and where to go. According to the United States Census Bureau, around 13 million workers in the United States have more than one job. SEVEN HOURS? Some say that it is helpful to have even a few seconds of warning, and that the sound should be loud and trigger serious caution. You have a family emergency. Updated: Monday, March 20, 2017. 10 Reasons Why You Should Work From Home Today! Good Reasons to Call Out of Work (Physical Jobs) 1. The trainings I have had have been locally-created garbage not based on evidence. What's a Good Excuse To Tell Your Boss Not to Work on the Weekends? Hey [Name], sorry I can't make your party tonight. I think it varies both person to person and generationally. Youre very charitable in your interpretation of dark humor, for me thats a line that shouldnt be crossed. 2. This scenario sounds like the boss just wants to live out some of his first-person shooter video games and wants to drag everyone along with him, regardless as to their comfort level with shooting games. But last summer I had to attend one of these trainings at work (though much shorter) and I completely melted down. Take the day off if you can call in sick if you need to. There is no active shooter education for the workplace that should take seven hours, unless maybe if your workplace is law enforcement or something where you will be the ones actually dealing with a shooter. ****WARNING FOR SENTENCES BELOW*****. Just call in sick that day. I was rather pleased when, about six months after I quit, my favorite former coworker mentioned that theyd installed motion sensors to replace the timer switches. It was horrendous to experience. And we allow guns! 11. Its just telling the kids that if a lockdown gets announced, then we lock this door, hide here, be quiet, the door handle will get tried by the headteacher, and this is the announcement that its over. Whatever. Wish me luck! It is such nonsense. 2. Reading your letter, I immediately jumped to the call out sick recommendation. the vast majority of these trainings rely on terrorizing people and teaching absolutely nothing of practical value other than you sure might get shot at work! My library system makes staff watch Active Shooter Training videos each year, but theyre just videos. Between 2014 and 2015, about 62.6 million people volunteered through an official organization, and many more did so privately. Just try to get through it and then enjoy your weekend! The builder is intuitive. Ive got a serious case of womens issues. Ill clear my head first, get in a better place and come to the next one. No. I have ptsd. If you have a family or work obligations that conflict with your drill weekend, there are a few ways that you can get out of it. Im surprised at the number of commenters who seem to reject calibrating reptilian-brain thinking. Its all for workplace harmony and best if everyone signs onto it rather than facing the truth. Thats about all you can do to prepare for such a horrifying, unpredictable event. Im just old enough to have gotten out of high school with very minimal active shooter type worries. They are known to induce anxiety in participants, and theres no evidence that they really help much if you find yourself in an actual active shooter situation. There are some heinous examples of training going terribly because it is just some random person throwing a stupid plan together with no idea what theyre doing. (Unless maybe it was kitty snuggling trainingmight be up for 7 hours of that.). This! I mostly worked the busy evening shift anyway because I was at college during the day, so there was always someone else who could go instead of me. The answer is maybe. It's easy to learn and can be used by non-developers to create amazing websites. I have no polite words about your boss. That would be my guess too, but we cant know. Thankfully events like this are never mandatory at my job, so its unlikely to come up. (That said, I worked at Planned Parenthood and we had bomb scares, which I know isnt the same but was pretty creepy until we realized it was the same wingnut calling in the threats from hundreds of miles away.). But in my opinion, your older colleagues have ZERO excuse for not empathizing with your concerns. Working too much will cause you to burn out, which will be detrimental to your productivity and mental health. My parent had been at FEMA for a minute & half before being sent to Katrina to provide IT support. What are they planning for 7 hours? Im in my late 40s and Columbine happened very late in HS for me so I must admitId be a person who would not have anticipated this reaction. I was irate several years ago when I found out an unqualified emergency management person made his own active shooter drill video and sent it to all staff at my agency. Id feel the same way. 1,614. And if you are not looking up for one, have a detailed conversation with him. Agree. Relax away. Even though technically I graduated from HS pre-Columbine, guess what? But something I didnt consider is that these were only done virtually due to Covid, meaning there was nothing to act out, you were just meant to talk over with your coworkers/students how you would act. Worst case is the unit will code a SM an "A" for excused. Once I had to go down there to switch to a new bag of soda concentrate, which took a lot longer than usual. For this office, I would avoid a mental health day and really focus on something physical. Seven hours at work, doing not-work how much of a backlog will there be the next day? No job is worth your life. But the other options could be