I attend an IFB church. Find an Independent Baptist Church Near You For IFB churches, most use this as a baseline in their giving with II Cor 9:7 for guiding in the heart of giving. But wouldnt Paul himself, or the original church to whom the letter was sent, count as outside authority and control? But if your wife and daughters are dressing immodestly to draw attention to their bodies, theyre not dressing in a Christ-honoring way Im looking forward to laughing at more of your comments. 2. Fundamental.org - King James, Fundamental, Independent Baptist Resources Please excuse me. My responsibility is to preach the Word. He was talking about ceremonial law not moral law I think you are confusing those two. For an example there is Patrick of Ireland. 2 Timothy 2:15, Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Independent KJV Baptist Churches Seeking Pastor | Facebook Like I alluded to earlier most folks dont study their bible, and many do so with preconceived ideas, please have a look at your churchs stance on these issues according to scripture and see if Thomas Campbell is right about these things. When and Where Was the First Recorded Baptist Church in History, The Beginnings of the Baptists in America, https://www.wayoflife.org/free_ebooks/hyles_effect.php, http://www.wvec.com/news/local/INSIDE-A-NAKED-CHURCH-85062392.html, You Might Be an Independent Fundamental Baptist if, Broad Stroking and Sweeping Generalizations Fallacy, Harold Camping Fails to Predict the Rapture, The 10 Commandments of the Independent Fundamental Baptists, 92-Year-Old Woman Kicked Out of Church for not Tithing. 14) before the Lord Jesus announced the coming establishment of the ekklesia. (Matt 16:18). I chose to focus on the doctrine of separation as typically understood by Independent Baptists (I was one). Read all (mor ethan on epost under name Lynne). That local body of baptized believers would be as valid a true New Testament church as any church Christ ever founded. This is the biggest wrong teaching of the Churches of Christ, although you have lots of company in this wrong belief, it is still wrong teaching. And that homeless man that shows up every few weeks may have truly accepted Christ in the past, but events of life led to his downward spiral. A couple of things to consider here, first he was speaking to Pharisees, and they were in fact still under law. Bob Just want to commend you on how clearly you are able to elucidate on a given topic, Im envious. It was horrible. A prime example of the dangers of belonging to a convention is seen in the apostate Southern Baptist Convention. So, obligating someone to feel like they mustis not I believe what God wants. I know of no place in scripture where a tithe is ever money! No one I have ever talked to or debated can show me that money is ever to be considered a tithe. Again Im not sure what the Word of God sais about dress. There are plenty of church members that disagree with the preacher on many topics. My Sunday school teacher and I have discussed the music issue and we both agree that there is nothng wrong with contemporary Christian music (I do believe some of it lifts up flesh rather than Jesus, though). Please scroll down to find a list of articles for your convenience. Christians should be recognized by their love for Jesus and one another. Im surprised but shouldnt be by now that folks know so very little about their respective churches/traditions, most just sit in the pew and simply repeat what their pastor has told them, never checking and studying for themselves, what thus saith the Lord You act so surprised that I questioned you about which Church of Christ you were referring to, do yourself alittle favor and have a look at wikipedias lists of Churches of Christ First and foremost I wanted to make sure you werent referring to the The Church of Christ of Latter Day Saints which is a flat-out cult. For instance, if I was regularly wearing a swim suit or Scooby Doo costume to any Church I would probably be asked to Change into something more appropriate. We are not under law, but under grace. (Hebrews 4:15-16 and 10:19-22) Despite his views he was made the pastor of the church in Salem. Robert Fry Pastor of Bible Baptist Church in Plattsburgh, NY Deception, 75. Tithing was never supposed to be for the maintenance of the house of God. Secondly, they believe in a clergy/laity distinction by ordaining so-called Pastors. This is not found in scripture. Many churches were organized in the following years. She and another church lady had this discussion and the other lady said that to her it is a bigger sin to stay in an abusive, unloving marriage such as the one my mother was in, and I agree whole heartedly. Bottom line, tithing was commanded for Jews under Law. (See also Gal. It is the Lords tithe, and God chose to use his tithe in the OT and in the NT for the maintenance of the priesthood (those that are called out for the specific service of God in ministering to the Lord and to the people on behalf of the Lord) and the maintenance of the house of God a place wherein Gods people assemble for the purpose of worship (honoring) the Lord. In the Midst of Infighting, Anti-LGBTQ Church Network's Website and It should be free. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . The Anabaptists were mostly a God-fearing group of people. They were in fact churches founded on the same New Testament principles that modern day Baptists traditionally founded their churches. I do dislike what seems to be human effort in trying to do what only the Spirit of God can do through a clear presentation of the word of God. One of the last acts of the Presbyterians, before the Long Parliament in England fell, was to past a law passing the death penalty on anyone who was caught holding to what they called Eight Errors in Doctrine. These doctrines included infant baptism. HARVEY ND 58341 (701) 324-4415 CH/HM. These first Baptist churches formed in England were Armenian in theology, which taught that all men could be saved. No words could console. An interesting read. However, history does not record even one Anabaptist group or church becoming or founding a Baptist church. I dont understand the context of your comment. New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist churches (also known as the New IFB) or officially the New Independent Fundamental Baptist Movement are an association of conservative, King James Only, independent Baptist churches. The Great Awakening stirred religious interests in the colonies and a reported great revival took place. Its the phraseology itself that one calls into question as being logical or illogical. . Anyone not holding Episcopal ordination was forbade to hold services. All Independent Baptist Church The Road to Emmaus Baptist Church - Monaca, PA No Reviews Favorite Claimed? @Saved By Grace They dont tell us what to wear more than any other church. They would probably be allowed in this Church though called Ivor Church: Some IFB are good fellowships, some Plymouth Brethren Open) are good fellowships..etc. This kind of power is frightening to meet with. Henry Jacob. What gets my goat on this style of preaching is that as much as these baptists act as though they follow nothing but the scripture, it seems they dont read it or study it much. What does this have to do with our discussion? @greg If someone wanted to Tithe down to a tenth of all they owned & sell or give value of itIm sure they could. Lynne, He continued to read the New Testament, and became fully aware that infant baptism, sprinkling for baptism, and allowing unsaved people to be members of the church was not Scriptural. We hope it will be a blessing to you. - Truth and Song I recently read an article essentially asking this same question, What's Wrong With the Independent Fundamental Baptists? [CDATA[ Under grace we can give as much as we like. Surely, no church that practiced false doctrine, as many of these groups did, can in truth be called a Baptist church. The validity of a church as being a true Biblical New Testament church does not rest in it ability to show an unbroken line of succession from the time of Christ. We are a local New Testament church reaching the Phoenix area with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Select church size. The pastor is a self-taught, good man. We believe that Jesus is the only one who can reconcile us to God. You CANNOT be loving either if you are refusing to render unto the Lord that which is his, and this includes tithing. To only teach from the New Testament and ignoring the old is not using the whole Word of God. Sorry to tell you, but youve been deceived. But still, I think if I wanted to lead Worship wearing Just a speedo I probably would not be allowed to do this in most Churches. Lack of pastoral accountability is not the problem. He mentions a man named William Sawtre, who was identified as a Lollard and Baptist, was the first person burned at the stake after Henry IVs 1400 AD decree to burn heretics. @greg It tried to explain and figure out why IFB churches seem to be drying up and closing their doors. If the staff at Costa Mesa accepts the person, he becomes an affiliated clergyman in a global network led by Chuck Smith.. But rather than ordaining ourselves mini-Holy Spirits we need to be faithful in our teaching, we need to teach repentance, and we need to leave the conviction of sin, righteousness and judgement to Almighty God. And Im so glad for the Great Is Thy Faithfulness versefavorite song! I attend an Independent Baptist church and Ill answer your questions The KJV is a wonderful translation and very valid for its time, and you, like many others love it for its beautiful shakesperean english. Would you agree with me on this? A new church opened their doors here recently, stating they are an IFB church. After taking in many of their services and listening to the self-ordained Pastor, and now reading this article, Ive come to some conclusions. We also have a man that shouts Amen as well. They were then tarred and feathered and ran out of the county. Well originally Abraham initiated giving a tenth of his to the priest in the Melchizdeak order which was a type of Christ I believe. PO BOX 292. Independent Baptist Directory of Churches It is in fact Gods Word in 17th century english. The Independent Baptist believes that to join with churches who teach and practice false doctrine is condone and even show approval of Biblical error and that all doctrinal error is sin. After working for a few hours in our home, the Dish tech stopped working and looked at me asking, Am I correct in believing this is a Christian home I am working in? I said yes. As for relating to other denominations and Catholocs, I believe that that is also harmful if one is not strong enough in their faith. In 1688 a Baptist church was organized at Pennepeck, Pennsylvania with twelve members. First anytime a mans name is attached to a system of theology my antennae go way up, think Campbell, Calvin, Arminius, Smith etc. watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it Although we gladly accept donations offered it is not required. @greg The best illustration of this point can be made this way. Independent Baptist Directory of Churches. I think I already addressed that point. God alone has that authority and He in the person of the Holy Spirit brings conviction and salvation to those who in simple faith believe. The Revolutionary War for some time slowed the growth of Baptist churches. VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH. She eventually left because my uncle (divorced numerous times himself), rode her case about it. Lynne, That is just my pointyou I fear are dedicating a almost hate site for this denomination when its no reason tovs just warning sagnist all bad behavior. 