better in some situations. That said, there is a little bit of the risk involved because either you will end up making them feel bad or you will actually have to leave your house if they say yes. Definitely. date went to be described later to the party host. See, thats what I wonder about. as a manager, should I not wear a childless shirt in my off-hours? As someone who has been in an active shooter situation all the training you do doesnt mean anything when the threat is real and all that training is going to do is disrupt the workday and traumatize employees. ] (which is, essentially, the adult version of the fire drill) and an active shooter drill (which, in my understanding, usually implies some level of re-enactment beyond what Ellis Bell (the teacher above) was describing as lockdown drills at school). Not-really-jokes aside, call in sick. Welcome to teaching in America! Separately, my cousins kid came home from kindergarten sobbing because she thought a drill was an actual shooter event. I really hope this changes some day in the US. Career success is just inches from your hands. By 4pm, societal standards really will have done all the work for you. Look after yourself. Call or text the host andtellthemthat your pet isnot very well,andyouhave to take them to thevet. Some of them screamed when the police and campus security came in with the biggest freakin guns I have ever seen. If its that long Im going to insist that they outline their full plan for workers compensation, life insurance beneficiary process etc in the event of an active shooter situation. Heres my example: I was working the midnight shift in a chain retail pharmacy. Im 38 now and I still think about that day with anxiety and sadness. In the military, missing 4 hours of a required training equals one unexcused absence. And where the training is done by people who are professionals *in the topic they are training*. Im so sorry you had to go through that. should I tell my coworker about our colleagues criminal record, I deeply regret joining my companys leadership program, and more, my company is cutting my overworked teams pay as punishment for mistakes. 2) Bring snacks and drinks with you so you dont get hungry or thirsty during drill. I can barely handle our yearly training video on this let alone a full day. Did no one think any of this through? Just flat out no. Plus,no one wants to hear the details. I think practicing repeating whatever line works for you, to avoid being needled by him about it in future, might be worthwhile. Sadly, its not a very exclusive club. Dont worry about not looking tough. and Youre Currently Waiting to Be Rescued by Your, make a call and tell them how your place is flooded with water and you need to fix it. I think Im about same age as you. 1. Everyone is tired of climbing down multiple floors of stairs to stand outside in the cold in their pajamas. Its about 80% victim-blaming) with an actual drill, andI would not be able to. Im late to the post, but you dont even have to be a kid for it to be all you know. My workplace does building-specific workplace shooter training and it lasts maybe 30-45 minutes tops. After last years training, TPTB had to send out an email noting that something the trainer suggested was against the systems safety standards, so theres that. and stick to your story. by Nope, apparently were supposed to magically ignore our actual needs as well as whether you can actually do any of this running and hiding in the building/area we work in. If you felt deeply about every shooting you hear about as you did about the first, youd be in a padded room. Seven hours?! All The Best Squid Game Memes For Those Still Reeling After That Twist Ending My apartment building has so many drills (false alarms) that maybe 12 people out of 102 units (some with 2 people, so more than 102 tenants) bother to evacuate when the alarms go off in the apartment AND hallway. However, the opt out usually looks like being told ahead of time what will happen and standing with a non involved officer rather than participating. If you're looking to develop your communication skills for professional environments even further, we think youll like the following video course from LinkedIn Learning. His work has been featured in Medium, WikiHow and Chron and is currently authoring his new book on overcoming procrastination and achieving goals. No sense in reminding them of the futility of it all on a monthly basis as well. You also get children with really poor emotional regulation (like, toddler level) and they absolutely need the practice. Hey Ive gotta drive to [Insert Town/College Name] to pick up [Insert Your Siblings Name] [Insert the Party Date]. Creating an outer impression of niceness is not that hard if a person has halfway decent social skills. This is considered a valid excuse and your commander should work with you to find an alternate solution . Theyll know all the doors to block, all the hiding spots, all the weapons to hide. (Or maybe youcan!). I am not sure why the school wanted you to do this, but the drills are a regular thing for Emergency Services. I had been there. Show you videos of mass shootings and discuss what you should do compared to what the victims did. He might be trying to joke, of course, but. As one robber was walking me from the back of the store to the front, with a gun in my ribs, I managed to remain calm enough to figure out how to not get taken out of the store as a hostage. https://www.everytown.org/solutions/active-shooter-drills/. Its a 5-7 minute trip (if youre sprinting) to the nearest building with one of those. Each year the US Bureau of Labor Statistics releases its data on volunteering in the United States. My kid survived by diving under their desk and huddling there, shaking, as the shooter stalked the room looking for more targets, listening to the screams of their colleagues who had been shot, and expecting to die in the crossfire once law enforcement arrived. Good luck! I would say that the same principles apply as the LW. Unqualified boobs who didnt even notify local law enforcement they were going to do this. Some people either dont want any gun laws modified as they think that is the start of taking away all gun rights and also now there is such hatred for the political partyso their representatives vote against it. Not because she is a cold person (quite the opposite) but because its as common in the States as hearing about a traffic accident in Australia. Some of them can be a lot of fun if the team already works well together, but I dont think any of them are useful if the team dynamics are bad. Its super stressful and also completely irrelevant- I work in retail, we dont even have doors that latch, let alone offices to hide in or barricade. Ive never been through any kind of shooter drill. They just notified me on July 24 of this change. excuses to get out of drill weekend - shantisrl.com Im so sorry youre in this position, OP. Weve had enough fires in our building (five during 2020-2021) that everyone knows the fire sprinklers go off and the big problem is flooding. For context, I work at a facility that stores large quantities of hazardous materials. Shop hundreds of premium Divi products like Divi child themes, Divi layouts, and Divi plugins on Divi Cake, the community-driven Divi Marketplace. A FULL DAY training is incredibly excessive and triggering, unless you think people dying is funny. 1. The one I attended was for an outbreak of Avian Flu. 30 Good Reasons To Call Out Of Work - Rigorous Themes If you miss a drill weekend, there are a few things that could happen. I also grew up in the earlier era of school shootings, before they did things like training for kids. I empathize. Theyd just experienced one in their community. Sotraveling, without one, is not a good option even if traveling means going across two blocks. its kind of a variant on calling in sick but honestly, recruiting a trusted accomplice is what i would do. The younger ones did. Mass shootings have been happeing for years im sure he remembers sandy hook, Virginia Tech, etc. It was brief, watch the video and discuss. Is it even living, or is it just surviving? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Amazing- they hire someone to assess risk, then ignore what they have to say about risk to staff in the lobby. Well I thought a good excuse would be to call in sick which I did. If you have a valid reason, such as work or school, you can request an exception to miss a drill weekend. Forcing people to pretend theyd died???? College is a priority. I guess they need more real time training. The site ate my previous post, so Ill do a shorter version. Because its unnecessary. Take this as the valuable information about him that it is and think about how long youre willing to work for someone who is totally okay with causing you this kind of harm. But that was just about 30 minutes, not anything we had to actually do. (gag). 4 You have religious obligations . The vultures swoop in when a shooting takes place, pretending to offer support as they build their trauma resumes and then move on to profit from death, offering lockdown training and recovery services. When staff brought this and other safety concerns to upper management, these were brushed away, even though 1) they hired the trainer to come and say these things, and 2) we had violent threats and probably at least 1 or 2 lockdowns per year. They dont have to be genuine for you. I had a panic attack, because I couldnt remember where the nearest light switch was, and because the space was such a labyrinth I couldnt see any of the emergency exit signs. Who should I talk to for that?, If he mocks you or implies youre a delicate snowflake, consider saying: You and I are coming to this with a very different frame of reference. elizabeth baptist church pastor oliver. 3. If you have a doctors note stating that you are too ill to participate in drill, this is a valid excuse. #1 "I Have A Headache" A headache isn't severe enough to render you useless for a long period of time but it's bad enough that it'll get you out of a social engagement. Now that my eldest is in school, I am grateful every day that I married a British man and moved to his hometown. This one will go prettywell,butwait! In my city, people would probably worry (justifiably) that the helicopter was there to shoot and/or deport them. He likely is superficially affable, but what you have related is not at all the speech of a nice person. Calm combines extracts from fascinating neurological research with wisdom from history's great thinkers and the real-life experiences of individuals across the globe. Bomb threats were a constant fact of life. Career success can be easy only if you know how. No matter how frequent people use it,this one never gets old. I know many of them are probably fine, but many are also horror themed. CLICK HERE to get your copy of Sorry I'm Late, I Didn't Want to Come from Book Depository. Could we catch up at a less hectic week? Take care of yourself! And honestly, shes been doing them her whole life in school. For most permanent types of employment, workers