17 And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man . Its nothing personal, just logic. The Trinity: God is one What and three Whos with each Who possessing all the attributes of Deity and personality. Clearly, he was banished because he believed in religious freedom and believed and taught the New Testament was a believers sole source for his faith and practice. He spoke aganist them leaving the others things undone. He began by baptizing himself and then baptizing ten other members. For example inn Isle of Wight county in southeastern Virginia, Baptist preachers were taken to Nansamond River, nearly drowned by Episcopalians to show their contempt for Baptists beliefs in immersion and their rejection of infant Baptism. Baptists strongly insist that Gods Word is not up for arbitration or subject to the individuals, groups, denominations or churchs private interpretation. Thus, the name independent means that the church patterns itself after the New Testament example and stands alone under the authority of the Bible. Of all my favorite things to do now that Im out of that situation, is raise my hands and praise my precious Saviour when He stirs my heart. Pagan temples became the meetinghouses for Christians. Rome, then hired unregenerate pagan priests as Christian ministers. G.L. 13:8-10). You are correct, I was surprised. I think it is true that God certainly does choose people and draw them to Himself. A logical fallacy stands alone whether in or out of context. Enter city. I posted my last post like 3 days ago and it just came up recently. 16:18, concerning preserving the institution of the local church, that even the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Doctrinally sound New Testament churches have always existed from the time of Christ and the Apostles until today. This would explain the abrasiveness with which you deliver what should be the most joyous information of the Gospel of Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. His resources are free from this sight. Sure the new testament is important but so is the old testament. I am personally done with religion If asked what religion I am, my standard answer is christian even though I am still attending a little Baptist Church. God leads us as we depend upon the Holy Spirit and keep His Word. In other areas Baptist churches were being formed about this same time. I am a musician, so really wouldnt be very content in a church where I couldnt play an instrument and never did go there, except to attend her funeral. We are an old-fashioned, independent, fundamental, King James Bible only, soul-winning Baptist church. Greetings, Ivor Church is the only one I know of where you can virtually come as you are. He records that five hundred others who were identified as Anabaptists were also killed in England during this period. He soon embraced Separatists ideas and decided to leave England. It is my conviction that this is contrary to the very foundation of what is a true New Testament church. In my civilian life..and please do pray for our military..I am very honored to serve as Senior Pastor of Coral Ridge in Jacksonville (FL). Tithing is still a required act in obedience just like loving the Lord thy God and loving thy neighbor as thyself is. Heb 13:17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they The Presbyterians took over the job of persecution biblical believers and forbade Knolleys from preaching in parish churches. Those soldiers they so casually curse gave their life so that these wannabe BLM or ANTIFA buttinskies could spew their hate at those who defended their freedoms. http://www.wvec.com/news/local/INSIDE-A-NAKED-CHURCH-85062392.html. Thousands of Southern Baptist Churches didn't baptize a single convert last year. Some Baptist churches believe in a succession of Baptist churches who passed down the authority to baptize and give the Lords Supper. I heard an absolutely beautiful message, very uplifting, of course no singing, (Btw I like acapella singing, no biblical reason for it though) also didnt talk about baptism that day. I appreciate your response, I am especially glad to hear that your mother has returned to the church. This church was not founded on a man, but on the Bible. I thought that this was the passage you were referring to. History records the members of this Baptist church went back to England or remained in Holland and joined Mennonites. What's Wrong with the Independent Fundamental Baptists - Truth and Song It bases its belief in the New Testament teaching that every believer is a priest to himself, having full excess to God without the need to go through a church, church leader or priest. Thank you for your help! I think that you should go kill your children. I would directly compare doctrine and practices using scripture to make the assertion which is correct. I respect a church that weloclmes being a part of my tithe but does not mandate that I do. They reject the efforts of the many who spiritually interpret the Scriptures, placing hidden or specially revealed meanings to the words of the Bible. I sat next to this mans bed for hours as he screamed in agony and torment. v-43 Stop grumbling among yourselves, Jesus answered. Find a Church | IndependentBaptist.church We preach modest clothing (unfortunatly most of the girls at my church dont adhere to it in that they wear skirts that expose all but a few inches of the upper leg). KJV Church Directory. Join us for lively old-fashioned singing, fellowship, (and yes!) Off the top of my head, I can think of 7-8 divorced couples in our church right now (and we only have around 150 in regular attendance)
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