in the United States are entitled to between 10 and 14 days of paid vacation per year. Just another site. Copyright 2007 - 2023 Ask A Manager. They are not going to find out; unless they know your father very well. Here are the best way you can write a professional email at work! Our wallet holdsall ofour important things, including cash, id, and credit cards. excuses to get out of drill weekend 9 Foolproof Excuses To Get Out Of Your Weekend Plans - Junkee excuses to get out of drill weekend Follow us. I hope youre well. Heck, my dad worked in the Pentagon post 9/11, D.C. Sniper, and Virginia Tech and threat training was like an hour. I work in a large hospital. Thanks for that i now have the Byker Grove theme tune stuck in my head, which made me think of 90s Ant and Dec and now ive also got Lets Get Ready to Rumble looping around in my stupid, sleep-deprived brain! The entire video was him sitting in an empty conference room talking. You're Sick 2. And the best part is that no onedoubts them a pinchbecause they all sound so real, dont they? Minus the psychodrama? I feel similarly to the O0: If it had been an active shooter drill I would have eaten the takeout. Here are some of the films they are showing. Everyone knows how to call 911. When I voiced my concerns, he made a few jokes about how he would simply redirect the shooter to a younger person.. And if my boss gave me grief about it Id jump straight to calling a lawyer and what should OP say to this lawyer? Yeah, plans with MYSELF to do nothing but LIE ON THE COUCH with a family size packet of LIGHT & TANGY CHIPS. Look, Im a school employee, a military brat, and an LEO wife. My 18 year old brother called me in a panic because his girlfriend was in one of the buildings they thought the shooter was in, and Im pretty sure the panic in his voice is going to stay with me for the rest of my life. Im gobsmacked. I think we had more on a Friday afternoon at 3 PM, but we also have them at 11 PM and other times the office is closed. The OP could ask about if theyve done day long trainings on other disasters and how those were handled if that would make a difference, but Im guessing theyd need to opt out regardless. They are not going to find out; unless they know your father very well. is not a good option even if traveling means going across two blocks. But since you happen to be the person who. It doesnt need to replicate the emergency as realistically as possible. This is a great excuse becauseit instills a sense of panic within the person youre cancelling on. Because somebody who had no business owning a gun was able to get one, I almost died. Maybe Congress should have active shooter drills, too. It involved bringing in all the relevant gov/emergency departments that would get called if the situation was real (so chemical spill scenario was complete with fire trucks) and we didnt have the agenda ahead of time because it was being externally coordinated. The trainings have been optional. I grew up in an era when everything American was super cool and aspirational. About 12 years ago I was medical director of an inpatient facility and we had a family member come in with a holstered gun visible. I also doesn't hurt that our founder has a little store on there Donating to Never the Right Word willhelp us produce more free content. Ive had to listen to presentations or watch video training on this throughout my career, and I always thought wouldnt an employee or student who became an active shooter have gone through this training too? 3. When you look back on yourself even 6 months from now, youll be glad you did. Practicing locking doors/closing windows, leaving the building like in a fire drill, knowing how your employer sends out emergency info and the basics of what to do are perfectly sufficient and are applicable in many situations. they understand that all you need to do is stay in bed (and watch a movie you just bought). this situation is hard enough without your boss being insensitive. Where the repetition is frequent, not annually at best. My high school teachers kept hammers and baseball bats in the classrooms and told us where they were when we did ALICE days. In 2019 Never the Right Word was born to fill the gap of how-to websites with copy and paste examples showing you EXACTLY what you need to say to steer difficult conversations into positive outcomes. Combine that with the militarization of police, and these trainings are an abusive nightmare. You Have a Doctor's Appointment 3. But I totally have done it when I wasnt feeling great. Its similar to gallows humor. If someone has a heart attack in my vicinity, I can call emergency services or run a few hundred yards to get the defibrillator, but someone else will have to start CPR. Ask for Forgiveness, Not Permission: The best way to be convincing when calling or emailing for a sick day is to TELL them you're ill and cannot come in, rather than asking if it's okay. Its also an opportunity for leaders to get some valuable hands-on time with their troops. It wasnt all employees that attended, but a large number of people were part of it. You can go the formal accommodations route. we had to watch those run-hide-fight videos at the old job and the entire time Im like how is this going to work for us. I have a perfect non-attendance record for the last 10 years of active shooter training at my firm. Work from home dont only give you the benefit of only flexible working time and let you sleep a little later than normal. Dear god I have done this too.
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